In addition to the legal issues, there is also a moral issue with downloading pirated software. Pirated software is often secretly funded by those who manufacture software. This undermines the software industry and makes it difficult for consumers to switch to non-pirated software, which adds to the cost of new software.

This is why the software industry has taken steps to fight the practice of downloading cracked software. In April, Microsoft filed lawsuits against six online stores which were selling cracked versions of its Windows 10 operating system. It was accused of spreading malware through the pirated operating systems and for demanding money from users in exchange for a license key. The lawsuits don’t name the individual stores.

Ultimately, the cost of the illicit software is passed on to the end user. Businesses may also encounter legal problems if the software installed on a consumer’s work computer causes a data loss. For example, in the United States, the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) makes it a federal crime to access computers without authorization and it makes no exception for the unauthorized use of software. Additionally, some companies may hold the customer liable for a lost data disaster or for a breach in the company’s security. This means that if you introduce malware to the network you work on, you could be liable for any loss of data stored on the computer, regardless of whether you had any knowledge of the breach.

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