Sound Solution 1.31b (Winamp Plugin, The One WITH All The Presets!) [EXCLUSIVE] 🥊

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Sound Solution 1.31b (Winamp Plugin, The One WITH All The Presets!)

this version has something that can be considered a replacement: the song tree. it’s probably the most useful addition in sound solution 1.31b. it has separate color-coded trees for each kind of song: (1) acoustic; (2) electric; (3) bass; (4) heavy/blues; (5) pop; (6) rock; (7) jazz; (8) soft rock; (9) folk; (10) world; (11) techno; (12) lounge; (13) metal; (14) country; (15) rap; (16) soul; (17) funk; (18) new age; (19) hard rock; (20) soundtracks.

on the other hand, this is a beta version, so it is not perfect. most of the problems you’ll see are caused by the fact that we do not have enough memory to load all the songs. and yes, a lot of songs are missing, because we ran out of memory while loading the presets. this means that some things may not work exactly right, or may not work at all. that’s ok. it’s a beta. as long as you understand the limitations, it’s a great deal.

with this version of the plugin, i want to thank the following people:

  • jeroen van oortmerssen, the creator of the winamp plugin, for the help and support. he’s the person who’s helping me with this plugin.
  • kirri, for the support, too. he’s also the one who’s helping me with the dsp effect.
  • sebastian, for the support, too.

i’ve made the newest version of the winamp plugin, v1.31b, and it’s very interesting to share it with you. it has all the presets, including the one that has the installed themes and a new one with all the new sounds. it also has the support of the dsp effect, which many people have requested. the plugin will be available in some future version of the winamp plugin.

each sound has a certain amount of “dsp” level, which is the percentage of amplification of the original sound (the one from the computer). in the version 1.3.1 you could only change the sound’s dsp level. now you can change both the sound’s dsp level and the effect’s dsp level. also, you can use the dsp level to have an effect of volume with no sound. you can also use the dsp level to control the volume in a constant way, as if you were touching the volume control.
as usual, you have to sign up on the dev8developer site ( to download the plugin. then, you need to download the zip file and extract the sound1_31b folder. after that, you need to move the extracted folder to your winamp plugins folder. you can find the winamp plugins folder by going to: tools, settings, plugins. in the plugins tab, click on the browse button, and navigate to your winamp plugins folder. now, you need to open the plugins folder and double click the sound1_31b folder to activate the plugin.
the plugin has two files. the sound1.dll and sound1.reg files.dll file is an uncompressed version of the sound1_31b plugin.reg file is used to register the plugin with winamp. you need to open the sound1.reg file with a text editor (i.e. notepad) and remove the bottom line that starts with and that starts with . you also need to delete the and lines on the right hand side of the file.
once you have removed the unwanted lines from the sound1.reg file, you should see three lines. after you have removed the unwanted lines, save the file. if you want to load the plugin, you need to double click on the sound1.dll file.