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The latest version of Photoshop is Photoshop CS7, which is available for both Windows and Mac computers. It has more functionality and provides features not found in previous versions, such as layers (see Figure 4-7). You can obtain current updates to Adobe’s software at However, there is a free version of Photoshop called Photoshop Express that you can download at

Photoshop CS7 does not require a lot of space or system resources, but you do need a fairly new computer with at least a 3 GHz processor and at least 4 GB of memory to run the software. You also need to have a graphics card that supports plug-ins. The image has to be 8 megapixels or less.

**Figure 4-7:** Photoshop CS7 provides a lot of modern editing features.

Photoshop also has a basic graphics editor, Illustrator (see Figure 4-8). Illustrator is useful because it provides a lot of functionality not found in Photoshop. Although Photoshop and Illustrator work with the same images, they work somewhat differently. In addition to offering the basics of digital image editing tools, Photoshop also offers tools that enable you to print, place images in a layout, add text, and choose from color palettes. Illustrator, on the other hand, is purely a graphics-editing tool that does not offer image importing or editing.

**Figure 4-8:** Adobe Illustrator provides a lot of basic tools for creating graphics.

Getting an overview of Photoshop

Whether you have Photoshop or Photoshop Express, you need to begin by knowing what it is and what it can do to help you in your digital image editing projects.

Create a project folder

When you create a new project, Photoshop creates a folder of the project name and creates a Photoshop file (`psd`) as well as other folders to store information about your project. Create a new project folder by choosing File⇒New to create a folder and then choose the name for the project folder.

Always save your projects in a project folder to make it easy to access the information you need later. If you save projects in your document folder, it’s much harder to find them later if you need to go back and change them.

Recovering projects

Although a project folder is a nice way to organize your files, if you lose your project folder, you can recover it from the Adobe web site. From the

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For Mac users, Photoshop Elements is a free app. For Windows users, you will need to pay to run the software, but there’s a free trial that you can download and use.

What is Photoshop Elements?

It’s free for Windows and Mac users


Lightweight (less features)

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC is the best free alternative to Adobe Photoshop for professional photographers. It is a powerful photo editing software that is full of features. The app contains all the tools that you would use when editing a photo.

Available for Mac and Windows


Lightweight (less features)

Adobe Lightroom Classic CC is the free Lightroom app for people who want an alternative to Photoshop. It is lightweight and gives you basic tools to edit your pictures.

It’s available for Mac and Windows


Lightweight (less features)

Adobe Photoshop Express is a free app for mobile devices that contains a feature rich image editing tool. The app is a lightweight version of the professional version of Photoshop Express available for Android and iOS.

Available for both Android and iOS


Lightweight (less features)

Adobe Photoshop Touch is a version of Photoshop that is designed to be used on touch devices. It comes with the standard features of the professional version of Photoshop, but it is designed specifically for mobile use.

Available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad


Lightweight (less features)

Best image editing apps for iPhone and iPad

Adobe Photoshop Express: Get the perfect picture

We all want the perfect picture. With Photoshop Express, you can find the perfect picture in a matter of seconds.

The app is available for mobile devices

Lightweight (less features)

Adobe Photoshop for iPad: All you need to edit your pictures

Adobe Photoshop is the king of editing photos. It has all the features that you will need to edit your pictures. If you’re looking for an app that has the same tools as the professional version of the app, then this is the right app for you.

It’s available for both iPhone and iPad


Lightweight (less features)

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for iPad: Power on tap

If you’re a photographer, then

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The Beach Boys’ Television Debut

Most of you probably know that the Beach Boys had a television show during the early 1970s. The show was called The Beach Boys’ Party! You probably even remember that iconic first line:

All around the world it’s summer. And I’m so glad that it’s summer. And I just can’t wait till school starts again…

It’s pretty funny that it started that way, given that that television show was made during the height of the band’s popularity.

The Beach Boys Party! was an educational children’s show presented by the band. It ran on ABC, CBS, and NBC for ten weeks from January 2, 1971, through February 13, 1971. It was hosted by Jeff Carson, who was billed as “The Voice of the Beach Boys.”

Here’s the opening:

Here’s what the show looked like:

Here’s the opening:

Here’s what the show looked like:

Here’s the song they used in the opening:

For a complete list of songs used in the show, click here.

Here’s a brief description of The Beach Boys’ Party! from TV

Episodes were filled with sketches, including a seaside game show hosted by Jeff Carson, about a jeweler who turned into a sea gull and flew in a hot air balloon; a children’s encyclopedia where the chairman of the band took questions from children, broadcast from a giant book; a discussion of music and its applications in everyday life; and an episode about the making of the album Pet Sounds.

The Beach Boys are definitely in this book, so you’d think they’d be in more television shows, huh?

Umm, hello, I’m a music fan and I’d say that the beach boys dominated music, including comedy records and music for children, throughout the 70’s. To call this show average would be insulting. Of course there were comedy programs on TV, music programs, sci-fi, drama, well all kinds of shows, but The Beach Boys’ Party! is as close as it gets to the “big band”. Of course there was the movie and accompanying soundtrack, good music sure was in the news and heard

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Retrieve a matrix from a mongo shell aggregate

Currently I’m trying to perform some analysis on a dataset using mongodb.
So I’ve decided to add some entries to the dataset so I can do some aggregate queries on it.
I created a mongodb database, added some entries to it and check them by querying it using:
mongo db.test.aggregate([ {‘$lookup’:
{‘from’: ‘user_data’,
‘localField’: ‘_id’,
‘foreignField’: ‘userId’}}])

Now I’d like to know if there is a way to retrieve the whole matrix that I added to the database?
Ideally it would be something like:
{‘from’: ‘user_data’,
‘localField’: ‘_id’,
‘foreignField’: ‘userId’}},

So I could have something like this:
‘_id’: {
‘_id’: User,
‘lastname’: ‘LastName1’,
‘_id1’: 25

Any idea of how I

System Requirements For Photoshop Malayalam Fonts Free Download:

OS: OS X 10.9.0
Processor: Intel Core i5 2.5Ghz or equivalent
Memory: 8GB RAM
Storage: 200GB SSD or equivalent
Graphics: Intel Iris Graphics or equivalent
Additional Notes:
The data can be downloaded in several different ways. Once you purchase the game you will receive an email with a code to download the DRM-free version. (via iTunes, Uplay, or Google Play). If you do not receive the email, please check your spam or junk