Many people tend to think that they are not a interesting target for Attackers, but thats where they are wrong. End-User systems are perfect for an Attacker to hide his trail and launch attacks from your System so he cant be traced back.
A Firewall offten doesn’t help against Attacks and it doesnt show you when an unknown attack is launched against your system if its directed at an port that is allowed to be accessed from the outside on the Firewall. Thats where the IDS comes into play.
It analyzes EVERY packet that your System receives over the LAN or WAN and if it detects suspicious behaviour, it will notify the Administrator and log the Data for future investigation.
Not only Attackers are a problem, but also automated software, Viruses and Worms which scan the internet for vulnerable Hosts to infect by first launching an Exploit against all Systems they find and then install backdoors on the compromised system and your host will start scanning itself for new targets.
Also a big problem for the computer industry are so called 0day Exploits which are bugs not known to the public and therefore noone can patch properly against such attacks. With Xray’s detection mechanisms it is possible to even spot some 0day exploits since it doesnt only look for specific patterns but also suspicious data that is contained in most exploit codes.
You want to be really secure? Then you need an IDS! Only a Firewall wont help much against attacks.







XRAY With Keygen [Updated]

XRAY is a state of the art Firewall solution. The Firewall monitors the LAN and WAN

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Hands-On is free online community management training for anyone who is interested in learning more about online community management.The UPS Learning Center is a FREE online resource for training on community management and social media. The UPS Learning Center is provided by UPS, a leader in sustainable packaging solutions. You are provided with 21 hours of online instruction, videos, quizzes, and resource links to help you get started.

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This is the latest post in a series of posts called, “Online Communities.”
This is the latest post in a series of posts called, “Online Communities.”
“Many online communities offer free tools or services to their users in the form of discussion forums, message boards and live chat. Typically, however, they reserve the ability to change the rules at any time without any notice. I am not talking about the kind of community that follows a basic set of rules, and if those rules are broken, then there are consequences. I am talking about a community that has a real working governance system. For example, the rules may be determined by the community’s founder and may not be changed without his or her approval. The Rules may be communicated openly to the entire community.” —


Are DIY Communities The Next Thing? (The Naked Polymath)

Are DIY Communities The Next Thing? (The Naked Polymath)

Are DIY Communities The Next Thing? (The Naked Polymath)

For more videos like this visit the Polymath Network or subscribe to the PolymathTV channel at:

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The System can also be managed by using the Web Interface. This interface gives you many basic security features such as:

Monitoring and management of your users and groups
Relay of alarms to your Administration
Monitoring and logging of System Traffic and Data Access
User Management
Note: All information you enter, is deleted after 30 seconds.



File Integrity Monitoring (FIM)

Key Logging (KL)

SSH logins are blocked for Administrators

Threat Detection and Sensitivity

Threat Evaluation

Compliance evaluation

Additional services can be enabled via the Interface


So, it is not necessary to be a Administrator to manage your System.



End User


PDF Password:

Anyone can download our software and have an opportunity to use it. There are no permanent costs as you only pay for the hours you use the software. The more time you use, the more protection you get.

A free trial is allowed. Once you have signed up, you can download the software, make a backup of the files and get familiar with it, while you test whether it is a good fit for your needs. You can use it without limitations for 30 days. Please notice, that your personal details are only visible when you have your user account logged in.

xray Ranks

Ranks are available at user level

End User

This user will use xray for a full month without restrictions


One minute login time (in the morning)


No login time


This user is checked using Robot every 10 seconds


Every 10 seconds (during active usage)


No robot


The Administrator can log in any time (from any place) and get immediate access to the System


No access


There is no details on the screen, but only the rankings on the statistics page

This page shows the results of the Attack Analysis and Threat Detection. This page only shows the result of the last check. You can continue to use the System from here. To do this, logout and login again.

Organizations are in the highly developed stage of their web application security. To support their organizations,

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[XRAY features]
Intelligent: XRAY is by far the most intelligent IDS out there. With it, you get the earliest warning about potential attacks. XRAY is fully capable of spotting attacks that are more than 6 hours old. The problem is that if the attack is too old it wont warn you about it because the system is unable to differentiate between “normal” traffic and attack traffic. So its up to you what you are willing to risk.
Thorough: XRAY analyzes every single packet entering and leaving your network and files. This ensures that you get the earliest warning about potential attack.
Detail: XRAY provides detailed information about all attacks detected. A simple listing of all “suspicious” activities and detailed information about all IP addresses involved.
Intelligent Network: With the “Intelligent Network”, XRAY gives you the best of both worlds. You can use your XRAY installed on a monitored computer system, which is able to notify you about attacks that are detected on that system, while using XRAY in a Virtual environment, which will notify you about attacks detected on all your systems on the monitored network. So you can protect yourself against attacks on a host and not on all your systems at the same time.
Multiple Targets: Unlike other IDS, XRAY monitors a single host at a time and not all your hosts at the same time. Therefore, you can use one XRAY on a host to protect it against a current and possibly future attack, while using the other XRAY on a host, which is not an attacker’s target, to protect you against any other current or future attacks.
You can also use multiple XRAYs on multiple target hosts if you want to monitor your entire network.
Intelligent Browser: XRAY gives you the best of both worlds again. You can use XRAY on a monitored computer system, which is able to notify you about attacks that are detected on that system, while using XRAY in a Virtual environment, which will notify you about attacks detected on all your systems on the monitored network. So you can protect yourself against attacks on a host and not on all your systems at the same time.
[XRAY configuration features]

What’s New in the XRAY?

XRAY is a unique real time Network based Intrusion Detection System that has several features that makes XRAY a noticable IDS. It is Java based with the ability to run on any platform (Linux, UNIX, Windows) XRAY is able to detect attacks on the following protocols TCP, UDP, ICMP and TCP over IP.

Local Network (LAN)



XRAY uses all Ports (21,22,23,25,53,80,123,137,389,445) and Protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP, TCP over IP) for the detection of Attackers. Furthermore XRAY uses the existing Network infrastructure to detect traffic that is near to you and not going to another place. XRAY builds up a database of the traffic that is going on your network and detects attacks against your network based on this information that it has.
XRAY uses all Device Types for the detection of Attackers (Windows based, Linux based, Apple Mac based, Windows Mobile based, Linux Mobile based, IPhone based, Android based…) and device type’s can be detected on devices like Switches, Firewalls, Routers, Modems, Routers/Modems, Routers/Modems (w/ L2TP), Bluetooth, WiFi Devices, Audio/Video devices, Printer’s, Fax Devices, Smart Phones,…
XRAY is not like some other Java IDS that only scans ports and patterns but analyzes the content itself in the packets. Once a successful attack has been detected, XRAY returns to you a notification of the attack.

Use XRAY for your application and network because its the best way to protect your systems from Attackers.

XRAY Features:

Detect multiple Attacks

Detect Attacks against all Ports

Detect Attacks against all protocols

Detect attacks against all Application Protocols

Detected traffic stored for later analysis (in case the attack was successful)

Detected traffic stored with the details (like Time, Target,…) so you can track it in your logs for later investigation

Detected traffic sorted by types

Real time alerts while an attack is occuring

Intrusion database to investigate Attackers later.

Now, Detect Attacks against a port? Why?

Everyone thinks: “Well, why to open ports? I have a Router-Firewall and all Ports are closed anyway”.
But thats

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10
Hard disk:
24 GB available space
Minimum System Requirements:
Windows 2000
1.8 GHz CPU
1 GB available space
Operating Systems:
Windows 7
Additional Notes:×16-office-toolbar-icons-7-00-crack-product-key-download-for-windows-2022-new/