You play as a young man, in pursuit of Shelly, your lost girlfriend. Your journey will bring you to Smoky, a small town in the desert.
Will you be able to find Shelly in the dangers of the desert, persuade the town people to help you, and deal with groups of escaped convicts?
Your decisions will lead you to an ending that reflects your choices. But what will it be?
This game is entirely made in Unity, and the art is made in Autodesk Maya. It is made on a windows laptop with 2 GPU’s.
About the development:
I made a website for the game which I will keep updating with content. If you want to visit the website you can visit this address:
How to play the game:
the main campaign has a cut-scene start and end, some maps are opened by map button, others by story button. You can fast travel everywhere using the F2 key. you can click on objects to discover their contents, you can click on dialogue buttons to have the NPC talk to you. You can take three actions in any one turn, a quick action, a choice of action, and a long action. A long action increases your level. In combat, you can shoot your gun to shoot, throw your knife, shoot with your rifle, or dart with your dartgun. You can pick up objects by clicking on them. You can fast wait to reduce your level, or fast travel to a safer place or to a battle area. You can slow wait for free turns. To cook, select which ingredients you have and click on the cooking terminal. You can use any tool in your inventory to solve any problem. If you make a mistake it will stay in the game and be reviewed. To jump rope, click on the rope with the three dots. To change clothes, click on the clothes you want and select fast change. You can save and load your game using the menu button. To shoot a sound, shoot the sound button. You have three sound effects available, –>, /->, or \->. After finishing a map, the current map shows up as your map, the main menu opens.
How to use the contents of this game:
All the maps, items and characters are listed below. Click the character name to switch to that character. All items have directions on how to use them, if you do not know it, they can be loaded to a repl


Features Key:

  • Customizable language support
  • Ansible support
  • Real-time chat
  • Customizable chat
  • An optional prompting tool
  • Steam Description:

    Become a successful prosecutor or a merciless hit man with the Influent DLC. Explore 32 fully explorable districts, each with its own specialty, to unlock new trophies and help convict the perfect culprit. With a downloadable backdrop, customizable looks for each town, an in-game encyclopedia, and optional smart playcards to gather evidence while mocking clues, Influent redefines crime. Get it now!

    Game version:


    Release Date:

    Nov 15, 2015
    Nov 27, 2016

    Want to keep up to date?
    Like Influent on Facebook
    Follow Influent on Twitter

    LAKEVIEW, IL — SPEEDWAY STOPPING SPREE. Police believe this carjack was the work of one man. With every year that passes, drivers keep a finger on the panic button as they drive through the suburbs.

    People have been getting carjacked more and more frequently, so police are imploring drivers to take note of their surroundings and to be cautious when they’re about to pull into a driveway or garage.

    “If somebody are to intercept you at this time of day, you will know something is up,” said Sgt. Deborrah Carpenter of the Lakeview Police Department.

    According to Carpenter, people have reported “heists” that take place outside churches or schools that are closing.

    Slow down, be cautious, and slow your movements. If you’re getting ready to pull in, park. Don’t stop. Pull into the garage.

    “Pull into the garage, this man will run to the other end of the garage and make a good getaway,” said Carpenter.

    It also helps to know the people in your neighborhood


    RONIN: Two Souls CHAPTER 1 Crack Free [March-2022]

    Tales of Rebirth stars a group of young girls who can’t remember the past, when did they lost their memories?
    Become a member of that group, one by one, and play the game of trying to find the answers.
    The game twists through a series of puzzles, and it’s your tasks to piece everything together,
    to find out the fate of the group, and your own place in it.
    Combine the story with the puzzles, experience this fantastical tale of hope and despair, of recovery and forgetting.

    This is it. Before you embark on this journey of a lifetime, I wanna say sorry for being a busy bee lately. It’s not often that I respond to comments, but I promise I’ll be back more often. And I wanna promise you that I’m really gonna get back to the replies to all the comments and support the people who have supported me in the past. Some of the things I had planned were going to be shared when I’m able to release it, but being in school and work made it a bit difficult, but when I’m able to get home, I’m going to get back to it.

    If you’re new, I suggest reading my announcement post. I have previous games under the same developer and in case you haven’t, I suggest watching this one because this game is a lot like the previous ones that I have made.
    In short, this game will be familiar to you. It takes place in the same location, and the same game mechanic that I did in my previous games applies here. If you did enjoy this game, you can find the other ones in my archive. If you want more information of the game mechanics, feel free to ask in the comment section.

    Finally, I would like to say hi to all my readers. I read your comments, and know how hard you work, so I’m not going to forget about you. This game is something that I do for all of you and I will do my best to make sure that you’ll feel a part of this game as the story progresses. As for now, please know that I love you, and that it means a lot to me that all of you are here. Thank you so much for all your comments, love, support, and feedback.

    There is a lot more to come in the game though. If there’s anything that you’d like to see in the game, feel free to leave a comment.
    If you


    RONIN: Two Souls CHAPTER 1 Crack + Incl Product Key [32|64bit] 2022

    – Improved graphics and animations for all participating patients.
    – New equipment for emergency room: new wheelchairs, bandages, lamps,
    stretchers and resuscitation equipment for medical treatment.
    – Equipment will make in-game visual noise.
    – Improved functionality for blood loss visualization.
    – Trauma room has been added. He is available in the hospital as a new
    hospital employee and can help you with wounds.
    – New doctor outfit, new operations and treatments.
    – New events.
    – Awards and achievements.
    – New icons and concepts.
    Key features:
    – More than 150 new medicaments, medikamente, medicines, medicamente,
    – 23 new medicaments: Ampicillin, 1:100 000; H2O, Salbutamol, Sulfadoxine,
    Sulfamethoprim; Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Chloramphenicol; Cortisone,
    Erythromycin, Glucosamine, Tamiflu; Ciprofloxacin, Ketek, Magnesium;
    Benzodiazepines, Valium, Vianalex, Ritodrine; Atropine, Tensilet, Nitro
    dipive; Acetaminophen, Bupivacaine, Pethidin, Saline, Tranxima.
    – New medicament and medicines: Antibiotic; Hemine, Antihistamine,
    Antifungal, Antihistamine, Bronchodilator, Antipsychotic, Antibiotic,
    Anticholinesterase, Anticoagulant, Anti-anxiety, Antipsychotic,
    Antidepressant, Autonomic Sympathoadrenalin, Beta-blocker, Beta2
    agonists, Carbonate, Ketamine, Ketamine-Cluster, Methylfurazate,
    Paracetamol, Paraldehyde, Paraemethoxydiflurofen, Pethidine,
    Procalcitonine, Rethinium, Selaruban, Stimulant, Sotalol, Temazepam,
    Valium, Zolpidem, Zopiclone, Salicylic acid.
    – New medicament and medicines: Antifungal: Amphotericin B,
    Benzydamine, Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Micon


    What’s new: