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Goldberg: ‘Gay or Straight, Christian is Christian’

David Korowicz

December 23, 2014

Article Photos

Karen Goldberg, president of the American Family Association of PA, speaks during a press conference to announce her candidacy for governor of Pennsylvania. (Express-Times Photo | MICHAEL KUBEL)

As a graduate of a Catholic high school, Karen Goldberg was called a “poof” and bullied for wearing a gown and a head covering to school. She never knew that such a “choice” would become so important to her.

As a young advocate for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community, she has learned that sharing the truth about the Bible does not lead to rejection. Rather, it leads to acceptance.

These experiences, along with a lifetime of educating others, drive Goldberg to be the best governor she can be.

She is a conservative, Christian woman who will always respect all religions, whether you’re a Christian or not. She is a Republican who supports basic human rights, and she cares about the people of Pennsylvania.

Her values stand in stark contrast to her opponent, Tom Corbett, who has shown a reckless disregard for public safety and is a disgrace to the term “progressive” – and is a disgrace to the GOP.

The governor has pushed for high-risk adult sexual offenders to have a longer prison sentence, and he fought to hold back a flood of money to the state’s general fund. According to a recent report, Pennsylvania is failing to provide mental health services for thousands of sex offenders, leading to higher rates of sexual re-offending and higher costs to taxpayers.

Corbett is behind on his campaign promises to provide services and turn the state around, but he’s spending more time