Site Planning Kevin Lynch And Pdf

mr. lynch began his career in government in 1966 as a member of the planning commission of westchester county, new york, eventually becoming the executive director of the commission. in 1968, he became the mayor of wilton, new york. in 1972, he joined the planning staff of new york state highway department, working in albany and syracuse. after spending a year in washington, d.c., he joined the private sector as the director of housing for the state of california in 1974. in 1981, he founded his own consulting firm, lynch development associates. he serves as the firm’s managing director and oversees all of its current business activities.

he is the author of two textbook on city planning and policy, the first of which was published by macmillan publishers and is now out of print. the second edition of the text is in press. he is a frequent speaker at conferences and has lectured in 12 foreign countries and 29 states. he is a member of the american planning association, the u.s. chamber of commerce, and the american institute of certified planners.

gary hack was hired by the american planning association to begin the transition from their introductory textbook “introduction to city planning” to a newer edition. as the planner to the american planning association’s board of directors, he was responsible for overseeing the project to produce the new text, and served on the editing committee that created the new plan.

in 1976 the carmel city council initiated the process of changing the name of carmel valley to north city west, establishing the master plan to guide development. the second developer, future planning associates, proposed building on 41,000 to 55,000 square feet of commercial land with 3,800 to 5,600 square feet of residential space.

when it was completed in 1974, the master plan for north city west was a striking, yet surprisingly convincing plan. through the purchase of large tracts in two areas, carmel mountain and a portion of a slough west of diablo canyon, future planning was able to establish a threefold distribution system. the first phase consisted of 1,100 square feet of commercial space and 667 square feet of residential space along california street. the second and third phases consisted of 6,900 square feet of commercial space and over 3,100 square feet of residential space along pine avenue.
the north mesa was also the site for the development of a significant portion of north city west, and is the appropriate scale for all development. it is set apart from the town by carmel creek, which will be kept flowing through its old bed. in contrast, all development on the mesa, with the exception of the greenbelt, will encroach on carmel creek.
the development of the mesa top was an innovative concept in community planning. carmel mountain park, now over 6,000 acres, is the only urban park in the los angeles basin. it was the first urban park to be fully developed in the city of los angeles; prior to its development, the lots, excepting one, had been sold and the money used to pay the county, which was holding a mortgage on the property.
b. the potential for changes in transportation and/or land use and the resulting environmental, energy, social, and/or economic effects that these changes may have on the project area. in addition to the development of a master plan, city governments commonly decide on development in phases. this is normally called a phased plan or cluster plan. phased plans are sometimes described as “predictive.” they allow developers to make better decisions about the costs of development than they would without a master plan and to take advantage of economies of scale or other factors in the development process. while these plans can be created by a city or an agency, private developers are also interested in phased plans to maximize the economic benefits of their investments. if a developer has no pre-existing plans, a phased plan is the best way to begin the project and set its overall character and direction. most cities have experienced the problem of conflicting interests in urban growth—that is, development that is consistent with some people’s values but does not encourage consistent growth or improve the urban environment. city planners and administrators have developed models, such as master plans and clustered plans, to guide and promote desirable development in cities. the process of planning development on a citywide scale has proved difficult for many cities, because of the complexity of the problem. however, several cities have successfully developed master plans and phased schemes in the past few years. these are provided as case studies throughout the book.