Additional Information

Name Elden Ring
Publisher Administrator
Format File
Rating 4.12 / 5 ( 9475 votes )
Update (13 days ago)




After absorbing the Elements that give each living being their virtues and completing the ritual of the Sixty-Three Stars, the hero of the game named Tarnished is born, along with the Element Mana. With his energy and spirit, he engages in battles.

In pursuit of a wish-granting event, Tarnished defeats an enemy force in the far east. He brings the Mana infused with his power to life and makes a wish for the future.

By using the Mana, he sends Tarnished to the Lands Between. Tarnished awakens on a battlefield to battle with an unknown person and his Mana bursts forth, greatly strengthening him.

This is a story of the three types of main characters, you can choose freely between them, and each character has their own story, unique elements, weapons, and effects.

While you are in the Lands Between, many enemies and treasures are waiting, which you can enjoy with your party. You can easily explore the world by riding your mount.

Development Team:

Developer: Cryptic Studios

Publisher: Ubisoft

Platforms: PC (Steam)

Release Date: 11/15/2017

Purchase Name: USA (Shannon) -: Buy the USA version

Purchase Name: Japan (にらげやま) -: Buy the Japanese versionQ:

Group by and sorting by two fields in MongoDB

I’m trying to group by 2 field in this case name and surname. I can group by only one field of two like this : { $sort: { _id: 1} })

But I can’t combine the two fields. The following works if I only group on one field like this : { name: {$sort: { _id: 1}}, surname: {$sort: { _id: 1}}} )

but with both fields I’m having troubles. I’m trying this, for example, and it’s not working : { name: {$sort: { _id: 1}}, surname: {$sort: { _id: 1}}})

It seems that i can’t combine field names and values but I don’t know why. Can you help me?


You’ll need to have some kind of script to do that. Using JavaScript is


Features Key:

  • Character Creation
  • Skills
  • Battle
  • Customization
  • Items
  • Gods
  • Battle System
  • Goblin Clan Assault
  • Splendid Quests
  • Character Card
  • MMO








    Elden Ring Crack +



    Cursed Ride is a story about a sword and the redemption of a man’s sins.
    In this world, the nature of the sword has been altered and those wielding it in the hand may ultimately enjoy the reverse of the power it was meant to give.
    During a mission near the capital city of Eden, a series of drastic events occur and you are thrown into a world where magic can no longer be wielded properly.
    You have the sword, Elden Ring Full Crack, and your memories of the past are starting to return.
    To find the whereabouts of the man who has suffered, you must endure a world that has become a harsh and dangerous place.
    But what awaits you there is much more than what you expect.
    Striped with the sins of your previous life, and sins of the past and present, and plagued with hidden information, you will find your destiny in a journey filled with sorrows and smiles.


    Cursed Ride is an action RPG style game where you ride a robot horse and wield an Elden Ring Crack Free Download and do battle with monsters.
    Move slowly forward while combining with the skills that can overcome the obstacles and enemies before you.
    This game is the beginning of the story of the Elden Lord, Tarnished.

    The player has a lot of freedom regarding their own play style, such as your level of muscle strength and the number of times you can use magic.

    In addition to this, you can equip your horse with various weapons and armor to become stronger.

    You can fight a variety of enemies from the weak to the strong, and you will also encounter various obstacles, like large monsters and the obstacles that may affect your movement.

    Moreover, when you defeat an enemy, you will be able to find various useful materials along the way.

    This game also has some combination elements in which you can equip your horse or sword with a special effect.

    Through this, you can greatly increase your muscle strength or magic skills.


    About the game engine used in the game:


    Elden Ring Crack (Updated 2022)

    **Emerald Waterfall**

    **New Deluge**

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    **Quest Cube: Premium Edition**

    **Pokémon: Sun & Moon**

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    Dear users,

    We are working hard on the patch for the long anticipated Final Fantasy XIV 3.40 and 3.41 updates.

    As a result of the focus on addressing current issues and enhancing the game for the upcoming patch, it will take a little longer than we have anticipated to release the patch, but we hope to have it out by the end of this month.

    In the meantime, if we could get some more input on the current state of play, we plan to issue a new patch as soon as possible to ease the current difficulties in advance of the patch (expected content in the patch:


    What’s new in Elden Ring:

    Recommendations: PlayStation®Vita ($39.99 USD)
    Recommended for you: RPGs
    System Requirements: PlayStation®Vita (sold separately)

    03 Jul 2017 07:01:00 GMT Game Informer: The Legend of Elden Ring 2, 2017

    Tsukimi returns to Papastelia, ravaged by the dreadful crisis of Ragnarok. As usual, Papastelia lives in turmoil with the rise of the clans. These clans are connected to the prophecies of Elden Ring. With powerful magian, chaotic zombies, monsters, and bad luck constantly after their backs, Papastelia will never be the same place again.
    Go West, or East? That’s for you to find out as you become a ladderer, someone who travels to you land and manages to seize it? You also find a way to the Ancient Land, where powerful magian rely to accomplish the grand order, the order of skin that elects their heir. You will go alone? Or will you get with some good friends, regroup around the air and crystal glass, and hoist the flag of the rebellion? As the drama proceeds, you’ll find out who you’ll face in this


    Download Elden Ring Crack + Serial Number Full Torrent PC/Windows

    So I was thinking to myself, “what would be the easiest way to create a spy movie?” I was getting into my spy thriller phase of writing, with lots of “thrust action” and a strong female lead who wasn’t going to get raped every five minutes.

    I had in mind to make the bad guy a master sniper, since there’s a popular craze for that right now. It was like a genius idea, but for some reason, it didn’t seem to me that the sniper would actually be the most effective way to accomplish the bad guy’s goal – killing the good guy. So I decided to go with my very favorite, the sniper’s worst nightmare. A lone innocent woman with no allies or backup.

    I wanted a rare Hollywood spy flick with a TON of interesting angles and stuff that would cause the audience to think, “Wow, I want to see that movie!”

    My producer and I started brainstorming, and after a couple of days of intense thought, we came up with the idea of making a high-tech version of the classic “Family Affair”. What would I do with an animated family? Would they be of typical, run of the mill, GI Joe-type height? Would I make them multi-ethnic? (They’d better be. It’s Hollywood, after all). They’d probably be Japanese, I figured, just because of the very short hair.

    The family’s name would be Smith. Not like a normal family that “sounds” good, but Smith, as in the pale-skinned, red-haired crew. They would enter their mysterious mansion, and the first thing they would notice was a very tall, heavily-armed, and totally terrifying guard dog. Dogs are not friendly unless the dog’s job is to protect something or someone. It’s an ancient dog nature law of the land.

    Anyway, I wanted a series of car chases and gun-blasts and lots and lots of shooting. My producer was having a hard time coming up with any. He came up with one idea, and it was way too complicated to explain, so we shelved it.

    Another producer I know came up with the movie concept, “Kidnap and Kill”. Kidnap, kill, kill, kill, kill. End of story. No doubt about it. But I figured, Kidnap and Kill would be way too predictable, and a boring premise in any case.



    How To Crack Elden Ring:

  • 1.
  • Run the file and the full version.
  • When running, If a warning appear when opening the program, proceed with the installation.
  • 2.
  • User acceptance of the License Agreement.
  • Installation of the game files.
  • Once completed, you can restart the computer
















    Ok, so I wasn’t able to solve your question, but you didn’t even try following the steps, you simply downloaded a new browser without researching how to do it. So I’ll explain what you can do and how to make sure you don’t try anything you shouldn’t here.
    You didn’t even give us your browser, just a link to a program you seem to think is a browser. And that is no browser. I won’t be directing you in on how to get a browser; go here and see the provided directions. If there are any issues with those, someone else can shed more light on it.
    Now to troubleshooting:

    First, check if your version is the right one. From what you wrote, you have the 14.04 version, which means you should use the 18.04 version of this guide. Its quite simple to check. In fact, the 18.04 has automatically updated to the version that you wanted, or else they haven’t really gone with your setup.

    If you do not have


    System Requirements For Elden Ring:

    These are the minimum system requirements for.NET 3.5 SP1 (Visual Studio 2008 with SP1) and Windows Phone 7 development.
    A Windows Vista or Windows 7 development system with a Processor Intel Core 2 Duo or later. A Windows XP development system will not be supported at this time.
    Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7 SP1
    Microsoft Silverlight 3.0
    Installation Information:
    The SDK is available for download from CodePlex and MSDN as well as the Microsoft Download Center: