ReMESH is an editor for scanned polygon meshes supporting selections, interactive operations (edge-flip, vertex-insert, …) and advanced algorithms (mesh repairing, simplification, subdivision, …).
ReMESH has been developed to finely post-process polygon meshes coming from digitization sessions, but it can also be used to edit meshes produced differently.
Most operations can be performed interactively through mouse-clicks on the mesh. ReMESH supports the low-level operations as well as the high-level ones.
A rich and intuitive selection mechanism makes ReMESH extremely flexible and user-friendly.
The software provides all the means to automatically filter out most of the typical flaws that models may have when coming from a 3D digitization session (degenerate triangles, isolated vertices, noise, topological artefacts, holes, …).
Although most of the repairing operations can be performed automatically, the user is allowed to retain a full control of the editing process.







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Q-hull Cleaning Edit

How to use this feature:
After selecting a polygonal model, click the “Q-hull Editing” tab to start the Q-hull cleaning process. All the selected polygonal model faces are automatically “clipped” and replaced with their Q-hull representation.
A second Q-hull is built on the clean mesh. After a while, the intermediate Q-hull faces are deleted.
By creating a big enough partition, we can ensure that no hole is left inside a face.

Edge-Flip Edge-flip is a feature where a face is split into two, and the two resulting pieces are reflected with respect to the middle of the edge.

Vertex-insert Vertex insertion is a feature where one or more vertices are randomly inserted in a face or in the mesh.

Note that ReMESH provides an advanced software for edge flipping and vertex insertion.
You can perform the operations interactively and undo them easily.
All operations can be performed on the selected mesh, on the mesh history, on the mesh properties and on the mesh data.

Boundary Removal Removing Vertices and Edges that are in the boundary of the polygonal mesh does not modify the geometry of the mesh.
Edges are removed in the following cases: no face was adjacent to them, the face has been split, the face is at the boundary of the mesh, and the face has no valid edge to which it can be connected in the original model.
Boundary removal operations can also be performed on meshes with holes. Boundary removal allows to detect holes.

Clean Zipper Cleaning A zipper is a hole in the mesh where two faces are joined and form a cycle. Cleaning a zipper is an essential step for the simplification of the mesh.

Lid Removal Removing a lid is an optional operation that splits the mesh into a loop made of a hole and the boundary of the polygonal mesh.

Simplification Removing edge loops or segments in a mesh reduces its complexity and reduces the number of edges.
Necessary edges are saved.

Subdivision A polygonal model can be smoothed by subdividing its faces into smaller faces.
Subdivision operations can be performed interactively on the selected mesh or on the mesh history.
Subdividing operations can also be performed on meshes with holes.

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ReMESH is an editor for polygon meshes that supports a versatile set of selection and editing tools.
It incorporates a virtual workspace where the user can test the operations on the meshes: the preview window allows to quickly test select, edge-flip, vertex-insert,. operations; in the final edited mesh the user can fine-tune specific editing options by clicking on the mesh.
A tooltip display is available to properly guide the user through the editing process.
Thanks to its multi-threading capabilities, ReMESH can work in parallel (in the case of interactive operations) or in sequence (for the low-level operations).
The current available selection techniques are based on the Luneburg lens, but various other options are under development: the users can freely move on the mesh around selected edges and vertices. The selection process can be performed interactively in the currently edited mesh, or automatically in an output file.
There is a possibility to define the subset of the mesh that will be considered for the current operation.
A very powerful edge-flip algorithm is under development. In some cases the operation can be performed in a single click.
The user can activate a high-precision tetrahedron subdivision algorithm, and then the software will automatically split the mesh into well-connected tetrahedrons.
The mesh can also be simply simplified (removal of flat and convex surface) or subdivided into holes or patches.
The ReMESH hexadecimals file format provides an exact and compressed representation of complex 3D meshes. The user is allowed to specify whether or not the meshes should be displayed as hexadesimals.
For 3D modelling purposes, another useful feature of ReMESH is the possibility to render the meshes in a close to real-time way, with meshes displaying the holes.
The software provides a very powerful editing interface. The user can specify an active region of the mesh to work on, interactively, or automatically by selecting the desired mesh subset (mesh clipping).
The mesh can be converted to a stereolithographic format (STL).
The meshes can be submitted to the Geometry Generator, or to any other batch mode or 3D printer.
Key Features of ReMESH:
Properties of the software:
Fast – the software is very fast. Even with complex meshes, the previews are ready very quickly (it depends on the hardware used to display them).
Intuitive – during the editing process


Local Selection Options
Draw selection edges
Mark transform vertices
Check flipping limits
Favor going inwards over going outwards (distance flag)
Check loops
Reverse polygon loops
Choose which vertex to keep
Duplicate selection edge
Remove duplicate selection edge
Add/Remove vertices on selection edges
Merge or split selection edges
Multiple selection edge flipping
Selecting selections
Edge selection
Vertex selection
Vertex selection and edge selection
Vertex selection and edge selection with rotation
Selecting faces
Select faces by a geometry (multiple faces selection)
Select faces with selection edges (chop triangles)
Select faces by selection edges
Select faces by selection edges with loops
Select faces by edges length
Select faces by selection edges with a distance flag
Select faces by distance from the selected vertex
Select faces by loop analysis
Select holes
Extend selection hole
Split/Merge selection faces
Vertical planes
Cross sections
Cross sections with segments
Multiple cross sections
Extend selection segment
Extend selection plane
Extend selection horizonal segment
Extend selection segment to horizonal plane
Extend selection segment to vertical plane
Extend segment line to the previous selected vertex
Extend segment line to the first selected vertex
Extend segment line to the next selected vertex
Extend segment line to the next selected vertex
Extend segment line to the previous selected vertex
Extend segment line to the previous selected vertex
Extend segment line to the next selected vertex
Extend segment line to the next selected vertex
Dimension cutting
Replace complex surfaces
Replace complex surfaces with segment
Replace complex surfaces with segment and horizonal plane
Replace complex surfaces with segment and vertical plane
Replace complex surfaces with segment and horizonal plane
Replace complex surfaces with segment and vertical plane
Straighten horizonal faces
Straighten segment lines
Straighten segment lines and segment line that has been extrapolated
Straighten segment line that has been extrapolated
Check infinity lines
Draw infinity lines
Check z-limits
Check z-limits with lines
Build 3D convex hull
Build 3D convex hull
Build 3D convex hull with lines
Chop polygon by plane
Chop polygon by plane
Chop polygon by plane and segment
Chop polygon by horizonal plane
Chop polygon by vertical plane

What’s New in the ReMESH?

Viewed in this way, the 3D digitization session seems to be the source of the problem, and not the manipulation of the mesh.
Nevertheless, it is clear that in many cases the 3D digitization session fails to capture adequately a physical geometric model.
A set of post-processing operations can enhance the quality of the digitized geometry, but much of it depends on the skills of the operator.
All those operations require a great deal of effort and can be tedious.
The model we are dealing with is often not well suited to a 3D digitization session and it may also lack precision.
It is quite likely that the digitization process introduces errors and imprecisions in the model which are ultimately hard to correct.

In other words, the model can suffer from a lack of clear boundaries, but it can also be the victim of a badly digitized environment.
For example, the results of a poor 3D scanning process might include a digitized region without geometry, several truncated and noisy models and a digitized solid with a new shape or geometry.
The shapes in the area are usually digitized as duplications of a same geometry, except for the boundary objects that are not replicas of their reference model but the combination of several digited models.
And this is before the digitization of an environment, which is usually more complex to interpret than a simple topological model.

Here are some examples illustrating how the digitization process can give rise to specific types of errors and flaws.
If the quality of the pre-processing is enough, the risk is often negligible.
But it may be the case where the digitization of the environment is not so precise and the quality of the digitizer is not guaranteed.
It is therefore quite possible to find that the whole digitization process has failed to capture the entire geometry.
In that case, some of the results may need to be corrected manually after a first parsing of the model.

Segments bounding a digited region need to be manually separated

After you divide the region into several polygons, several holes will appear in the model.

Failure to detect the right boundaries of the digited objects

Here, the polygon mesh has been generated from a poor 3D scanning session.
The error may occur due to a lack of precision, a poor definition of the scan plane, the presence of an environment, or a combination of these.

A creased boundary on

System Requirements For ReMESH:

A computer with a 1.8 GHz CPU
1024×768 display with at least 16 colors
Oculus Rift CV1, HMD. Instructions can be found here
Prerequisite: Unity 5.6 or newer
You can find instructions for using Oculus Rift on Ubuntu on their website.
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