Use this plugin when you want to handle ACE archives from PeaZip(test, extraction and flat browsing).
The plugin is packaged as authomated installer/unistaller wich copies all needed files into PeaZip’s default installation folder, in /res/unace path.
■ It’s a plugin for PeaZip version 1.9.1 or higher, however can be installed/uninstalled separately.







Unace Plugin For PeaZip Crack + Activation Code Free Download Latest

This is a plugin for PeaZip ACE library(unace.dll). When PeaZip launches, the Ace(unace) library is loaded and ACE archives are handled as they were handled by unace executable.
The plugin can work with ACE archives in all popular formats,.ace,.pz,.cpio,.ar,.zip,.lzh,.lha,.7z,.tar,.gzip and others. The archive will be displayed in PeaZip and it can be saved to the disk as an ACE archive in all popular formats.
With the plugin ACE archives are displayed in PeaZip like this:
(all images are from the plugin description)
– Author: me =Dzemek
– License: GNU GPL 2.0
– Home:
– Homepage:
Please write to me if you have any suggestions on the plugin.
=== How to install/uninstall ===
■ To install the plugin, simply download and unzip the package to a folder(write on the case it’s unzipped in the root of the plugin folder).
■ To uninstall the plugin, just delete the folder where it was unzipped in the plugin’s folder.
=== How to get the plugin ===
1) Download the unace plugin.
2) Unzip it.
3) Launch PeaZip and go to Plugin tab and click on Add New..
4) Select the extracted file(”unace_plugin_1.0.5.0.win64\unace.dll” in the case) and click OK.
5) Click Plugin -> Info to see the plugin details.
6) Click Settings -> Plugins -> Run uninstaller for plugins, under the Plugins tab.
7) After the uninstaller has run, open PeaZip, and you should have all the available plugins.
=== Questions and troubleshooting ===
1) Zip file is missing error:
If unzip has an error when extracting the zip file, the plugin won’t work properly.
Please unzip the file on a Windows/Mac OS (7, 10 or higher) machine.
2) Zip file is corrupted:

Unace Plugin For PeaZip Download

Cut and paste

Clone feature

Flat browse

Recovery test




Split by level

Split by name

Split by file name

Split to directory

Log to textfile

Restore header


Fix to absolute path


Sort in ascending/descending


Group by type

Group by level


Split to archive

For more information on PeaZip’s usage please check out:
Visit for Java related resources and documentation.

Stonee xeats defined by goodhart


This is a plugin that is able to extract and compress archives made with the ACE lzma compression format.
It also supports PeaZip compression format for LZMA.

The plugin can be configured via the plugin repository at:

Stonee ( is a experimental project to integrate compressing and de-compressing with PeaZip GUI.

Version 2.2.1


• Fixed error with the statusbar when processing LZMA archive.
• Fixed an issue with GUI butttons and menu.

Version 2.2

• Fixed an issue with multi-line menu.

Version 2.1

• Updated for PeaZip version 1.9.4.
• Updated for Java 6.
• Updated for Unix.
• Updated for Mac OSX.
• Improved error message when the plugin can’t find the /res/unace directory.

Version 2.0

• Initial Release


Please copy the zip file and unzip it into a directory.


After uncompressing please open the /res/unace directory in your file browser.
You need to rightclick on the plugin and choose “Unace PeaZip” to enable the plugin.

After enabling plugin choose the filetype you want to manage. In this case the archive will be extracted to the default directory: \res\unace\.

Go to

Unace Plugin For PeaZip

It’s very simple and lightweight plugin. Just install Unace plugin and Unace archive handler will be enabled. Download unace.jar, unace-win.jar, unace-mac.jar, unace-linux.jar, and plugins.
How to install this plugin with your PeaZip version:
1. Get unace.jar
1.2.1. Unace plugins are in following location:
C:\Program Files\PeaZip\
1.2.2. Unzip plugin to you’s own PeaZip installation directory.
Please remember that:
1. The plugin should be created with your own PeaZip installation, it won’t work with another version installed.
2. It’s not recommended to install plugins via plugin manager(the usual behavior when installing plugins for each application).
3. Plugin manager(like regEdit) can be used to find the location of each plugin after install.
4. Plugin path contains the directory name without /. In case of extract mode plugin path will not contain the directory name.
How to uninstall plugin:
1. Uninstall your PeaZip (in general tab, check “Yes, uninstall all plugins”).
2. Find your plugin directory with PeaZip’s plugin manager, delete all files.
3. Uninstall plugin:
1. Download from
2. Uninstall plugin:
3. Extract and manually delete unace.jar.
4. Unzip
5. Extract unace-plugin.jar.
6. Delete unace-plugin.jar
7. Unzip to plugin’s directory.
8. Uninstall plugin:
9. Unzip
10. Extract unace-plugin-win.jar.
11. Delete unace-plugin-win.jar.
12. Unzip to plugin’s directory.
13. Uninstall plugin:
14. Unzip
15. Extract unace-plugin-mac.jar.
16. Delete unace-plugin-mac.jar.
17. Unzip

What’s New In?

■ With this plugin your PeaZip is able to handle ACE archives.
■ It’s a plugin for PeaZip version 1.9.1 or higher, however can be installed/uninstalled separately.
How to install the plugin:
■ After installing plugin, uninstall old ACE archive handler, if any.
■ Copy PeaZip’s executable file from /res/unace/unace.exe to your PeaZip’s plugins folder, if not there.
■ Run PeaZip, plugin installer will automatically extract the plugin file to the respective plugins folder, within PeaZip’s executables folder.
■ Optionally you can use versionchecker.exe tool from the same PeaZip folder to verify installed version of plugin.Insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1, and uterine receptors for insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I in the mare.
In the equine embryo, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) inhibits cell proliferation in vitro. We hypothesized that the change in IGF-I concentrations in early gestation equine embryos is regulated by IGF binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) which has a much greater affinity for IGF-I than does IGF-I. To test this hypothesis, pregnant mares at day 45, 47, 55, 67, 74, 84 and 85 of gestation (n = 6 mares/day) received a subcutaneous injection of recombinant human IGFBP-1 (rhIGFBP-1; 225 micrograms/kg; n = 4 mares/day) or saline (n = 2 mares). Blood samples were collected from the mare before and every 10 min thereafter for 3 h. Blood samples were assayed for concentrations of free IGF-I, total IGF-I, insulin, and free IGFBP-1. At midgestation, approximately 75, 50, and 45% of circulating free IGF-I, IGF-I, and insulin, respectively, were free. The changes in concentrations of these three proteins were similar after injection of rhIGFBP-1. However, at days 55, 67, 74, 84, and 85, approximately 95, 60, 40, and 50% of circulating free IGF-I, IGF-I, and insulin, respectively, were free. In addition, there was a significant increase in

System Requirements:

Windows 7/8/10.
Mac OSX 10.7.
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675/ION Video Card or ATI Radeon HD 4850 (Gen 2)/HD 5650 (Gen 3) with at least 2 GB of video memory.
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6500 (2.66 GHz) or AMD Athlon X2 5600 (3.06 GHz).
Memory: 2 GB RAM.
Storage: 40 GB available disk space.
How to