“Multi-step shortcut to execute commands”
Keymacro is the right solution to combine a lot of commands and operations into single keystroke. In other words, this is a multi-step shortcut to perform multiple actions in a single keystroke. A simple example would be: Type “H” into the keyboard and then press “G” to copy the whole paragraph under the cursor to the clipboard.
With Keymacro, you can easily combine a whole bunch of command-based tasks into a single keystroke:
Open a webpage in the browser
Open a specific tab in the browser
Open the desktop
Open the Print Dialog
Launch the YouTube Player
Open a new Chrome window
Create a new Google Calendar Event
Send an email
Log into Dropbox
Copy a file
Extract a ZIP
Make a GIF from your images
Compress files to a ZIP
Zip a file
As you can see, Keymacro’s flexibility is far beyond the basic “run a program” action. Moreover, it will never slow down your computer, as it doesn’t do a lot of the processing by itself. This free Windows utility is very easy to set up and use.
New features:
The most important, and most useful new feature of this update is the AutoKey module. It’s a powerful addon that gives the user an additional module on a key layout that will automatically find and execute a series of commands.
Some examples:
Perform a specific action on the “App launch” option:
Choose the desired program from the list and then perform a specific action on it.
Open the Audio Players’ Options dialog:
Choose the desired audio player, and then perform a specific action.
Choose the desired video player and then open the video’s information:
Choose the desired video player and then perform a specific action on the video’s information.
Choose the desired image viewer and then open the image’s information:
Choose the desired image viewer and then perform a specific action on the image’s information.
Choose the desired video editor and then open the video’s information:
Choose the desired video editor and then perform a specific action on the video’s information.
Choose the desired ZIP tool and then extract a ZIP:
Choose the desired ZIP tool and then perform a specific action on the ZIP archive.
Choose the desired compression tool and 84e02134c1

Chart Geany
Time Lapse MovieMonkey
Kid Safe Browser
LibreOffice Calc Extract Email Addresses Software
Spam Ignorer Corporate Edition
SpyShelter Firewall
BMP to GLCD bitmap
Resilio Sync
RSS Captor
Cheap Scanlines Effect
Indic Control Panel
Soft4Boost Video Capture
MelodyComposer for Sony-Ericsson
ListMate Pro
Able Graphic Manager

Macro that allow you to “normalize” URLS
“Normalize” means to change all type of URLS (Uniform Resource Locator, or URLs) to “http” or “https” and or remove spaces, and to provide other URL specific fixes.
Macro will take any URL, and “fix” it to make it a valid URL that can be used in a web browser.
You can use this simple macro with any URL generator.
Input: URL
Output: URL with fix applied
1. Load the macro
2. Start the macro. (If you don’t do it, the program will hang)
3. Set to “fix” the URL.
4. Set the options as desired, (click on the buttons to see them)
5. Set the “remember option”
6. Click “OK”
7. Input a URL to the “URL to Fix”
8. Click “Run”
9. Click “OK”
10. Click “Save” and “Close”
11. Enjoy your new URL!
The Macros comes with the zip file which contains the macros, and a demo program that will let you see how it works. You will need a macro editor to load it.
Key Macro Edit Version : 4.1
Key Macro Edit is a program for Windows, developed by John Fletcher. It allows you to program macros in any key on your keyboard.
You can type any text and click on any keys to select text or highlight it.
This can be text from your clipboard, or from a text file.
You can also use a “mark” feature to mark text to be used in another macro.
Any key or text you highlight, click on, or type is inserted into a standard text box.
The program will perform a variety of actions on the text. It will:
– Replace each instance of the text in the box with the text that was marked before
– Automatically select and copy the text in the box
– Paste the text in the box where the text was selected
– Select all text in the box
– Format it
– Add it to a current clipboard
– Add it to a pre-configured text file
– “Save the Clipboard”
– “Auto-Save the Clipboard”
– “Save Clipboard to File”
– “Save Clipboard to HTML
