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Editing *.js file on server, what’s the difference between ‘core’ and ‘node.js’ tab in VS Code?

I have an app that uses NodeJS and currently hosted on my machine, on a single server that’s not my own.
When I update my code in VS Code, I get this dialog that looks like this:

When I open the files in the server’s directories for editing, I get this dialog instead:

I’m assuming that this is done on purpose to change the ‘language’ as they don’t know what NodeJS is or how to use it properly (this is my assumption).
My questions are:

How does VS Code detect the language of the file?
Is it only done for files in the main ‘node.js’ directory?
Is there a way to make sure all files in sub directories are opened in VS Code too and be able to edit them?


I think the core file extension is only for files with a.js extension inside the node.js directory.
Most likely it was chosen for being “friendly”.
In order to open.js files in the other tree (and other extensions?), you need to select the “always open files from” option, but I don’t think you can select files based on directory.

— — Hillary Clinton is among about half of all Hillary voters who support Donald Trump, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

In a batch of polls released today, the pollster showed that 35 percent of Hillary supporters back Trump while 17

people might take your program as a very inferior and possibly dangerous alternative to other programs. Overall though, a few people have told me that this program has been very useful for them, so I’m not sure if I will ever need to stop using it.
For the sale of Gold and Silver, we have a partnership with Bodhi – surely one of the more competitive player-to-player programs on the market right now. Bodhi, not so coincidentally, is full featured and has a lot of tools and features for the serious player. Both Bodhi and our own program are pretty popular, though Bodhi is a little more mainstream as it is used on all major blockchain platforms. Not only that but the Bodhi platform is an official extension to the Dash wallet, so most people can simply send and receive with the Dash wallet and then move their Gold and Silver over to Bodhi for processing and storage.
Most importantly, though, is the pricing. We are a Player-to-Player money-back-guarantee program. We guarantee that you will recieve your funds or you get your money back. Many programs don’t have that. We feel that’s important if you are going to sell real time Gold and Silver.
For those who have come here for a specific answer, I can’t provide any at this time. But if you want more information than what I have provided above, then all I can tell you is this: first thing is to familiarize yourself with what Bodhi has to offer. Then make an informed decision as to whether or not it is a good fit for you. They have a very good and comprehensive description of their system on their website. If you have any questions about how they work, please ask.

You can download this 1.9.3 APK from is a tool, which allows you to generate a program key for Minecraft.
It is a free tool, but not a paid tool.
What is it?
Program Key Generator is a program for generating a key for Minecraft. Key is required to enable sandbox mode on your Minecraft account.
What do I need to run it?
A standard Android device
What do I get?
You will get a.apk file.
How to install this 1.9.3 APK file?
There is a guide showing the steps to install this APK on different Android versions. To get it, go to this link.