Pulseway Manager offers administrators full control over all PCs and servers, providing a simple way to keep an eye on the system status, resources usage, required updates and functioning issues. It can be used to monitor the IT infrastructure from a tablet or a smartphone, get notifications and promptly respond to critical problems on the go.
Remote control and monitor workstations and servers
The desktop agent acts like a server, allowing connections from mobile apps on iOS, Android or Windows Phone.
An extended feature set is available by upgrading to the Professional or the Enterprise edition, which allow the management of servers, .NET and Java applications, Active Directory, Exchange, VMware, Hyper-V IIS, SQL Server, Amazon, Azure and so on.
View system status and get event notifications
The application can monitor system processes and get information about the hardware temperature and the resources usage (CPU, memory, storage space). It can be used to observe running services, network interfaces, ports, scheduled tasks, manager security certificates and collect data concerning the system performance. It also helps you create a maintenance schedule to ensure that all systems are functioning properly.
Pulseway Manager can be instructed to sent you notifications when important events occur. Thus, you will be the first to know about systems going offline or when a new user logs in, when new applications are installed, the antivirus is disabled or when removable devices are connected to the PC. It can also alert you about high CPU usage, stopped services or processes, failed ping requests or any other issue related to software and hardware components.
Solve problems by remotely sending commands
By pairing your mobile device with the computer, you can send various commands to the PC, turning your handset into a remote control. This way, you can remotely shutdown, restart or log off the current user, kill processes, stop or start services and scheduled tasks or browse files. The transmitted data is encrypted via SSL, in order to avoid unauthorized interceptions.
A great monitoring application for small networks
Pulseway Manager helps you control multiple computers using a smartphone or a tablet, permanently keeping an eye on running workstations and servers. It is the ideal monitoring tool for small networks, allowing administrators to receive instant notifications about important events and solve problems via their handheld device.







Pulseway Manager Crack+ Download

Pulseway Manager Cracked Accounts is a remote management software designed for companies that use Windows or Linux. It allows administrators to monitor and maintain a network of servers, workstations, printers, mobile devices and external media.
It is available in a free edition, which can monitor up to 10 devices; a paid edition, which can monitor up to 50 devices; and the enterprise edition, which supports hundreds of servers.
Pulseway Manager is designed to be used from mobile devices, so you can monitor the workstation of any user, from anywhere in the world. The application allows users to control the servers and workstations by executing various commands. You can also stop a service, check process status or send a file to the remote machine.
Pulseway Manager Features:
Communication channel:
• Desktop agent (32 bits) – As a server, it makes connections from mobile apps on iOS, Android or Windows Phone.
• Desktop client (32 bits) – As a client, it connects from desktop software on Windows, Linux or Mac.
• Mobile agent (32 bits) – As a server, it makes connections from mobile apps on iOS, Android or Windows Phone.
• Mobile client (32 bits) – As a client, it connects from mobile apps on iOS, Android or Windows Phone.
Push notifications:
• System status notifications: the application sends system status notifications to inform you about hardware temperature, resources usage, running processes, scheduled tasks, antivirus and other important events on the system.
• Event notifications: the application sends event notifications to inform you about system exceptions or crashes, OS failures, data corruption, illegal file operation and other issues.
• Quick event notification: the application provides you with all the previous types of notifications, but they are delivered immediately.
Monitoring the system performance:
• Monitor system performance: the application allows you to monitor system processes (e.g. CPU usage, memory usage, storage space, etc.).
• Monitor hardware temperature: the application allows you to monitor the temperature of hardware devices (e.g. CPU, disk, network adapter, etc.).
• Monitor RAM, CPU, disk usage: the application allows you to monitor the used resources on the server or on a remote PC.
Remote management:
• Remote management: the application allows you to monitor a remote system. You can connect to it by directly typing the IP address or the DNS name or by using the list of computers provided by Active Directory.
• Remote control: the

Pulseway Manager Download [2022]

KeyMacro is a very useful utility that enables you to create keyboard macros. Through KeyMacro you can perform all of the actions and functions that you need while you are typing. You can press a combination of keys and it will execute a series of keystrokes in whatever program you are typing in. KeyMacro can save and run macros for just about any program and can work with many programs.
KeyMacro is a simple to use and easy to use utility. You can add your custom macros by clicking the “add” button. You can also export your current macros for others to use. The macros you create are saved so that you can edit or delete them later. To edit your macros you can go to the “preferences” menu.

You will be able to select your keyboard layout from the drop down menu. If you don’t have the keyboard layout you want, you can create a custom keyboard layout. This keyboard layout will appear in the drop down menu, you can select it and it will be added to the list of other keyboard layouts. You can download custom keyboard layouts from the Internet.

When you have your macros selected, you can start typing in the program you want. Press the keys to create your macro. You will get a pop-up dialog box that will tell you what command is being sent to the program.

Creating a macro is very easy. You will see the current program and the current text in the editor box. You can type in what you want to happen when you press a certain key combination. You can see what you are typing on the preview window. You can click any part of the text to change it. The edit box appears in the middle of the window.

You can type in any combination of characters. You can even have multiple macros in the same program. Multiple macros can be made on different rows of the editor box. You can add characters, symbols, and other symbols to be used in your macros.

To run the macro, you can just press the key combination that you created the macro for. You will be able to see the result of your macro.

The program can run the macro at any time, even while you are typing. So if you want to be able to type a lot and run macros at the same time, you can.

KeyMacro will also run when you switch back to the program you are in. So if you are in a program, when you switch back to a

Pulseway Manager Crack Free Latest

Pulseway Manager is a powerful monitoring tool, allowing you to remotely control your PC from anywhere, using a mobile device. With this utility you can remotely start, stop or reboot the PC, monitor CPU, RAM, disk space, processes, user and scheduled tasks, create an administrator account and many more.
Pulseway Manager Features:
•Monitor systems remotely, using a tablet or a smartphone
•Create an administrator account, restrict the PC activities and set schedules
•Manage users, groups and passwords
•Send notifications to the device
•Show the current workstation and system hardware information
•Get alerts about problems
•Remotely shutdown, restart, log off or log in the workstation
•Send commands to workstations
•Monitor system performance
•Browse files
•Access remote services
•Monitor key system parameters and events
•Migrate data to the cloud
•Create scheduled tasks
•Find broken Internet connections
•Stay always connected
•Remotely reboot and lock the workstation
•Perform checks on servers and workstations
•Track changes of the PC configuration
•Track the system hardware and software version
•Unlock the workstation
•Recover the workstation data from the backup
•Open and close USB devices
•Identify the IP address of the PC
•Analyse the PC files and folders
•Disconnect and reconnect a wired network cable
•Switch the LAN card
•Start up and shutdown the workstation
•Set the system preferences
•Monitor DNS servers
•Manage IP addresses
•Install and unpack applications
•Find and repair missing drivers
•Activate Windows Update
•View system events
•Monitor the workstation activity
•Recover damaged and unreachable files
•Find and remove invalid software keys
•Change the default Start menu
•Find out the security certificates
•Find out all users in the system
•List all connected devices
•Adjust the firewall settings
•Browse the drives and folders
•Change the computer name
•Generate a security certificate
•View the system processes
•View the CPU usage
•Shut down and restart the system
•Manage users
•Disable the computer or booting the PC
•Restart a Windows application
•Refresh the system clock
•Remove scheduled tasks
•Identify installed applications
•Revert changes in the Registry
•Find and repair invalid shortcuts
•Start a program

What’s New in the?

Pulseway Manager is a powerful remote control and remote monitoring software that can be used to monitor workstations and servers via mobile devices (smartphone, tablet) or Windows desktop.
With Pulseway Manager, you can:
– Configure workstations and servers with the enterprise edition or a personal edition of the software.
– Remotely connect to servers using either a mobile device, a desktop, or a personal computer with WebEx Technology.
– Automatically check if workstations are updated and restart computers when necessary.
– Easily and reliably collect all of the latest application, hardware and operating system information, along with some of the most important system events.
– Manage access and user rights, network shares, removable storage devices, scheduled tasks, and more.
What’s New in This Version:


– Fixed a critical issue with desktop


– Added support for two USB drivers on Intel XEON E3-1200v2


– Fixed a critical issue with desktop


– Added support for ESXi remote management (VMware product)

Version 1.2.3

– Fixed a critical issue with desktop
– Added support for VMware remote management (VMWare product)

Version 1.2.2

– Added support for intel xeon E3-1200v2

Version 1.2.1

– Fixed a critical issue with desktop

Version 1.2

– Added support for Mobile devices
– Added the ability to remote connect from a Smartphone
– Added the ability to remote connect from a Tablet PC
– Added ability to remotely connect from a Desktop PC

Version 1.1

– Fixed a critical issue with the Smartphone client.
– Fixed the problem with the login to the Server/Workstation.
– Now the mobile client work with the Android and iOS.

Version 1.1.1

– Fixed a critical issue with the Smartphone client.
– Now the mobile client work with the Android and iOS.

Version 1.1

– Added new features:
– The application can be connected to a server/workstation via a Smartphone or a tablet
– You can monitor and control servers/workstation and perform various actions (remotely turn on/off the server/workstation, shutdown the server/workstation, log off the user)
– You can view the system status and information about the hardware and services (hardware temperature, network interfaces, ports, server services, scheduled tasks)
– You can remotely send commands to the server/workstation (shutdown, restart, log off)

Version 1.0

– Initial Release.


System Requirements For Pulseway Manager:

Minimum specifications
CPU: Intel® Core™ i3-8100 @ 3.50 GHz or equivalent
OS: Windows® 8.1 64-bit
Operating system: Windows® 10
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 770 or AMD Radeon™ HD 7970
JACK/ALSA enabled sound card
Size of hard drive: 256 GB
License required: In order to play, the user must own the assets purchased within the game or have
