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FDA proposes rule to make many hearing aids cheaper

Oct 19 (Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday proposed creation of a new category of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids to be sold directly to millions of Americans in an effort to make the devices more affordable.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the proposed rules should be finalized next year and should increase competition to drive down prices, so the devices cost “hundreds instead of thousands of dollars.”

The changes “will help millions of Americans with mild to moderate healing loss get access to cheaper and more convenient access to hearing aids,” she told reporters, adding just one-fifth of the estimated 37.5 million Americans who have trouble hearing use such aids.

The rule allows greater reach to communities of color that have been typically lacked access to hearing aids, said Xavier Becerra, secretary of Health and Human Services.

Under the proposal, cheap clomid without rx hearing aids generic clomid for sale severe hearing loss or for users younger than 18 would remain as prescription devices.

The department will take comments on the proposed rule for 90 days and plan to implement the rule 60 days after finalizing it.

“Finalizing this remains a top priority for the agency,” said Jeff Shuren, where to get clomid director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said during a press call.

Representative Debbie Dingell called the announcement “a major step forward for hearing health and will increase the accessibility of affordable hearing aid options for those who need them.”

The proposed rule follows an instruction in President Joe Biden’s broad competition executive order, which had told the Department of Health and Human Services to “promote the wide availability of low-cost hearing aids,” among many other instructions aimed at a wide variety of industries. (Reporting by Manojna Maddipatla in Bengaluru and Diane Bartz and Trevor Hunnicutt in Washington; Editing by Shinjini Ganguli and Nick Zieminski)

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Hepatitis drugs among the most expensive in the US

Americans are paying more than anyone else for prescription drugs, a new report finds, with a single prescription of one hepatitis drug costing nearly $30,000 for an uninsured person, a new report finds.

A report published this month by Nice Rx finds that Americans spend around $1,011 per person every year, more than 25 percent more than its nearest peer nation, with the cost of many drugs having doubled over the past ten years.`

The most expensive drugs included in the report were Harvoni, a hepatitis C drug  produced by pharma giant Gilead, for which the average prescription costs $29,238 before insurance adjustments, and Stelara, a psoriasis drug developed by J&J, a 19,607.

One report states that production of Harvoni costs $2 per pill, for which there are usually around 84 in a single course, meaning the price is marked up around 175-fold on average, per the Nice Rx report. 

The drug that’s price raised the most was Humulin, an insulin manufactured by Eli Lilly, which had its price jump a whopping 1,070 percent over the past ten years – making it one of four diabetes drugs that had its price at least double over the decade.





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None of Gilead, Johnson & Johnson or Eli Lilly responded to a inquiry as to why the company’s felt the drugs needed to be priced as such.

Harvoni, which was the most expensive of the drugs, costs $2 per pill to produce,  according to Greg Jeffreys, an Australian hepatitis expert, with each course of the drug including around 80 pills.

The United States has become famous for its high drug prices, with many across the aisle pointing to either big pharma companies’ greed, middle-men like pharmacy benefit managers, and both too much or not enough government regulation.

While the U.S. spends over $1,000 per resident on prescription drugs, Scandinavian region nations like Norway and Sweden spend $401 and $351 on them respectively.

Of the ten countries in the Nice Rx report – which included the U.S., Canada and eight European countries – on Switzerland was the closest to America in drug spending, with $783 being spent per every resident.

The researchers also gathered median prices across eight popular drugs, and found that Americans were paying 307 percent the median price of drugs from across 50 nations.

Insulin has long become the face of rising prices, with even President Joe Biden stating he would make it a priority to bring down costs – as President Donald Trump had done before him.

Two insulins produced by Eli Lilly are among the drugs which have experienced the most price growth over the past ten years, according to the report

Humulin is a neutral insulin that patients who use it will need regularly in order to properly manage their diabetes. cheap clomid without a prescription it, they could suffer a diabetic coma, loss of limb, blindness, or even death.

From January 2012 to January 2022, the median price of the drug had jumped from $67 to $1,512 per prescription. 

It is not the only type of insulin to experience a massive shift in prices over the past ten years, though. 

Another Eli Lilly product, Humalog, jumped 213 percent over that period, from $126 to $623.

Other drugs that experienced large surges in price include the kidney disease drug Renvela (manufactured by Sanofi) had a 355 percent jump in price, the pancreas drug Creon (Abbvie) had a 223 percent jump, and the menopause drug Premarin (Pfizer) also jumped 215 percent.

Harvoni, manufactured by Gilead, can cost an uninsured person around $30,000 for the average prescription

cheap clomid without a prescription hepatitis drug, Harvoni, being the most expensive could be a concern at the moment, as the rare kidney infection is starting to once again rise around the world, with nearly 200 cases detected worldwide in recent months.

Stelara was the only other drug included in the report that cost more than $10,000 for the average prescription. 

The state that pays the most for prescription drugs is Texas, which pays a collective  $35.15 billion per year across its 29 million residents – over taking California, which pays $32.53 billion a year across its nearly 40 million residents.

Florida and New York, which also have the next two highest populations in the U.S., also come in third and fourth in overall drug spending.

Read more:

Prescription Drug Report 2022 – NiceRx

About Greg Jefferys – Hepatitis C Treatment

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AOC rips Chase for tone deaf Monday Motivation tweet

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a hit a Chase Bank on Twitter, reprimanding the company in a sharp tweet for their post urging customers where to buy clomid be more frugal. 

On Monday Chase shared a tweet joking about how customers overspend and get low balance alerts from the bank. 

‘You: why is my balance so low. Bank account: make coffee at home. Bank account: eat the food that’s already in the fridge. Bank account: you don’t need a cab, it’s only three blocks. You: I guess we’ll never know. Bank account: seriously? #Monday Motivation’. 

AOC then responded saying today’s money problems stem from minimal wage increases and rising living costs. 

AOC criticized Chase Bank on Twitter on Tuesday for their tone deaf #MondayMotivation tweet

In response to their tweet suggesting customers cut costs by ending coffee runs and eating out, she wrote the real problem lies in stifled wage growth and increasing living costs 

‘You: Why is my balance so low? Economists: Bc working Americans haven’t gotten a raise in 30 years despite unprecedented growth & living costs have exploded

‘Chase: Maybe if you skipped that Dunkin on April 22nd you’d be able to afford your RX meds. That’s how that works right,’ she sarcastically tweeted Tuesday.

Her tweet went viral racking up 47,000 likes and over 10,000 retweets. 

The Congress freshman serves on the House Financial Services Committee, which oversees the nation’s largest banks and financial institutions.  

Turns out the tweet didn’t just fall flat with AOC. 

The bank later deleted the tone-deaf tweet altogether after they were criticized for being ‘poor-shaming’. 





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Chase deleted the tweet on Monday after facing major backlash online 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who has made economic justice the centerpiece of her presidential campaign, found a target on Monday in the tweet from Chase Bank

Many on Twitter objected where to buy clomid the tone of the tweet chastising people for spending money

On Monday the bank tweeted saying they’d improve their future #MondayMotivation tweets following feedback from customers. 

The backlash came thick and fast with Senator Elizabeth Warren, a long-time critic of big banks, pointing out that JPMorgan Chase received over $25 billion in taxpayer money as part of the government bailout in 2008. 

Other’s took aim at Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, whose salary was recently raised to more than $31 million.

‘It’s well-known that Jamie Dimon earned his riches making coffee at home and eating leftovers,’ tweeted Ben Walsh, a reporter at Barron’s.

Rep. Katie Porter a Democrat from California said tweet reflected the fact the bank and Dimon are ‘out of touch.’

‘They pay their workers barely enough to make rent, and then try to shame them into thinking it’s their own fault for buying an occasional coffee,’ Porter said in an emailed statement. ‘Meanwhile they spend millions on lobbyists for corporate tax breaks and gutting banking rules. It’s outrageous but I’m not surprised.’

‘No one should ever shame someone for being poor,’ one Twitter user said, ‘But all of us should be open to having our bad habits called out so we can live better lives.’ 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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