Keyboard macro recorder and editor with unique pre-set, command-line interfaces. It allows you to create and edit custom keyboard macros.
Keyboard macro recorder can record the keyboard shortcuts and can convert them into one or more commands. You can define your own command-line interface to all your commonly used operations and even to insert predefined macros. Keyboard macro recorder supports of multiple interfaces (MAILBOX, KEYMACRO, COMMAND LINE, SCAN-KEY, DIGIT, COMMAND TAB). Command Line interface and command line can be used to insert custom macro.
Keyboard macro editor can edit macros, combine macros, delete or add to them. You can add macros to your own custom interface by using various command-line interfaces.
Keyboard macro editor supports multiple interfaces (MAILBOX, KEYMACRO, COMMAND LINE, SCAN-KEY, DIGIT, COMMAND TAB). MAILBOX interface allows you to check the current working macro settings. KEYMACRO interface allows you to create new macros. COMMAND LINE interface allows you to insert macros to key combination.
KEYMACRO supports all commands available in Command Line interface. SCAN-KEY interface allows you to change the hot-key and command to edit the existing macro. DIGIT interface allows you to edit the macro with numbers and digits.
This program requires administrator permissions to work properly.
KEYMACRO was tested with all Windows versions from XP to Win 8.1 (32/64 bits).
Keyboard macro recorder is freeware.
Keyboard macro editor is shareware.

AfterLight is a powerful feature-packed editor which enables you to edit images in one easy to use interface. It comes bundled with a list of templates, powerful tools, and a large number of other editing functions.
While it is a pretty straightforward editor, it comes with a series of powerful features that are designed to simplify the editing process. You can use it to crop, rotate, flip, adjust colors, eliminate unwanted elements, merge photos, adjust tonal qualities, apply a grainy effect, apply a sepia tint, invert an image, apply blur effects, add other effects, make your own personal template, save your projects and export them as a JPG or a JPEG, and change a series of camera settings.
It is possible to control the appearance of an entire scene through a series of editing options, such as the type of look you are after, as well as the details of 84e02134c1

Time Sheet
Windows XP SP1 Home Startup Disk
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# Define the Windows version of the MSI installer package as an action for installation
# For more information, see
# This macro works only in the MSI installer project.
# Example of use:
# [Files]
# url1=file1.exe
# url2=file2.exe
# [InstallExecuteSequence]
# Name: Tomcat ISAPI redirector
# Description: Download and install the Microsoft ISAPI Redirector
# Action: url1
# URL:
# Double-click on the downloaded file to open it in a new window
# Type in the address for the installer to find:
# %SystemDrive%\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\{069D7742-FAB3-4DD9-B23E-DE4F9E3E6FAD}
# Click Next to proceed with the installation.
# Click Finish to complete the installation.
# %WINDIR%\System32\http.exe -i:PORT -p:PORT -a:PORT -pv
# %WINDIR%\System32\http.exe -i:PORT -p:PORT -a:PORT -pv
# NOTE: One of the two files that start with “url1=” must contain the full URL, as shown above.
# The second file must contain a comment with the same string, but starting with a “REM”, e.g. “REM ” to make it an MSI comment.
# In addition, both URLs are inserted in the product’s InstallUISequence in the “Redirectors” list.
# The second URL in the list, however, has a different format:
# the path to the IIS server is always at the beginning,
# after this path there are always two slashes and the destination port number,
# e.g.:
# C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\Default Web Site\index.html
# %WINDIR%\System32\http.exe -i:PORT -p:PORT -a:PORT -p