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Utility To Reprogram An Electronic Serial Number Into Bios Hp

!BIOS is a freeware utility that is designed to be a whole BIOS and security suite. It has the ability to decrypt the Passwords used in some of the most common BIOS makes such as Award, Phoenix, American Megatrends, IMB, etc.
It also has the ability to brute force the Password (known as blasters). However, this method is dangerous and can result in some unexpected and unwanted results.

I have been reading all of the Q and As and I have to say this guy Kyle is a real first grade tech. First off he forgot that not everyone is as adept at computers as others. And if he would have continued to read he would have noticed everyone is speaking mostly on LAPTOP computers not a HOME pc. As fas as this being elementary level, by far also not true. I have an associate degree in Computer Science and many cert. and also I am emplyed by a firm that deals with things of this nature, and this is by far not elementary. How-ever another common fix that he forgot to mention is that you can short out the admin pass stored on the EEPROM setting, which is what HP is notoriuos for, simply by unplugging the EEPROM board and the CMOS (not bios by the way KYLE) and depressing the power button for a few seconds. If it doesnt work that way then you can also try shorting out the cmos Password by touching the CMOS battery tips on the board that the battery plugs into to a seperate grounded peice of metal. Not aluminum or brass, it has to be metal. You can usually find a piece real close to the CMOS battery plug-in. Hope the info was helpful. Thanks

If you want to get the HDD’s serial number in Windows, you can open command prompt and type “wmic logicaldisk get name, identifier, volume, volume serialnumber /format:list”, make sure to replace the last part, serialnumber, with a long string of characters.

Forgive me for asking this question which is apparently a common one. I have a Dell Desktop (5 years old) with the model number D406ER and Firmware Version 2.03.6500.195. I was at a website trying to setup an external monitor to play computer games with my children when the screen went blank. I went to the BIOS option and go to the Setup Display sub-section. I then go down to the Reset button and press it. There is an option on my screen that says “Press F2 to enter Setup or F12 to choose Boot Device”. I did not press either one and went back to the BIOS and the Reset button is still active and I can’t get the same menu to show up again. (I am assuming that the option is gone and that resetting the bios will not change that.) Now, I have reset the bios and re-press the Reset button and I go to the Setup Display section again. I press the F2 option and I get the menu to allow me to set the primary boot device. I go ahead and press F12 for booting from the hard drive and it asks for a password. Now, it has to be a password because I didn’t give one when I reset the bios or when I pressed F2. But, now I don’t know what password to give because the menu doesn’t give me a way to set it. I can’t even tell you the model number of the laptop, the device driver version or the model number of the motherboard or the actual Serial Number or anything that might help me. I just really need to get back to the Setup Display menu or even to know if there is a password I need to give so that I can get back to the Setup Display menu. I have not been able to do that. I have been researching the net for a “pass-code” to remove the password and have come up with nothing. I have looked at various websites and to me it sounds as though I should be able to do what I want. I would just really like to get the computer fixed and be able to use it again. Also, I realize that I have Windows XP on it, but I am not going to reformat it or anything to attempt to figure this out. Could you help?