WideStudio is an open source, Integrated Development Environment for desktop applications.
Since an application is build on MWT (Multi-Platform Widget Toolkit) which runs on multiple platforms, WideStudio applications are all source compatible between these platforms.
If you have developed an application in C/C++ language, all you need to do is to re-compile the source code to run on a different platform in as native code.


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WideStudio Crack + Free Download [32|64bit]

Studio is an integrated development environment for developing multi-platform desktop applications
using the Multi-Platform Widget Toolkit (MWT).
There are a wide variety of supported platforms such as GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, MacOSX, BSD,
(Sun) Solaris, HP-UX and many more.
Studio provides a high-level UI-kit (Widgets and Components) for developing desktop applications on these platforms.
Studio Applications are typically created and compiled using C/C++ using a high-level, component-oriented
development approach.
SWT and Java are two important technologies used in Studio for designing and developing the components.
Like other cross platform development environments, Studio also comes with a component-based graphical editor and
a language extension (C/C++) for developing your own components.
WideStudio Serial Key uses the GNU tools and libraries for compiling and debugging.
You can also use a different compiler, for example, the gcj compiler.
In addition, it is possible to use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for developing your applications.
The most important features in Studio are listed below:
C/C++ Components and Widgets:
C/C++ components, such as Textbox, Button, Slider, TreeView,…
C/C++ Widgets like Icon, FileMenu,…
Built-in drag and drop support
Support for multi-view and drag-n-drop between the views
Designing Widgets using the graphical editor
“Design” window with a drag-n-drop component/widget designer
Large widget library
Notification system
Archive System with an editor and a binary data browser
GUI builder
Language extensions for more languages:
C#, Java, Basic, C, C++, Lisp, Prolog, Smalltalk, Haskell
SQL, C++
Parser Generator/Matcher
If you want to contribute, read the distribution:
To do this, read the following FAQs first:
– What is WideStudio Cracked Version?
– What can I use WideStudio For Windows 10 Crack for?
– Can I contribute to the project?
– What if I have a bug?
– What does it mean if my application doesn’t work?
– Is my “application” source code available?
– How do I release my application for wider use?
– How do I create a project?

WideStudio Serial Key Download


WideStudio is an open source, Integrated Development Environment for developing desktop applications on multiple platforms.

It provides a set of graphical widgets for developers and also has a rich developer environment.

Some modules include:

– C++ compiler

– Debugger

– Visual Studio-like IDE

– Source code editor

– Toolbox

– Libraries

– Property sheet

– Project Wizard

– Plug-ins

– A class library

– Build system

– Builds

– Test framework

– Windows specific support

– Win32 specific support

– Linux specific support

– MacOS X specific support

– AIX specific support

– VMS specific support


After installing the latest version from the following link:

Browse the tutorial files from:

You will find the user guide and sample application.

Some Features:

* The application is an integrated development environment for developing applications
* It supports GTK+, MCC, Motif, FLTK, Qt, Cocoa, wxWidgets and others.
* It offers a wizard-like interface for project creation and can automatically set the correct project information.
* Two different project types, stand-alone applications and windows applications
* Multiple toolboxes for different tasks in application development
* Various view modes for the project view.
* Builds for Windows, Linux, MacOSX and AIX.
* Allows an open development process
* Multiple project files can be saved at once, so that they can be re-used
* Drag-and-drop support.
* Allows to

WideStudio Free Registration Code [32|64bit]

KEYMATH: macro for math library

KEYSOCKET: macro for socket library

KEYOPENGL: macro for OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, etc.

KEYOSG: macro for OSG library

KEYPNG: macro for PNG library

KEYUNITY: macro for Unity3D, etc.

KEYFF: macro for ffmpeg library

KEYJPEG: macro for jpeg library

KEYJPEG: macro for jpeg library

KEYSND: macro for SND library

KEYDUMMY: macro for dummy library

KEYQT: macro for Qt library

KEYFF: macro for FFmpeg library

KEYBMP: macro for BMP library

KEYHOST: macro for.Net library

KEYMETRO: macro for.Net library

KEYMAVI: macro for Avi library

KEYFAX: macro for FAX library

KEYRAW: macro for RAW library

KEYMATH: macro for math library

KEYHOST: macro for.Net library

KEYMAVI: macro for Avi library

KEYRAW: macro for RAW library

KEYGAIN: macro for gainlib library

KEYGIF: macro for GIF library

KEYMOTION: macro for motion library

KEYMP4: macro for mp4 library

KEYVRML: macro for VRML library

KEYIMAGE: macro for image library

KEYZIP: macro for ZIP library

KEYWMA: macro for WMAAudio library

KEYSHORTCODE: macro for shortcode library

KEYMCT: macro for MCT


KEYICONF: macro for iconf library

KEYICONF: macro for iconf library

KEYFMOD: macro for FMOD library

KEYPALETTE: macro for Palettedefinition library

KEYSYSTEM: macro for system library

KEYVIDEO: macro for video library

KEYOGG: macro for OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, etc.

KEYMCT: macro for MCT


KEYWM3D: macro for WM3D

KEYQX: macro for QX library


What’s New In WideStudio?


This document is about how to build an application for Windows/Linux, Mac OSX/iOS. You can also build an application for Windows/Linux, Mac OSX/iOS simultaneously. You can also develop both Windows/Linux, Mac OSX/iOS applications under same IDE simultaneously.

There are the steps for building a Java application. The only difference for building a Java application is to specify the JDK in Java configuration options. For the rest of the steps, the steps are same.

The following pages describe how to configure and build an application:

1. Configure the IDE Settings
2. Build the application

Configure the IDE Settings

1. Get the source code of the application.

2. Unzip the downloaded source code into a directory. You can use your favorite zip tool.

Build the application

1. Download the MWT SDK. The MWT SDK provides the necessary tools and libraries required for compiling the application. It also contains a sample project which contains more examples than what you can do within the IDE.
2. The samples folder should be unpacked into a directory by MWT SDK. For example, if you have downloaded the SDK from “”, the samples folder would be found at “C:\MinGW\SDK\mingw\src\msw\tools\sdk\samples”. In this case, you would want to create a directory “C:\MinGW\SDK\mingw\src\msw\samples”, and unzip the samples folder in this directory. The directory structure would be “C:\MinGW\SDK\mingw\src\msw\samples\msw\tools\sdk\samples\java”
3. If you have downloaded the SDK from “”, you would want to download MWT SDK 2.2.1, which has additional samples available for building applications. The samples for MWT SDK 2.2.1 can be found at “C:\MinGW\SDK\mingw\src\msw\tools\sdk\samples\msw\tools\sdk”.
4. Configure the IDE settings.
a. Select the *Java* toolset in the environment variables. The *Java* toolset is needed for building a Java application. For Windows users, you would want to set the *JAVA_HOME* environment variable to point to a JDK installation. You can use the installer to download JDK. If you prefer to use the command line, you can set the environment variable *JAVA_HOME* to the path of your JDK installation.
b. If you would like to use Java 7, you would also need to set *JAVA_


System Requirements For WideStudio:

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