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CLIF is a framework for scalable load injection and performance evaluation. It’s an open-source distributed load testing platform (for various protocol types). CLIF provides a flexible and extensible Java-based load testing platform, where users can define their own load injectors, probes, and custom supervision features, either through provided (CLIF-standard) or custom Java code. It’s easy to use, and it’s fast – with a load injector running on each (virtual) machine, millions of requests can be processed per second. To analyze the results, we provide a set of statistics and tools, and the ability to create views of the test results. CLIF is written entirely in Java and provides a uniform, scalable, and easy-to-use interface for load injection and perfomance evaluation.
Eclipse 3.2
Java 1.6
JRE 6 (minimum) or later
CLIF 1.0 or later, and its Eclipse plug-ins
JBoss 5.2 or later
Eclipse 3.2, and its CLIF Plug-in
CLIF plugin for Eclipse
Our downloads page:

“CLIF, the Load Injection and Performance Evaluation framework.”


One of the most powerful, and recommended framework is Apache JMeter.
It is a cross platform load testing tool and also provides a wide variety of test scenarios, it has various components to make testing easy.
You can find a lot of demos for Apache JMeter on Internet. Check this one.
JMeter is easy to learn and is completely open-source. It is free to download.
There is a very good book on JMeter by Balaraman,
I hope it will help you.


JMeter is not a general purpose Load Testing Tool. It can do Load Testing for Web Applications, but you should use HTTP Proxy with JMeter to do Web-based Load testing.
To create a Web-based Load Testing, you have to change JMeter’s HTTP

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CLIF stands for
Coordinated Load Injector Framework
and is built on the Eclipse platform.
The goal of the framework is to bring together and provide a common abstraction for a number of disparate load injectors for use in load testing (and performance evaluation).
Coordinated load injectors are each aware of and manipulate requests in the context of a response. Typically, a coordinated injector is designed to coordinate a multi-threaded server. The ability to coordinate these injectors with a common pool of request and response objects provides a powerful and efficient framework for test generation and evaluation.
The CLIF framework provides tools to automatically generate request and response instances, configures request parameters, or passes on request parameters from the command line.
One of the main advantages of the framework is that you do not have to create or maintain a new server for every new test (or performance evaluation). The framework allows you to reuse existing servers by passing requests and responses through coordinated load injectors. The load injectors are unaware of each other, so you can use them individually in the same test without knowing anything about them.
The load injectors and probes (or load generators) are written using the Coordinated API and each offers a large number of configuration options, which make creating a specific test fast and easy.
Coordinated API Description:
The Coordinated API is a set of Java interfaces for coordinating different load injectors.
This API is used by the CLI (command-line tool) to generate requests and responses (or to execute test scripts).
The API also provides the ability to run tests, gather data, and analyze the results.
The Coordinated API can be used independently of the CLI and directly from Java code (e.g., JUnit).
The Coordinated API consists of two main interfaces:
1. Injector is a factory for creating request objects based on a request specification. This allows you to pass the request specification to the API via command line options. You can also create in-memory requests from scratch.
2. RequestManager is a factory for creating response objects based on a response specification. This allows you to pass the response specification to the API via command line options. You can also create in-memory responses from scratch.
CLIF offers you a number of load injector families.
The coordinated load injector framework is based on the following families:
1. *PHP*:The PHP load injector family is implemented as a load injector on top

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Load injectors:

– CLIF injectors are extensible through Java programming. CLIF has a variety of Java-based injectors that can easily be used to implement complex traffic generation strategies.
– CLIF supports the following protocol types: HTTP, FTP, SIP, HTTP REST, SMTP, SMTP over TLS, HTTP over HTTP, FTP over FTP, HTTP over SCTP, SSH and File Transfer Protocol.


– Probes report on resource usage.


– CLIF’s GUI provides easy to use drag and drop functionality to enable users to load inject and probe at runtime.
– CLIF provides a full set of features to evaluate load.
– Users can load inject traffic, configure load and view results in real time.
– Real time analysis provides easy access to results, and the ability to view graphs and other results in a graphical user interface.
– CLIF supports centralized and distributed configuration.
– CLIF supports machine identification and session affinity.
– In addition to probing and injecting at runtime, CLIF supports the capability to add resources at start up time.


– Performance probes can be used to measure the resources used by the application being tested.
– CLIF provides support for CPU, memory and network measurements.
– CLIF supports the ability to perform resource usage tracking at runtime.


– CLIF provides a full set of tools that are useful for the advanced load tester.
– This includes a supervisor tool, a tool for analyzing results, a probe analyzer, a developer tool and a task manager.

CLIF has a rich set of features to help you automate your load testing.

Click on the following links to find out more:

* [Buy CLIF]( – for downloading the CLIF binary distribution
* [User manual]( – for the full user manual
* [API documentation]( – for the

What’s New In CLIF?

CLIF provides a flexible, extensible Java-based platform for scalable, distributed load injection and performance testing. With the Eclipse-based GUI, use provided or custom load injectors and probes, and run up to millions of vUsers per injector!
CLIF is an open load testing platform, including load injectors, for generating traffic (a variety of protocols are supported such as HTTP, FTP, SIP…) and probes, for measuring resource usage (processor, memory, network…).
CLIF comes with test supervision features (including monitoring of response times, throughput, error rate, computing resources consumption), and analysis tools.
Both command-line and graphical user interfaces are provided, including Eclipse plug-ins.  CLIF is extensible through Java programming (new injectors, new probes…).
With CLIF you’ll get a powerful framework that was designed especially for load injection and perfomance evaluation.

Thanks to all!
Thanks to all who have submitted Pull Requests (30+) and who have given us their feedback!
Special thanks to “José”, for all his wonderful suggestions, the idea for the “Beautiful visualization!”Q:

Why the output is false, but the code is true?

I’m trying to convert the following Boolean expression
bool a = (a + b) ^ c ^ d;

to the equivalent one-line statement
bool x =!!((a + b) ^ c ^ d);

But the output is false!
It seems the expression doesn’t result in 0 when the value of the operands is false. I’ve tried it on VS 2017 and G++-7.3.0.
Why does it behave like that?


The expression is evaluated with a false result, not an invalid result (e.g. a value larger than int). The way you are describing your original expression is to produce false if the results of evaluating a, b, c and d are not all 0 or 1.
So what you want is not “if the operands of the expression are false, return false” but “if the operands are of type int, return false”.
For that, simply replace each 0 or 1 with 1, and add another 0 at the end, so that it is a 1-based index.
You can easily see this using Visual Studio to look at the IL generated.
// value = false
bool a = 0;
// value = false
bool b = 1;
// value = false
bool c = 1;
// value = false
bool d = 1;
// final result of expression = false
bool x = a + b + c + d;

Phylogenetic position of the squamate reptiles and their evolution.
Classical phylogenetic reconstruction placed the transition between reptiles and birds at the

System Requirements For CLIF:

The most powerful features of Online Multiplayer mode require a high performance computer. The minimum requirement for Online Multiplayer mode in the list below is a computer that is compatible with the features. You may need to increase your computer specifications depending on the type of gameplay you enjoy most.
For more detailed information please read the System Requirements under Online Multiplayer from the Features section.
Features of the game – Online Multiplayer mode
Online Multiplayer mode in the game allows you to play multi-player with your friends from all over the world! You can create your own profile and invite your