Drag Me To Hell WORK Full Movie Mp4 Download 🔎


Drag Me To Hell Full Movie Mp4 Download

Drag Me to Hell is a 2003 black comedy horror film that tells the story of Candace, a foul-mouthed and foul-tempered 16-year-old pseudo-Satanist who stands around and chants while people burn inside large wooden tanks that look like upside-down crosses. Candace’s mother urges Candace to move out of the house so she can have a nice hermetically sealed California bungalow, which is freeing her from the burden of her daughter’s torturous daily rituals. Her father hopes for a promotion at work so he can hire a babysitter for his new girlfriend. Candace’s naïve preacher babysitting boyfriend, the Reverend Jason Talbot, tells her the things she should do to find a nice young man to marry. The movie has been described as a “horrific combo of Dario Argento, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and My Little Pony” and it was directed by “Micheal” Verbinski, “the guy who made The Ring.”

The film also stars Uma Thurman as Candace’s overprotective housemother, Gina Gershon, Nate Parker as the Reverend Jason Talbot, Jake Weber as a law enforcement officer who is investigating the cult, and John Schneider & David Arquette as Candace’s parents. The cast also includes Robert Scott Wilson, Kevin Smith, Bill Johnson, Michael Chiklis and Susan Ruttan.

The cult is hosted by charismatic Sister Christian (Jennifer Carpenter) and her cousin Troy (Donnie Darko star Jake Weber), who uses the name Sister Lily Iris Croft for his promotional appearances. This is all to attract sister Luanne (Uma Thurman), a local goth who is both Troy’s ex-girlfriend and a potential leader of a new movement. The children of the cult, who bear the name of their leader, are called the Nevers, and wear red and black shirts. The cult worships Satan and is opposed to the church and all other religions.

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