YAAC was developed as an accessible and useful tool that acts as a general-purpose client application for accessing the APRS Amateur Radio.
YAAC is an open source Java-based software that can be used to access the Automatic Packet Reporting System network over radio links / Internet.








YAAC 2022 Crack is an automatic packet reporting client that allows you to send automatic packet reports and receive automatic packet reports in real time. YAAC can be used to send packet reports from any radio or computer that has access to a YAAC server. A YAAC server is defined as a collection of radio links to which Yaac clients are connected. YAAC servers can be operated by an individual or by a club, or even by a central station.
YAAC uses Java as its base technology. A Java Runtime Environment is automatically loaded when the Yaac client is first installed and starts running. Yaac clients, for example an IMRS client and a Yaac server, talk to each other using the Yaacs protocol. The Yaacs protocol is implemented as a network protocol (IP).
YAAC features:
Yaacs version 2 (YAACv2)
Server and client versions are available for both Windows and Linux.
YAACv2 is YAAC working with a couple of new features.
There are two Yaacs versions, yaacs 0.5 and yaacs 1.0
YAACv2 has a new GUI that is much more user friendly.
YAACv2 can send packet reports in the formats ASE, ASI, APDU, ASC, EAPD, and ECRC.
YAACv2 can be used with a Yaacs server, a Yaacs client, or both.
YAACv2 has been tested with Linux, Windows, BSD, and Mac OS X.
YAACv2 supports both multicast and unicast YAAC server to client communication.
YAACv2 is limited to 250 packets per Yaacs protocol packet, or 250 kb/s.
YAACv2 has a search function for Yaacs servers, and a search for Yaacs clients.
YAACv2 can be used with Windows and Linux Yaacs clients.
YAACv2 can use Yaacs servers that run on Windows or Linux, and Yaacs servers that run on other platforms.
YAACv2 uses a Client/Server architecture. The Yaacs Client is the client application, and the Yaacs Server is the server application. Yaacs client and server have to be installed on the same computer.
YAACv2 has a built-in Java logger.
YAACv2 is a RADICAL program. Yaacs clients are RADICAL clients. Yaacs servers are RADICAL servers. Yaacs clients

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YAAC is a Java program, written by APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) developers to help to quickly create client programs for accessing the APRS network, to help streamline the work of developing and deploying such programs.
YAAC also provides a GUI and a curses interface for adding and removing stations and sending and receiving messages.
How to Use it:
YAAC can be used via command line or via a web browser.
To run a YAAC command line program:
$ java -jar yaac.jar (YN)
$ java -jar yaac.jar com1

To run a YAAC GUI program:
$ java -jar yaac.jar -gui

The parameters of the program can be set using either the GUI or command line.
To set the parameters of a program:
$ java -jar yaac.jar -c

YAAC allows the user to send and receive messages in either ASCII or packet (NMEA) format. The program allows the user to toggle between the two formats using either the yAAC command line program, or using the yAAC GUI program.
To change the packet format of a program:
$ java -jar yaac.jar -c -packet

YAAC contains a YAAC_PACKET_TEST program, which can be used to check that the software and the hardware will work together.
Packet testing is achieved using the following command-line parameters:
-d 1
-a PPSR.25

To send a test report to an APRS radio user with the YAAC GUI program:
$ java -jar yaac.jar -gui -packet ytest

To send a test report to an APRS radio user with the yAAC command-line program:
$ java -jar yaac.jar -packet ytest

YaAC allows the user to specify the format of the time field for receiving and sending messages. The following options are available:
$ java -jar yaac.jar -c -time (GPS)

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YAAC is a “KISS” system that is designed to be easy to use and to automate as many tasks as possible.
YAAC was designed to help Amateur Radio users and end-users who may have no programming experience to be able to add their own definitions and rules to make their Amateur Radio work with computers easily.
YAAC makes every ARPANET packet into a text string, and delivers the string to the end user.

At the same time, YaAC also sends all received packets as a text string to the receiving radio so that the end user can see them, even if the transmitting end is no longer on.
YAAC is based on the popular JTAPI utility, and was in the process of being incorporated with the JTAPI utility, when the project was closed.
YAAC is not affiliated in any way with the current development of JTAPI.

End users
The system has been primarily written for end users who have some programming experience to be able to add their own definitions and rules to make their Amateur Radio work with computers easily.

The main end user for YaAC is the end user of Amateur Radio who wants to easily use computers to control their amateur station. It offers end users (clients) the ability to view and modify all the packet information they receive.

The YaAC server offers a set of end users the ability to view and modify all the packet information they send.

The server side of YaAC is powered by a Linux machine which will receive all the text strings that come from the end user clients and will then send them back to the end user clients that request it.

The client side of YaAC is powered by a Java 1.2 or higher platform with the JTAPI utility installed.

YAAC is an easy-to-use, automated system. For end users that are novice or inexperienced with programming, YaAC comes in the form of a GUI which uses a text user interface to make things easy for end users to work with.

YAAC was developed by a team of software developers who have some programming experience but are not trained programmers.

YAAC source code
Although the YaAC server and client are open-source, the YaAC source code is not distributed to the public.

See also
List of Internet Relay Chat clients

External links
YaAC web site
YaAC description

What’s New In YAAC?

YAAC is designed to automatically create a log of APRS packets received by YAAC and other applications and is intended to be easy-to-use for first-time users. It is developed for Windows and can be run on computers running Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.
YAAC is a dual-mode client: it can be used either to access APRS broadcasts or to automatically create a log of APRS packets received by YaAC and other applications.
The YAAC software utilizes the YAAC/PC connection manager to establish a direct connection between the software and APRS-IS server.

YAAC can be used to automatically receive and log the APRS packets received by YaAC and can be used to automatically receive the APRS packets from up to 64 stations at one time. YaAC then displays the packets, their timestamp, signal level and position (if known), in a convenient way.
YAAC can also be used to automatically send APRS packets to stations that are connected to YaAC and/or other computers. YaAC can receive APRS packets from up to 64 stations at one time. YaAC then transmits the packets, their timestamp, and a control frame, to other stations.
YAAC can be used to automatically create a log file containing the APRS packets received by YaAC and other applications. The APRS packets are received and stored in the log file and the log file is periodically synchronized with APRS-IS. The log can be created automatically by selecting the check box and selecting a frequency and a time-window to receive packets.
YAAC can also be used to log the APRS packets received from selected stations and/or frequencies to a log file and then sent to the APRS-IS.
YAAC’s logging feature allows the user to create a log of APRS packets to log files in a given frequency, time-window, and (optionally) select individual stations. If a station (or frequency) is selected, YaAC will log the APRS packets received by YaAC and by the selected station to the log file.
YAAC can be used to receive all APRS packets from all stations and frequencies simultaneously (for more than 24 hours if no time-window is selected).

YAAC is a dual-mode client; YaAC will work with stations that are connected directly to YaAC, but will not work with stations that are connected through the YaAC/PC connection manager.
YAAC requires a computer to be configured with the YaAC/PC connection manager.
YAAC can only be used to receive and/or transmit APRS packets; YaAC cannot be used to query the APRS-IS.

YAAC is available to download at the APRS-IS website.

YAAC has been tested and is available at:


System Requirements:

Mac or PC
Minimum of 512 MB of RAM
1024 x 768 Display
Player is designed to be in the menu and in the game at the same time. When you load the game, Player is by default running on your desktop, you can use the settings in the game to change where Player is running.
On the Mac, I don’t have a clue. I run on a Mac Mini.
I used the “Install macOS” link on the Pirate’s Cove page to download Player.
