Yalgaar Pakistani ^HOT^ Full Movie 2772


Yalgaar Pakistani Full Movie 2772

The entire movie is a lifeless dull exercise of nothingness and many scenes strike a particularly juvenile note. One of them was when the two main young people were out of town and the two teachers spent the entire movie talking about how teenagers think and how they are the future and how that may not be true and if you are any less than a two year old you should be put into therapy

The whole point of this movie is to comment on how the generations of adults are incapable of adapting themselves to the changing times and their lost dreams. However, they are perceived as though it is a video on how to approach dating. Rather than confronting the realization that it is us that they need to teach, the onus was put on the very generations of students whom this film has been made for. Oh how one must laugh at the predicament of the students who even have more money, but are spiritually bankrupt. How can they be successful in life when they cant even solve the problems of their parents?

The entire thesis of the movie is the generations changed idea of what it means to be a man. The typical man is now (if not actually) a woman and it is the new generation of women that is going to change it all. Yes, the generations are changing. So many people just want to live free from the past and those that die young cannot be part of the next generation. But to stop even trying to live for the next generation is a failure of democracy and also of the ideology that the movie is promoting. What is the future of this whole idea of being a good society? There was a brief moment when you could see this film as a document on the education system but after a while you begin to notice how illogical it is. The point being taught was that if you educate children all they will do is change the past.

The entire movie is a lifeless dull exercise of nothingness and many scenes strike a particularly juvenile note. One of them was when the two main young people were out of town and the two teachers spent the entire movie talking about how teenagers think and how they are the future and how that may not be true and if you are any less than a two year old you should be put into therapy
The whole point of this movie is to comment on how the generations of adults are incapable of adapting themselves to the changing times and their lost dreams. However, they are perceived as though it is a video on how to approach dating. Rather than confronting the realization that it is us that they need to teach, the onus was put on the very generations of students whom this film has been made for. Oh how one must laugh at the predicament of the students who even have more money, but are spiritually bankrupt. How can they be successful in life when they cant even solve the problems of their parents?
The entire thesis of the movie is the generations changed idea of what it means to be a man. The typical man is now (if not actually) a woman and it is the new generation of women that is going to change it all. Yes, the generations are changing. So many people just want to live free from the past and those that die young cannot be part of the next generation. But to stop even trying to live for the next generation is a failure of democracy and also of the ideology that the movie is promoting. What is the future of this whole idea of being a good society? There was a brief moment when you could see this film as a document on the education system but after a while you begin to notice how illogical it is. The point being taught was that if you educate children all they will do is change the past.
