winKnocks is designed to be an encrypted port knocking application. The knock sequences are defined through XML files and the users specify: number of packets of each knock sequence, payload and header of each packet.


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WinKnocks Free [March-2022]

winKnocks is designed to be an encrypted port knocking application. The knock sequences are defined through XML files and the users specify: number of packets of each knock sequence, payload and header of each packet.
knock -n -p [payload]
Useful Parameters:
-n : Number of packets in the knock sequence.
-p : The type of packet. Currently we support:

User-info: The encrypted user-info payload. This is a generic payload for encryption. It does not have a particular use other than to be encrypted. It is generic.

Payload type: The file type to encrypt. The type must be a local file, a local link or a local samba share. It must be a local path or a relative path. A relative path must be prefixed with a /. A local file must be an.encrypted file or file.
local file
relative path
samba share

Payload: The data to be encrypted. The data may be any number of bytes. It is recommended to use zero bytes for the payload.

When using the -p parameter, you must specify the encryption key.
To define a new packet type use the following syntax:

More information on the syntax is available in the XML Configuration file
knock user-info /path/to/encrypted/user-info.encrypted=foo
knock user-info -p user-info /path/to/encrypted/user-info.encrypted=foo
knock user-info -p enp -p samba -p /path/to/encrypted/lib1.encrypted=foo
knock user-info -p enp -p qotu -p /path/to/encrypted/lib1.encrypted=foo
knock user-info -p enp -p samba -p local:encrypted/lib1.encrypted=foo
knock user-info -p enp -p qotu -p /path/to/encrypted/lib1.encrypted=foo
knock user-info -p enp -p samba -p /local/path/to

WinKnocks (2022)

KeyMacro is a plugin that provides you the ability to call predefined macros/knocks that you can define in an XML file. The user can specify the number of packets, the header/payload of each packet and which macro should be called to test which key. The Macro can provide you the results that you expect based on the key you specify.
How it works:
When the User specifies a macro, the macro will generate a specific number of packets that will be sent to the server using a UDP socket. The Server will decrypt the packets (using the configured client public key) and determine if the decryption was successful or not. If the decryption was not successful the Server will return a “False” response (Boolean). The response will be sent back to the User using a TCP socket. The User must then continue to use the MACRO to call that macro again. If the decryption is successful, then the user will see a “True” response (Boolean) from the server.
All of the packets are treated as a separate decryption and must be treated independently. If you have one decryption not working, it will not affect the other decryption packets.
The purpose of this Macro plugin is to help you test keys. This means that you define a number of keys and macros. The macros will test specific keys and return a number that is a True (decryption was successful) or False (decryption was not successful).
You define a macro:
numberOfPacket: 4
payload: 0x65
header: 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
and two keys:
numberOfPacket: 1
payload: 0x65
header: 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
numberOfPacket: 1
payload: 0x65
header: 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
Now we call the macro for the key1 and expect a response of True because the key1 was successfully decrypted.
KeyMacro.macro(0, 4, 0x65, 0x

WinKnocks Crack [Mac/Win]

winKnocks can be used to define secure and hard to brute force servers with dynamic encryption keys. Once the key has been set it is saved in the registry and can be accessed from anywhere.
winKnocks can be used to knock arbitrary server addresses by specifying static or dynamic keys (WPA2/WPA2 PSK) as the key.
winKnocks works as follows:
The client app (the process where it is run from) creates a “seed” to be used by all clients. The seed is a password.
When the client starts up it starts a connection to a random port on the target and uses the seed to “knock”. For example the client might knock on port 1234, the first time port 1234 would be opened it would send one of the 10 packets defined in the XML file, the second time port 1234 would be opened it might send one of the 10 packets defined in the XML file but with a different payload/header combination.
The users does not see any of the knock packets. Only the server is aware of the knock packets.
The target is port knocking with 3 ports (1234,5678,9876) where the clients and server both know the passwords.

Symmetrical Key:

passwords are the same for both clients and server.
The server has a secret key to be used to decrypt the knock packets.
Both client and server use a symmetrical key to encrypt the information it sends on the network.

The link below provides more information about the file encryption:

I have created a small test application that shows the basics of how the application works. You can download it here:

I hope that it can be useful to someone.
Have fun!

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What’s New In WinKnocks?

About this project:

This project is my personal project. I have developed this for my final year project as part of my project. It was based on the same technology as the real port knocking applications. I have used lot of new technologies such as encryption, XML,.NET Framework, Visual Studio and Microsoft.NET Framework. I had developed a strong foundation in these technologies and I was also well-versed in understanding how to use them in real projects.


How to insert into 2 tables using foreign key?

I’m trying to insert into 2 tables using Foreign key but i keep getting an error:
mysql> create table UserInfo(
-> UserID int not null auto_increment,
-> FirstName varchar(30),
-> LastName varchar(30),
-> Title varchar(20),
-> Password varchar(30),
-> Email varchar(30),
-> Address1 varchar(30),
-> Address2 varchar(30),
-> City varchar(30

System Requirements For WinKnocks:

OS: Windows 7
Processor: 2.8 GHz Dual Core Processor
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB Video Graphics Card
DirectX: 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 8 GB available space
Memory: 4 GB RAM