Working with large amounts of text can be a challenging, tedious activity, especially if you need to perform a repetitive operation for several lines in the same document.
Fortunately, you can turn to specialized software solutions that can help you simplify your work, such as Mass String Processor.
No setup required
Since it is portable, you do not need to install this program on your computer, as simply decompressing the contents of its archive and launching the executable grants you full access to its abilities.
More so, it does not create any additional files or folders on your PC, nor does it modify any of your Windows registry entries whatsoever.
Simple design
Mass String Processor comes with a minimalistic, user-friendly interface that features two main sections: a field for text input and a panel for adjusting various parameters before processing your content.
Its features are rather straightforward and include brief explanations so that you can understand its capabilities before attempting to make use of them.
Clumsy controls
This tool can help you process your text, line-by-line, in various manners. For instance, you can add custom prefixes or suffixes, delete a custom number of characters for each line, search and replace particular words and even remove empty or duplicate lines.
Although you can combine these functions in any way you find appropriate, the only way they can be toggled is by customizing them. For instance, if you want to explore the combo menu for the prefix feature, it is automatically activated and used for processing your text.
Reset and revert features
Pressing the Reset button deactivates all of the selected options, thus enabling you to start fresh. More so, if you want to restore the text to its original state, you can accomplish that by simply clicking the Revert button.
Lightweight text processor with a handful of capabilities
To wrap it up, Mass String Processor is a simple application that can help you process large texts, line-by-line, by providing you with multiple relevant modules. It features a user-friendly interface that encompasses non-hidden, yet somewhat tricky controls. However, once you get the hang of it, you can use them without significant efforts.







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Mass String Processor Activation Code is a simple yet powerful text processing tool. While being able to convert a text to HTML, it also features a few other options such as:
– Replace – Now you can easily remove or replace any part of a string within a text.
– Split – This function allows you to separate the text into several separate parts.
– Find and Replace – Now you can easily search for and replace any part of a string within a text.
– Sort – If you have a large amount of text that you would like to sort, this function allows you to quickly do it.
– Remove Lines – If you have a large amount of text that you would like to remove lines, this function allows you to quickly do it.
– Convert to HTML – This option allows you to convert a plain text to HTML. It creates pages for all the text you input, and also, if you want, you can have each paragraph within a separate HTML page.
– Random – By using the Random function, you can have all your text (of the same text, mind you) appear in a different order.
– Revert – You can use this function to reset your text. That means that you can easily start fresh, and have the text you input to look exactly the same as it did in the beginning.
– Search and Replace – This is one of the best functions in this tool. You can easily search and replace any word in the text that you input.
– Multiple Languages – This function allows you to have your text displayed in multiple languages.
– Preview – Previews of the converted text and the pages of the HTML (of the same text, mind you) are displayed.
– Delete – This function allows you to delete multiple lines of the text that you input.
– Add Lines – This function allows you to add lines to the end of the text that you input.
– Combine – You can combine the text that you input into one. It adds lines to the end of the text, so it will become one long line.
– Check Numeric – Check Numeric allows you to check if a string is a number. If it is, you can have the number highlighted in that text. You can combine it with the Split function to separate it.
– Reset – By using this function, you can reset the text. That means that you can easily start fresh, and have the text you input to look exactly the same as it did in the beginning.

Mass String Processor Free

Free, open-source and portable software for text processing. You can convert files, create macros, insert text in files, execute or create text files or modify other files. It works with any version of Windows.
Search files and directories
Supports multiple languages
Create macros
Create text files
Insert text in files
Execute files
Create search patterns
Delete files or folders
Delete files from recursively
Delete files
View and edit file information
Open search panel
Run Command Line Commands
Run shell commands
Run programs
Show file extension
Show file attribute
Search text
Change text color
Merge files
Combine files
Translate files
Split files
Delete empty files
Toggle comments
Convert numbers
Generate random numbers
Delete and compress files
Compress files
Sort files
Clear and copy files
Reset filters and settings
Reset values
Import special characters
Export special characters
Convert to base 64
Export as text file
Export as file
Export text
Export as Unicode text
Export as Unicode string
Paste text
Paste file
Paste Unicode text
Paste Unicode string
Paste text and file
Paste Unicode text and file
Paste text and Unicode string
Paste Unicode text and Unicode string
Remove lines
Remove lines from file
Search and replace words
Search and replace words in file
Replace lines
Replace lines from file
Remove empty lines
Remove empty lines from file
Remove duplicate lines
Remove duplicate lines from file
Replace characters
Replace characters in file
Replace Unicode characters
Replace characters

Mass String Processor Crack +

Binaries are portable.


Once the download is complete, close any running programs and then double-click on the file to launch the setup.
During the installation, pay close attention to the “Select Destination” option as it may have to be changed to install the program correctly.
Once the installation is complete, close all open programs and run MalStringProcessor.exe to start the program.
Press the tab key to see a list of the program’s various features.
Click on the gray button to start the first process.
Press the tab key to see the list of the program’s various features.
Click on the gray button to start the first process.

This is a portable application.

Do not use this product if you are infected by a computer virus.

I received the software from the author with no promise of payment. I only hope I can return the favor.
Download link:


The classic answer is to use Windows line endings (LF), \r
, in all your files. That removes a bit of the awkwardness. If that doesn’t work, you can try the Unix line ending (LF),
, to switch over to the Unix line ending.
If that works, you can change that back to Windows.
The new way to get things done is to use the Windows line endings in your file, the Unix line endings when you copy from it, then the Windows line endings when you copy it back. That will work, but the process is a bit awkward, with no easy way to do it all from the editor.
If you really want to get into that kind of process, there are editors that support multiple line endings, like Vim, that can do it automatically. But that’s a bit more than your job.


If you want to use both Windows and Unix line endings, then you should be using UTF-8.

Use Unix line endings
in all your files.
Use the “Swap to Windows” function in Notepad++ to convert from Unix to Windows line endings.
Convert your file back to Unix line endings using the “Swap to Unix”

What’s New in the Mass String Processor?

Mass String Processor is a very lightweight but versatile line-by-line text processing tool. It allows you to perform a variety of text manipulation tasks, such as prefixing, suffixing, searching and replacing, or even deleting duplicated lines.
It includes features to customize the way your text is processed, such as deleting a number of characters before each line, adding prefixes and suffixes to every line, searching for a specific word or phrase, and even removing empty lines or lines that are repetitive.
It provides various options for customizing the text processing, such as deleting a number of characters before each line, prefixing or suffixing every line, or even searching for a specific word or phrase, or removing lines that are repetitive. The program also includes a string finder, a mass string processor, a text compare, a string transform, a text merger, and a text finder.


I’m not sure if it would work, but I would try using Powershell. You may need to be registered as an Administrator to use this.
Use the following code to move all the lines in the file.txt to the end of the file.txt.
Get-Content “\\server\file.txt” |
Select-String ‘\r’ |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
Set-Content “\\server\file2.txt”

To replace all the spaces with ‘%20’ use the following code.
Get-Content “\\server\file2.txt” |
Select-String ‘%20’ |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
Set-Content “\\server\file3.txt”

To find all lines with more than 5 spaces use the following code.
Get-Content “\\server\file3.txt” |
Select-String ‘%20’ |
Select-Object -Skip 5 |
Set-Content “\\server\file4.txt”

Software for a driver’s license

The Minnesota driver’s license allows the creation of a digital copy of the license, which could be stored on a mobile phone or a computer.

If a digital driver’s license were to be issued, it would have a QR code. For example, if a driver’s license were to have a QR code printed on it, the code could be scanned with a smartphone app to generate an image of the license. The driver could then store that image on his or her mobile device.

By the end of 2018!FREE!!NEW!

System Requirements For Mass String Processor:

DX11. Render targets for DirectX 11 (and OpenGL) applications and high-definition video. Supported on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. Install Direct3D 11-compatible graphics drivers, or use an alternative video driver if Direct3D 11 support is not available on Windows. See About DirectX on Windows for more information.
If you’re experiencing issues with the performance of your game, set it to Basic or lower settings. If your game is using High quality visual features, set it to High or higher.
For best performance, connect to the Internet via