

So, let’s think about the kinds of amp sounds that you want to create. It is often the case that if you have a very simple guitar amp sound, you can use this filter to add some nice depth to it.

This is interesting. Now we are getting into some processing. This is where, if youre a real guitarist, you need to know how to mix your guitar sounds. In other words, if we are getting a sound, but it needs a little more depth, you have to make the adjustment.

So what this is, is the actual signal, and lets start here. We’ve got this signal, and what this plug-in does, is it actually simulates a guitar amp on it, and it’s got two knobs, and in this case, the two knobs that I have, the first one is the amp, the second one is the volume.

That way, if you are creating a clean sounding tone, you can add a little bit of grunge and grit to that clean tone, and also get a bit of the amp sound itself in the mix. If youre a real guitar player, you will know that you use the tone from the amp for only a certain time period. After that, you need to play it in a certain way, or else it will lose the most of its personality. So, I would highly recommend that you practice to play that tone using this method. You can put it in a context with that filter in the chain, and if you play the tone with that filter in there, the filter is going to be the central sonic character of the sound that you have.

Now, I have actually just been running a Fender Champ AMP, and my Cardas Champ AMP, but, if I wasnt running a Fender Champ, I would run a Champ AMP just so I can do this low-cut thing. But a great way to do the same thing is to do the Vintage Amp Room and have it on, but then just have the way it plugs in and out of the Vintage Amp Room, and then I dont have to push a button to send out the impulses.

This is a good technique for getting something into Logic, and because the Rosen impulses are so good sounding, once thats done, I can put the whole thing through my own guitar amp without thinking about it too much, and then I can work on the sound that way.
Next, I plug the guitar directly into the Emulation Outboard in the studio, and set the Emulation Output Volume to a -5 and I stick the IPR ground jack next to it, which is plugged into the ground jack on the Impulses Outboard:
So now, to get into the sound that Im going to be using for our project, we start off with the studio version of the impulses, and we extract the bass, the guitar, and the overdrive going on in the input. Im just going to mute the vocals for now so that theyre not competing for attention:
And if I go back in the head, and I look at the mids section and the 12dB sections, the highs, the mids, and the lows, theyre all coming in at 0 dB, so this is just something that is really taking the center off the shoulders of the guitar.
So now, because I have a headphone output jack on the Impulses, I would actually plug in a headphone, or plug an amp in to the headphone jack, so I can hear exactly what the effects are like. The levels are coming in at a -5 on the Emulation Outboard, and Im going to take the impact gain down to -5, and the input is at 1.0. I can hear that with my headphones, and I dont hear anything actually going into the Impulses. When youre working on something, especially in a live situation like that, you cant really hear things going into the impulses, you cant really hear what Im doing with the reverb, you cant really hear what the reverbs doing. If I go to my amp, I can hear what my amp is doing.