This package will install a useful SharePoint News Slider that will show a slideshow of aggregated news coming from several lists or sites.
The Web Part supports:
· Simple and Advanced mode
· Single or multiple list aggregation
· Cross-sites aggregation
· Filter items by specified field
· Filter by Audience
· Sort by specified field
· List types and content types
· Rich text fields
· Search scopes:
-Current site only
-Current site and all sub-sites
-Entire site collection
· All main browser types: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome







SharePoint News Slider 1.1.1 Crack +

A web part is a collection of tasks, activities, or functions that are executed on an
Internet Site. In general, any SharePoint Web Part can display any HTML code, but web
parts are also used for controlling or processing data that’s specific to SharePoint.
The News Slider Web Part is a useful SharePoint news slider for showing a slideshow of news.
You can change the speed of news slideshow, news sorting mode, news filter items and so
· SharePoint News Slider does not need to be installed. You can just copy the files to the
SharePoint root folder to enable the News Slider Web Part. If you want to use it, you need
to install the News Slider Web Part package to enable the News Slider Web Part.
· News Slider Web Part supports Internet Explorer 8 or above, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
32. The default news theme color is #444. If you want to change the news theme color, you can modify
the style file.
· News Slider Web Part can be used for displaying the news slideshow and sorting news by different
· You can choose to show news from one, two or multiple sites, or from multiple sites and
multiple lists or content types.
· You can choose to show news by a certain content type, such as Announcement, Press Release,
and so on.
· You can choose to show news from one list, multiple lists or from multiple lists.
· You can choose to show news from all sites in the same site collection, or from all sites in the
same site collection and sub-sites.
· You can choose to show news from current site only, current site and all sub-sites, entire site
collection, current site and all sub-sites, entire site collection and sub-sites or current site and
all sub-sites.
· You can filter news by a certain field, such as author, title, content type, publication date, or
any other field.
· You can also filter news by audience, such as Public or Private.
· You can choose to show news that are sorted by creation date, last modified date,
“Last Published”, “Created”, or any other field.
· You can choose to show news from a specified list type, such as Announcement, Press Release,
and so on.
· You can specify the search scope of

SharePoint News Slider 1.1.1 Crack With License Code X64 (April-2022)

1- This is a useful and innovative feature for a SharePoint News Slider Full Crack.
2- Easy to install and configure.
3- Multiple language and sites.
4- Unlimited sites and multiple language options.
5- High performance and easy to use.
6- SEO friendly.
7- Without any dependencies.
8- Great for news websites and blogs.
How to use this package:
This package installs the following files:
a) NewsSlider.Webpart.dll
b) NewsSlider.ascx
The installation will take the following actions:
If your web application is deployed in the following zone:
%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12\Addins\Add-in for SharePoint\
%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12\Addins\Add-in for SharePoint\WebParts
This package will create the following registry keys:
– HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Addins\Add-in for SharePoint\NewsSlider
– HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Addins\Add-in for SharePoint\NewsSlider
– HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Addins\Add-in for SharePoint\NewsSlider\Content Type\
– HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Addins\Add-in for SharePoint\NewsSlider\Languages\
This package supports all versions of SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.
Limitations of this package:
1. This package works only in Visual Studio 2010 or later.
2. This package does not support version 1.1 of the News Slider.
3. This package only supports lists for the master page view.
How to use this package:
1. Clone the Zip file into the root of your Visual Studio project.
2. From the New Project Dialog, in the Assemblies Category, select Web, and then click the green plus symbol to add NewsSlider.Webpart.
3. From the Assemblies category, select Features and click Install.
4. From the Assemblies category, select Web Parts and click the green plus symbol to add NewsSlider.ascx.

SharePoint News Slider 1.1.1 Crack + With License Code

The general idea of the product is to let the user easily browse through news slides, filter by certain criteria and navigate through the slides.
The product includes a built-in OData service, it’s configured to use the default SharePoint 2013 URL, it’s distributed as a WebPart (which is a great way to use it in a web part zone in a master page or to be used in a custom SharePoint solution) and it also includes a PowerShell script to do all the required configuration.
Q: How does it work?
A: It uses the List aggregation and the Content Query Web Part to get the data and shows a slideshow. This slideshow can be configured to show the news slides using different modes:

1. Simple mode: It will show the slides from the specified List

2. Advanced mode: It will show the slides from the specified List and the filter will include the specified fields

3. Aggregation mode: It will show the slides from all the lists and sites aggregated using a specified aggregation

4. Cross-sites aggregation: It will show the slides from all the lists and sites aggregated using a specified aggregation and the filters will include the specified fields
Q: Will it use my data?
A: It will use the data from your default list only.
Q: Can you change the default URL?
A: Yes. In the script you will have a parameter to change the default URL, to test the product before releasing, you can do so in a test environment.
Q: Can you share your tool with the community?
A: Of course! I will make the tool available as an open-source project. It will be hosted at GitHub. You can download the code from this link:
Q: Can I get support and updates from you?
A: Of course! You can contact me for anything that you need. You can do so by sending an email to the following address:

Windows 7
Q: How can I uninstall?
A: The uninstall process of the web part can be seen here:

What’s New In SharePoint News Slider?

The SharePoint News Slider provides a cool slide out news board that shows any one of the aggregated list or site news items in two separate scroll bars. The app also allows to choose the current site or entire site collection as the source of the news, filter items by the specified field, sort items by the specified field and adds an option to choose a main browser type and to filter the results by search scopes.

News Item with A Drop Down Menus (Advanced Mode):

Instead of the normal news items, this package also installs a News item with a drop down menu in the advanced mode. This mode provides a new source of news aggregated from the specified list or site. This mode also allows to choose the current site or entire site collection as the source of the news, filter items by the specified field, sort items by the specified field and includes options to choose a main browser type and to filter the results by search scopes.

Installation Instructions:

1. Unzip the package and install the Web Parts in the desired place
2. Then, choose the Web Part that will perform the specified task and save it to your SharePoint page.
3. Right-click the Web Part and select the Install option from the context menu.
4. Click on OK and that’s it.

* Important: For the advanced mode (with the drop down menu) to work you must also activate the “Enable advanced news services” under “Services” for the current web site.


This package will work with any site that supports search engines (eg. FAST Search) and works with any list or document type (including for example, Workflows or Data List) that can contain HTML content.

May be helpful to

Posts navigation

Clint A. Shaw

Matt T.


Kirk G.

Brian F.

How to use this SharePoint News Slider

Important: For the advanced mode (with the drop down menu) to work you must also activate the “Enable advanced news services” under “Services” for the current web site.


This package will work with any site that supports search engines (eg. FAST Search) and works with any list or document type (including for example, Workflows or Data List) that can contain HTML content.

Full Description

The SharePoint News Slider provides a cool slide out news board that shows any one of the aggregated list or site news items in two separate scroll bars. The app also allows to choose the current site or entire site collection as the source of the news, filter items by the specified field, sort by specified field and adds an option to choose a main browser type and to filter the results by search scopes.!!EXCLUSIVE!!-Pdf-Rar

System Requirements:

*Windows 7 or 8.1*
*Intel i3/i5/i7 2.8 GHz, or 2.4 GHz dual-core CPUs
*Windows 7 or 8.1* Intel i3/i5/i7 2.8 GHz, or 2.4 GHz dual-core CPUs *Windows 7 or 8.1* 4 GB RAM
*250MB Free Disk Space
*Broadband Internet Connection*
*50MB of available hard disk space for savegame data*
*50MB of available hard disk