Note: All components from the TMS VLC UI Pack can now be found here.
There are many types of applications that enable users to write down notes and create to-do lists, whether this is their primary purpose or just an extra feature. When creating a program of this type, it can help to have the option of adding to-do list capabilities without writing all the code from the ground up.
TTodoList is a VCL component for Delphi and C++Builder that provides developers with a ready-to-use and DB-aware to-do list for PIM applications. It can be used with numerous versions of these integrated development environments and is included in the TMS List Controls Pack.
Multiple parameters related to the to-do list can be edited, such as the subject, completion, priority, resource, status, notes, category, due date and completion date. The list can be sorted by any of the column headers.
Item notes can be previewed, and TTodoList also offers visual customization options, making it possible to customize the appearance of various items.
A DB-aware version of the to-do list is also available, which ties to selectable fields of the user’s choice. All the necessary files can be found in the downloadable package, organized into separate archives based on the version of Delphi or C++Builder you are using for development.







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This component is a to-do list that was specifically designed for software engineers that use TMS List Controls on their desktop Delphi and C++Builder projects. The is a ready-to-use, ready-to-see and ready-to-use list that can be easily implemented into most applications.
It provides three database tables to work with. These are called TODO, IN_TRIGGER and OUT_TRIGGER. Each table has a predefined list of primary and secondary keys. The user just needs to enter the values of the fields they want to use for their list in order to save the information.
The three tables are shared. Items in all of them are linked together, so when a user changes a value, it will show up in the other tables also. Items can be added, edited, deleted, or marked as completed. They can also be imported from third-party software such as Microsoft Outlook and Excel.
Items can be added to the list on the fly, and they can be deleted if they have already been completed. A user can also delete the current item by marking it as completed. If a user changes the order of a task, it will move up or down in the list automatically.
It can be useful to have the list of to-dos a user gets from their peers or boss. They will even see the items they completed and how many items they have left to complete. Any changes in the list will be reflected in the other database tables also.
You can sort the list of to-dos by the subject, priority or completion date. This can be useful if you want to review items that need to be completed first. A user can also specify if the date of completion should be shown to the user or only the completion date.
If an item can be tracked for a time-related deadline, it can be set to not have a deadline by setting the completion date to the current date. This makes the item immediately visible to the user.
A user can have several to-do lists, and they can be associated with any of the available categories. The user can specify a subject for each list, and they can also specify if an item is to be completed by the user themself or by a peer.
TTodoList Version History:

Version – 2016-03-10
– Added item notes
– Improvements in installation wizard
– Improvements in installation
– Changes in the interface
– All

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This component provides all the essential functionalities required to create an item list, including the ability to edit items and sort them. TTodoList can be used as a stand-alone component and is customizable via its User Interface (UI) option.
Following its development in the TMS List Controls Pack, it can now also be found in its own stand-alone package, titled the TTodoList VCL. This article will only cover the TMS List Controls Pack, and the useful features of the TTodoList VCL can be found in the relevant section of the TTodoList VCL article.

– Active database-aware (DB) version is also provided
– Open, create and edit items using the standard VCL features
– Display item notes, descriptions, images, etc.
– Editable all kinds of object properties
– Supports drag and drop re-arrangement
– Handles DB operation activities
– Draw messages, notes, etc. to the to-do list
– Database field conversions
– Multiple application versions are supported
– TodoList Form: to-do list form that displays and edits Todo items
– Quick Tab to open / close TodoList Form
– Customize to-do list form’s appearance through the UI option
– Extensive documentation included in the download package
– Support for different control styles and best-of-class list look
– Support for a single list and multiple TodoList Tabs
– Support for linked lists and combo lists
– Can be used as a base component for development of related to-do list functionality
The structure of TTodoList’s database-aware (DB) version is such that it does not require any special functionality or set-up other than the VCL’s built-in database controls. The component does not contain any class-based coding or make use of any special procedures.
The current version of TTodoList is focused on use in Business Applications. It supports the following TMS List Controls Pack components:
TMS ListEdit, TMS ListFilter, TMS ListPicker, TMS ListQuery, TMS ListSelection, TMS ListSort, TMS ListTab, TMS ListView, TMS ListViewItem, TMS ListViewItemEdit and TMS ListViewItemFilter, TMS ListViewItemSort and TMS ListViewItemState.

Additional Info:
– TMS ListView and

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In addition to showing all data stored in the database, it is also possible to add customized items to the list.
This component works with multiple versions of the List Controls Pack, including VCL5, VCL6, VCL7 and VCL8.
You can use multiple skins, which can be done with the skins.ini file and the SkinX.H file.
The component can be used for both Delphi and C++Builder users.
TTodoList Features:
· Several skins available, allowing you to change the appearance of the list
· Added icons to the list items, making it possible to view more information about the item without opening up any additional windows
· Ability to add customized items to the list
· Ability to access any of the fields of the selected item using format parameters and direct access to the TMS VLC UI Pack
· Ability to mark items as completed
· Ability to set the priority of the item
· Ability to mark the item as a recurring item
· Ability to set the due date of the item
· Ability to add notes to the item
· Ability to set the category of the item
· Ability to set the resource of the item
· Ability to set the status of the item
· Preview of the Notes field to see a preview of the notes
· Ability to customize the colors of the items on the list, changing the background and text
· Ability to display an icon next to the item in the list
· Ability to view the item’s notes
· Supports skins for any Delphi version
· Supports skins for any C++Builder version
· Supports skins for any selected skin version
· Supports skins for any version that you select
· Supports multiple versions of the TMS List Controls Pack
· Supports C++Builder for the Windows platform, the iOS platform and the Android platform
· Supports UNICODE
· Supports the following DB engines:
♦ Microsoft SQL Server
♦ Oracle
♦ Microsoft Access
♦ SQLite
The following settings can be set in the unit options dialog:
The number of items in the list that can be displayed.
The number of items in the list that can be seen.
The number of line breaks between items.
The number of items that can be sorted by clicking on any of the sorting columns.
The number of items that can be expanded.
The number of lines that can be expanded.
The number of entries that can be previewed in

What’s New In TTodoList?

TTodoList provides a ready-to-use to-do list to developers in Delphi and C++Builder, which can be used alongside other parts of the TMS List Controls Pack. By opening the “Basic list example” file, you can see how easy it is to get a to-do list running. The list is fully customizable, and it has multiple parameters related to the list items, including the subject, completion, priority, resource, status, notes, category, due date and completion date. The list can be sorted by any of the column headers, and notes can be previewed.

You can import or export your to-do list to and from Excel or Access DB files with the provided VCL support. A sorted database table can also be generated from your to-do list directly in Excel, and its database properties can be previewed.

There are four versions of this package available. The names and descriptions of the four archives are as follows:

v3.9.8b contains todoList.pas for Delphi and todoList.cpp for C++Builder, a basic version of the to-do list.

v3.8.5b contains todoListDB.pas for Delphi and todoListDB.cpp for C++Builder, a DB-aware version of the to-do list.

v3.6.7b contains todoList.pas for Delphi and todoList.cpp for C++Builder, a native Visual Basic version of the to-do list.

v3.4.6b contains todoListVB.pas for Visual Basic and todoListVB.cpp for C++Builder, a native Visual Basic version of the to-do list.

Package Version

“TTodoList is a VCL component for Delphi and C++Builder that provides developers with a ready-to-use and DB-aware to-do list for PIM applications. It can be used with numerous versions of these integrated development environments and is included in the TMS List Controls Pack.

Multiple parameters related to the to-do list can be edited, such as the subject, completion, priority, resource, status, notes, category, due date and completion date. The list can be sorted by any of the column headers.

Item notes can be previewed, and TTodoList also offers visual customization options, making it possible to customize

System Requirements:

* 2.0.2 or greater
* Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7
* Minimum 4GB RAM for graphics
* Minimum DirectX 9 graphics device for graphics
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