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Rails Api best practices

i just want to start a project with rails. Because i am pretty much new to ruby, a common question in google is how do i do basic CRUD and other basic stuff.
Here is what i have tried:

But the thing is that i don’t want a big project with all the stuff that everyone wants, i just want to make a simple blog/comments etc. I am using mysql, but i want to make sure that my code will work with Mongodb as well if i switch. Is there a tutorial or book that can help me with this?


For Rails 4+ I’d recommend looking at the new Active Model Conventions as well as the Guides to structuring Rails Api’s. I also highly recommend the RailsCasts series. I liked how they separated the controller from the model and view, but I’m not sure if that’s what you’re asking.

You should end up with something that looks like the following. I wouldn’t go near these APIs with a ten-foot pole, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
CREATE TABLE “posts” (
“id” integer NOT NULL,
“title” varchar(255) NOT NULL,
“content” text,
“published_at” timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

Welcome to this world of gaming and challenging yourself the most immersive VR sport game ever, with hi-tech, polygon-based, 3D realistic graphics VRC.. It’ll allow you to experience the real off-road.. The VRC PROâ„¢ is your perfect match.. Whether you’re driving on road or off road, trails or. premium edition with manual brakes and lever, super-sedan 2015,.Posts Tagged ‘logos company’

In Windows 8 and Windows 10, Microsoft introduced their new corporate logo, which is a bit different from the current Microsoft logo that most of us are familiar with. The new corporate logo was designed by leading designers from all over the world, and it looks very interesting, especially the Windows logo, which is very unique and interesting.

The new logo will replace the very old logo that was introduced in 1990. The classic Microsoft logo has been part of corporate branding since then, and that classic logo has been used to represent Microsoft in all kinds of ways. And it seems like Microsoft wants to change the old image and go in a different direction.

Indeed, Microsoft is changing the classic logo to the new corporate logo that was introduced in Windows 8 and Windows 10. It’s a big change, but probably a good one.

If you are reading this, chances are that you are very familiar with the new look Microsoft logo that was introduced in the latest versions of Windows, like the Windows 10 and Windows 8. Indeed, the new logo has been already used by the company for a few months now, and Microsoft has released a few branding images for the new look logo.

While it is a very nice looking logo, the problem is that the logo is missing the classic “Microsoft” logo. And, the new corporate logo isn’t that different from the current Microsoft logo.

While the differences are small, the new corporate logo is too similar to the current Microsoft logo to be a different brand. So, once you use this new logo, you will be used to it very easily and it will be hard to switch. On the other hand, the classic Microsoft logo never really went anywhere. It wasn’t changed much at all until Windows 8, when it was changed a bit.

Microsoft is trying to change that with the new corporate logo, but it doesn’t seem like they succeeded yet.The need to design storage facilities such as warehouses and retail outlets