Tiger Tank 59 Ⅰ Super Tank is a top-down shooting game,
Players need to control their tanks,
through the enemy lines, break the enemy base,
or defeat the enemy tanks!
If you are really good at shooting,
then click these buttons to move your tank.
You need to aim your weapon at the targets,
and be careful not to shoot your own tanks!
Choose your tank carefully!
It’s okay to destroy your own tank,
but don’t be reckless!
You should set the tank’s defense to 2 to get the most mileage out of it.
The number of lives you get is determined by your range.
To increase range, press the fire button repeatedly.
Aim carefully and shoot to the enemy lines,
and you’ll soon break through!
If you run out of lives, it’s all over.
You can try to get another tank or take on a more powerful enemy tank!
Players can win even more medals
by knocking out enemy tanks!
Unlike ordinary shooters,
this game has a scoring system.
The more you knock out enemy tanks,
the more medals you’ll get.
Now, who’s the best at shooting?
Ready to take on some high-powered tanks?
To get started, hold the fire button and tap the right stick.
Hold and tap the stick to level the camera.
It’s a fun game, isn’t it?
Good luck, everyone!
Tiger Tank 59 Ⅰ Super Tank is available in the Google Play store.



Tiger Tank 59 Ⅰ Super Tank is a top-down shooting game,
Players need to control their tanks,
through the enemy lines, break the enemy base,
or defeat the enemy tanks!
If you are really good at shooting,
then click these buttons to move your tank.
You need to aim your weapon at the targets,
and be careful not to shoot your own tanks!
Choose your tank carefully!
It’s okay to destroy your own tank,
but don’t be reckless!
You should set the tank’s defense to 2 to get the most mileage out of it.
The number of lives


Features Key:

  • An easy to learn, yet deep game that demands critical thinking and observation.
  • Fully randomised and replayable maps with unlimited ammo and health.
  • Perfectly tuned for up to 16 players on big multi-screen setups.