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in this project car 3 you can customize the look of your car. you can change the look of your car. there are some new features in the game. the game is really fun and easy. you can also download project cars 2 for pc. if you like racing games go and get this one.

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you can change the look of your car. in this project cars 2 you can buy some new cars. you can unlock some more cars. this racing game has some new features. you can also download project cars 3 for pc. it is a good racing game.

in this project cars 3 you can customize the look of your car. you can change the look of your car. there are some new features in the game. the game is really fun and easy. you can also download project cars 2 for pc. if you like racing games go and get this one.

air strikes caused a large number of civilian casualties. according to airwars, a project aimed at tracking air strikes in the middle east, the united states had repeatedly organized coalition forces to launch air strikes against military forces in iraq and syria since august 8, 2014. as of december 19, 2016, the united states launched 7,258 air strikes in iraq and 5,828 in syria, causing 733 incidents with an estimated number of civilian deaths between 4,568 and 6,127 (, december 19, 2016). according to a report by the website of los angeles times on december 2, a u.s. airstrike killed at least 15 civilians in afghanistan’s nangarhar province (, december 2, 2016). since 2009, the upper limit of the civilian death toll from u. drones stood at more than 800 people in pakistan, yemen and somalia (, july 1, 2016).

In 2016, the CIA invested in firms to mine Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media (, November 17, 2016). A windowless Manhattan skyscraper appeared to be a secrete location used for NSA surveillance programs that targeted not only domestic communication but also the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and at least 38 countries (, November 17, 2016). A spy base named Titanpointe in NSA building used equipment with companies such as AT&T and spied on phone calls, fax messages and internet data, intercepting satellite data including emails, chats, Skype calls, Passwords, and internet browsing histories. The United States drew vast criticism from the international community.
NSA defended its monitoring projects saying the surveillance uses solely intelligence, not law enforcement purposes (, November 17, 2016). However, NSA, CIA, FBI and other intelligence and law enforcement agencies are widely criticized. The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) conducts electronic surveillance of the communications of a large number of people inside and outside the United States, and also collects data of Internet content in the name of national security (, November 17, 2016). In its new stage, the U. intelligence agencies are supported by private companies to engage in the censorship of political expression. In 2016, the U. intelligence agencies expanded efforts to prevent the spread of terrorist propaganda on the Internet. The intelligence agencies focused on major messaging services such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Line, Pheedo, and others, which are frequently used by people around the world to share news and information.