ICD Browser is an easy to use browser with search capability for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, as they are published from the W.H.O. It runs under Windows and Pocket PC Devices.
Here are some key features of “ICD Browser”:
■ Two versions, for Windows (XP, 2000, 98) and Pocket PC (WM2003, WM5).
■ Two ways for displaying codes, Grouped all together in a tree, or separeted into chapters, sections and subsections.
■ Search codes.
■ Easy to use interface.
■ Direct search from program for diseases in google search engine







ICD Browser Crack +

The ICD (International Classification of Diseases) is the leading cause of death coding system in the world.
It consists of the 6th revision (1995-2000), the 8th revision (2001 and onward) and the 10th revision (2002 and onward) brought to the market by the WHO.
Do you know that these codes are available at the public domain?
Yes, the codes are published at with a very simple and easy way.

But they are not free. You need to pay for these codes.
You can download, use and develop your own software with the codes from
… But you do not have the rights to use the codes in any commercial project.
Do you want to search all the diseases that have appeared in the history of the world?
With this application, you can do exactly that.
Here is what you can do with ICD Browser Torrent Download:
– Search codes (meaning, group by ICD codes)
– Search file for specific disease. You do not need to fill the data file fields.
– Search for specific symptoms, signs, complications and rare symptoms.
– View these codes in a tree.
– View these codes as a chapter, section and subsection.
– Search for a specific disease according to the symptoms, signs, complications or the rare symptoms.
– Use google search engine to find a disease/symptom by the symptoms/signs/complications or rare symptoms.
– Search by the classification (surgical, medical) according to the symptoms/signs/complications or the rare symptoms.
– Download in.csv
– View in Tree format

The code categories (ICD-10) included in this application were taken from ICD-10, the international standard for the coding of the diseases. In this application, we have prepared two versions of the codes for Windows and Pocket PC.

Accessing to these codes means to access to the database for the global diseases (code table). In this application, we have not included medical content. To access to medical contents, please access to the WONCA’s WHO-mimic application.Q:

Value of optional type “!(Any.Type)” has no member ‘View’

I am

ICD Browser Crack Registration Code

ICD Browser is an easy to use browser with search capability for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, as they are published from the W.H.O.
It runs under Windows and Pocket PC Devices.
Here are some key features of “ICD Browser”:
■ Two versions, for Windows (XP, 2000, 98) and Pocket PC (WM2003, WM5).
■ Two ways for displaying codes, Grouped all together in a tree, or separeted into chapters, sections and subsections.
■ Search codes.
■ Easy to use interface.
■ Direct search from program for diseases in google search engine
For further information download trial version and tryQ:

how do I return a json object without adding an extra “.json” extention to the url?

I am trying to return an object on a JSONP request in asp.net mvc. I do not want to add the “.json” to my URL.
I am using this:
public JsonResult GetFoo()
return this.Json(new { foo = 123 });

I need to set “transport: ‘xmlhttprequest'”, as the response from the server has to be XML. The problem is I can’t seem to do it. I am being returned the foo value and not the entire object. I do not want to add a.json extention to the URL.
Does anyone know how to return the json object without the.json extention?
I have tried this:
public JsonResult GetFoo()
var foo = new { foo = 123 };
return this.Json(foo);

The JSON object does not get returned. I am still getting the json string back. Do I have to set jsonp: false?


You need to set up a custom data format to tell MVC you are sending JSONP.
ASP.NET MVC 3 Data Annotation for Returning JSON Using JSONP
public class JSONPAttribute : DataAnnotationsModelValidator
public override string FormatErrorMessage(ControllerContext context, string source, string id)

ICD Browser Activation Key [Win/Mac]

■ To me it is as easy to use and have well organized and searchable TREE list of diseases as is a web browser.
■ When comparing with other editors for diseases, I think it is not only the smallest size but also the smallest in time to download.
■ There are no ads and it only needs ~2 MB of memory.
■ It displays the WHO or CDC assigned diseases in its own order – it is the same order as they appear in the ICD-10.
■ It has a free version that you can test for 30 days.
What’s New in This Release:
■ Added “NO LATER THAN” parameter to Search function. This
allows the user to set up the conditions on
when the search should start and stop.
■ Added ability to reorder the default folder structure by
double clicking an item.
■ Implemented getNo(). This function can be
used by the API (returns the number of codes not
■ There is a pop-up when you add a new code. This
shows the name of the code, the description and
additional codes if any that are assigned to the
■ Implemented a “Get ICD List” button.
■ Implemented a back/forward button.
■ Implemented a performance test.
■ Implemented a getICDList button to show
available ICD codes.
■ Improved UI : “Back” and “Forward”
buttons are in the toolbar.
■ “Close” button is in the top center.
■ The size of the tool bar has been reduced

Carys Cooper – added by Mon 21.12.06 7:18 AM


Other Files by Saige on this site

I was completely blown away by the originality and detail of this program. I work in the health field and people need the most basic details at the touch of a button. The program worked as I hoped it would, as you can tell by the reviews.


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Total Downloads


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What’s New In?

– Two versions, Windows and Pocket PC, based on Xml.
– Multiple trees can be used depending on your needs, and parallel trees for different levels, which can be synchronized among them.
– Direct search from program for diseases in google search engine.
– Powerful search engine for entire db of the ICD.
– Search code by code, book, chapter, section and subsection.
– Browse by level: by disease, by code, by book, by chapter, by section and by subsection.
– Drag and drop codes from tree.
– Drag and drop books and chapters from tree to other.
– Mouse click to display description for each tree.
– Display descriptions in tree for each code, book, chapter, section and subsection.
– Easy to use.
– Shortcut for ICD Browser (Win 2000, XP, Pocket PC 2003, WM2003, WM5).
– History of opened pages.
– Documentation in XML that is easy to translate for other users and to share.
ICD Browser Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is the ICD?
A: The International classification of Diseases (ICD) is a classification used to categorise diseases and other disorders internationally. Disease names are coded with a unique ICD code, for which there is one and only one code for each disease name.
Q: What is an ICD browser?
A: The “ICD Browser” is an easy to use browser with search capability for the ICD codes, as they are published from the W.H.O. It runs under Windows and Pocket PC devices.
Q: Can I see a live link for my disease?
A: Yes. Just right click on the code you want to see a live link for and click on “Show” or “Show icon”.
Q: Can I change the tab to show codes under the chapter?
A: Yes. Click on “Multi-tab”, which is only available in Windows versions.
Q: Can I edit the description of the codes?
A: Yes. Just right click on the code you want to edit and click on “Edit description”.
Q: Can I delete the codes?
A: Yes. Just click the box for the codes you want to delete and click on “Delete”.
Q: What is the online version of ICD Browser?
A: The ICD Browser is a component of a medical information system we are developing. On the complete website

System Requirements For ICD Browser:

• Xbox 360 hard drive space: 3.5GB
• Internet connection
• 1080p or 720p
• Microsoft Kinect
• Xbox Live membership
The game is only available on Xbox Live.

Use the “Achievement” button at the upper right of the game screen to see a list of all the achievements you’ve unlocked in the game.
Note: This achievement will unlock when you beat the