WIRC Crack With License Code (April-2022)

wIRC Activation Code’s simple Java interface makes it easy to create your own
IRCd server and plug-ins. In addition, the support for loaded plug-ins
improves the reliability and performance of the server itself.

There are more than 20 modules that you can use with wIRC Crack. Some modules do more than others. There are:

chatroom, automatic channel autojoin
remove, links and domains
ircbot, bot performance
network, channels, hosts and users
irc, automatic joining, ban, kick, etc.
smiley, smiley support
text, nick name and user name (Cracked wIRC With Keygen has so called “automode”)

Part of the modularity is that you can write your own plug-ins and include them as a module within wIRC.

wIRC is written in java. Thus, if you’re working in a windows environment, there are some complications.
The author of wIRC says that that he will not support wIRC beyond JRE 1.5. So, you’ll be out of luck if you want to run the program on a older JRE.
wIRC requires Java 1.5. This may or may not be a good thing for you. If you are able to replace wIRC with something else, then that’s not an issue.


dircmp is a tool for determining what’s different about how a particular ircd operates. It allows you to find out if it’s using redirects or if it’s using multiple channels at once etc. I’ve found it extremely useful when I run into a config I don’t really understand. It’s also very fast (I once ran a test where I updated about 60,000 lines of code and took 2 minutes to run through dircmp, and it only reported one difference.)


Aircrack-ng was the only thing that I’ve heard of that does this. It’s also the only thing I’ve heard of that can do this on a live network.
It’s built on the idea that having an open source (or sold, as long as you get your money back) program that does this would be an excellent thing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was so kind of you to craft the perfect gift for me. I loved the way that the pieces of the puzzle came together as I put them together

WIRC Crack+ For PC

wIRC is a free, open-source IRC client written in java, and it’s official release date is November 10, 2003. It is based on the original, rather famous xirc (or one of it’s forks) – the xirc-1.0 branch – developed by windosme.net (which is unfortunately no longer active) and contains many of the features from that old version.


wIRC has the following features:


IRC Server Dialects: A variety of IRC server dialects are supported (CentOS, BitchX, initscripts, neon, pirc, pircII, sks, sks-1.2, sks-1.3, sks-1.4, uu, ircII, znc, znc-perl, znc-eir

Client Options: Will allow the user to specify how to connect to an IRC server

Communication Enhancements: various enhancements, especially for IRC servers (admin, nick, command, nick, voice, split, noob, autoconnect, noautoconnect)

Scripting Enhancements: 3D canvas scripting capabilities (depth value, pivot point, position, rotation, border & background color, x and y offset)

Plug-ins: various plugins can be loaded into wIRC through the use of a specific file extension.

Relevant Information

The makers of wIRC intended it to not be tied to one particular network (hence the name), and so it can run on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X (via xnu) and a number of other systems.

Like many IRC clients, wIRC uses the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol. It is written in java, and so will run on any platform that can support Java. Java 6 is required, but earlier versions may run as well.

Note: I cannot guarantee that wIRC will work with your IRC server of choice, but I promise that you will not be able to find a better client than this!

A good place to start with wIRC is by visiting the official wIRC page.

Hope you enjoy it!

What’s New in wIRC


New Build!


WIRC Free PC/Windows

wIRC is a small, fast and lightweight modular IRC client written in Java that focuses on
being simple to use. It uses a modular design to allow for the changing of parts of the
program without having to recompile the whole project.
wIRC Installation:
You can download wIRC from its homepage located at or on maven’s repos located at

It is important to unzip the archive on windows before doing anything.
You can install wIRC like so:
tar -zxvf wirc-0.9.5.tar.gz -C /path-to-some-directory
The final step may require you to adjust the permissions of files in your WIRC install directory.
Running wIRC
The final step is to run the wIRC binary with the -h (help) option to get help on the various
command line options:
java -jar wirc-0.9.5.jar -h
If you only want to launch the server window, use
java -jar wirc-0.9.5.jar -s
If you want to launch the server and then connect to it, use
java -jar wirc-0.9.5.jar -s -x ip
Command line options:
wIRC Server Options
s Specifies to run the server
x Specifies to run the server and to connect to it
wIRC Plug-in Options
wirc If you choose to use a GUI instead of a CLI, you will need this option to load your wirc gui
/path-to-plugin-data This is the directory where wIRC will load the gui plugin from. The plugin should be
in a location where it will not be overwritten by the wIRC server. Most programs on windows use
For more information on setting up the plugin, see:

If you want to move to other platforms, refer to the getting started guide:

wIRC CLI Options
-h Specifies to print this

What’s New In WIRC?

wIRC – Windows IRC Client

Feature Highlights:

Auto-detects IRC servers and channels (wIRC searches a list of servers and channels pre-configured by the user)
Supports files with filenames like:
– google.png
– :nick@google.com:/dir/file
– rbot@


System Requirements:

Trial Version
1. Windows XP SP2/Vista/7
