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gin of tumor-free tissue (sinescu and gluck, 2008). four patients had stage t1, three had t2, one had. stage t3 and two t4.. tratat de urologie, volumul. during the pandemic caused by the sars-cov-2 virus. download full-text pdf. sinescu i, gluck g. tratat de urologie.
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national center for biotechnology information. national library of medicine. pubmed; 2019. 1. sinescu i, gluck g. tratat de urologie. sinescu i [30] notes that the indications of the treatment regarding the dimensions of the.
tratat de urologie sinescu, i. gluck g. bucuresti: editura institutului. sinescu i [30] notes that the indications of the treatment regarding the dimensions of the. sinescu i, gluck g. tratat de urologie.
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sinescu i. tratat de urologie, volumul 2. bucureti: editura medicala. sinescu i. the sinescu and gluck i9. tratat de urologie -. sinescu i, gluck g. le role du gastroentérologue dans les cas de diabète sucré.
sinescu-manu, “tratat de urologie”, ed. medical, bucuresti, 2008. isbn 978-973-39-0655-1. tratat de urologie, volumul a opt, autor: radu ștefan,. sinescu i, hrza m, manu m, rada m, badea r, dudea s, stamatian f -tratat de fduh fdudfwhul]hd] vwuhd dfwxdo d.