Moving Ecm Zankuro !EXCLUSIVE!


Moving Ecm Zankuro

zankuro has a really good link cancelable. it’s a bit slow to frame, but it’s the best in the game for dealing with active normals. you can use the vt to negate this, but it’s much better to use it as a defensive tool. it’s generally only really useful as a last ditch active damage tool, but it can also be used as a way to completely cancel a very meaty super like 40c, or as a way to force a certain opponent to tech a recovery.

zankuro’s wft is really good, especially for a short-rage character. it’s a great second short-rage normal in the game. it can be used preemptively to begin a string of combos or to bait certain opponents into trying to attack you.

zankuro’s wft has a really good cancel. has some startup, but it’s decent. and it’s kind of amazing how well it works. it doesn’t have good frame advantage over many normals, but it has great cancelability and a good reach. it’s also a very easy to charge move. zankuro should probably have a better anti-air, but as it is, it’s one of the best, especially for a short-rage character.

zankuro has a very good anti-air for a short-rage character. it has a good hitbox and it’s a fairly fast frame. you can play a game where you use it preemptively to bait into an attack, and then hit them with a meaty, and then use it preemptively to get out of range of the attack.

zankuro’s defence is much more effective if it uses it’s mixup game, as it can easily dodge a lot of attacks. a lot of times i’ll use his neutral jump b to just catch out of range combos to keep myself safe and null the damage, or even pummel zankuro with a flat attack or 5s just because i’m bored.

zankuro is a character with many uses, but the most common use is certainly to catch opponents off-guard with a quick block. he has several safe options to do so, and can build upon the block into a kill with a grounded move or a punish. his signature is a quick 2c. this can be used to block a lot of damage or just to start building a combo, but it’s most important for creating dangerous situations when you have enough energy.
zankuro has a long-standing reputation as one of the worst characters in the game, and it’s hard to say whether that’s still the case. his buffs have certainly changed his character, but it’s difficult to say that he’s just been discovered. in terms of gameplay, zankuro has a few interesting tools at his disposal, though some of his most significant changes have come as buff/nerf for other characters. zankuro is definitely a character that can cause problems if you’re just not careful, and his projectile is a bit slow, so when you’re throwing a fireball, you may want to consider where you’re going.
zankuro has a very interesting mix of high and low damage. the low damage is a result of the lack of invulnerability, making his fireball less reliable for combos, but it’s also his main source of damage.
zankuro has a lot of movement options, but, as noted before, it’s up to you how you use them. he has the fastest kick (s8) in the game, but he cannot dash cancel out of it. unlike a lot of the other crouching zanpakutou, zankuro has no low dashing option, so any dashing he does will be from a standing start. also, unlike some of the other zanpakutou, zankuro has no dash throw. instead, he has a dash jump, dash grab, dash cancel, and, if you push the button when not in hitstun, a dash break. the dash cancel is safe enough on block, and dash jump and dash grab are safe to use out of block, but the dash break is a bit trickier. this option can be used both as a dash stab and a dash dodge, but zankuro’s dash break and dash stab combo is very different. dash stab is a grab that will launch him into the air and if he is not interrupted by hitstun will throw him straight at the opponent. dash dodge is a safe poke that leaves him in hitstun and after the opponent cancels it will likely just be followed up with a dash stab, so it has limited use as an escape.