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Should schnapps be called ‘gluhwein’?

In the past I heard that the origin of the word “gluhwein” is based on the German Christmas custom. At this time of year everyone is feeling glum and so the Germans have the custom of warm spiced gluhwein.

This is warm spiced wine or “gluhwein” which is made using the same methods as mulled wine. (A hot toddy is made from toddy with mulled wine)

Today I read that the term gluhwein is derived from the German glühend, glühende Wasser or glühende Eier, which translates as “glowing, blazing, heating water or eggs”.

There are stories that have the original glühende Eier developing into grog and evolved into gluhwein.

This means that gluhwein is similar to spiced apple cider or mulled wine.

As an Australian having never heard of gluhwein before I am totally confused. I can’t imagine Americans would know what we mean when we say mulled wine.

If you are interested here is the Wiki entry for gluhwein:

“Gluhwein is also a drink made from wine and spices that is served warm in Christmas celebrations of the German-speaking people. Glühwein is made with mulled wine, a type of mulled wine similar to Port. Today, glühwein is also made with egg whites instead of wine. While some recipes for gluhwein specify that the wine be unsweetened, most recipes call for sweet wine, giving the drink a darker color. Traditionally, it is served with a sweet, spiced loaf called a Seidel containing raisins and plums (the word Seidel is a Low German word referring to a loaf of bread) and sauerkraut, which is often eaten as a starter. Gluhwein is usually served in a ceramic mug or similar glass; in Germany, it can also be found in hotels.”Editor’s Note: Paul Manafort’s extradition request to the U.S. is set to be filed Wednesday, July 12, following a court ruling which found it be

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