Portable Quick Config Crack + Free Download (April-2022)

There is no need to rely on registry editing or user guides to make a computer more efficient. Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 offer everything you need to see a more productive computer setup right in the operating system. Portable Quick Config makes it possible to save these settings and even create new profiles which you can apply to test new hardware and software components.Final Fantasy VII Remake Won’t Be on PS4 Due to One Tough Word

Last month we got a look at the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VII Remake and I definitely felt that it was the best looking game in the franchise since Final Fantasy V. With that being said there is one word that would have to be eliminated from the Final Fantasy VII remake before it could ever be released on a PlayStation platform. This word is a four letter word that many of you will probably recognize.

In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VII the word that can be heard several times is “もう一度”. This word is used when a certain group of people are finally going to fight something that they have been wanting to fight for a long time. What is said in the original Japanese is “Finally, it is time to fight again!”. In the English version of Final Fantasy VII the word that is used is “Once more.”. In Japanese culture you are either a blue or a yellow and when you meet a person that is both a blue and a yellow you are no longer friends. You are now at odds with that person and you don’t want to meet them ever again.

Final Fantasy VII Remake was clearly going to be the first remake in a long time and it showed. I think that it really looked good and I am definitely looking forward to seeing it in the future. As for this issue I am hoping that this change will not be permanent. This may be a new console and the developers may feel that they are still learning so perhaps they could change it. I feel that this change will have to be permanent before this game is released on any platform ever again.AT&T has announced the HTC One as the first device with the Sprint-exclusive version of Google’s just-announced “dual-core” 4G LTE. The HTC One was already known as one of the first devices to support the new network standard, but this is the first carrier-branded handset to do so. (We’ve got the full rundown right here.)

The AT&T

Portable Quick Config Crack

Sockso is a tiny utility that sits in your system tray and allows you to toggle between all the services you have installed. Although most users may not need or want this functionality, it is here and can be easily enabled by installing Sockso.
Sockso Features:
– Allows to toggle between services installed on the system.
– The interface of Sockso will help you not only to switch between services, but also to launch them and control their operations.
– Sockso can monitor and show the status of currently installed services.
– Sockso makes it possible to close running services as soon as you open them.
– The interface of Sockso allows to tweak its own settings.
– The interface of Sockso offers the ability to launch itself automatically upon system startup.
– Sockso can be easily controlled by means of hotkeys.
– Sockso allows to customize its hotkeys according to your preferences.
– Sockso is available in both English and Russian languages.

]]> to get Mac OS High Sierra (10.13.x) to work with Windows 10
07 Sep 2017 21:25:01 +0000 OS High Sierra is the latest version of the Mac operating system, launched on September 17th, 2017. The Apple OS is not easy to work with other operating systems, and so it’s very important to know how to get Mac OS High Sierra (10.13.x) to work with Windows 10. Mac OS High Sierra is not compatible with any previous version of the Windows operating system. The compatibility with Windows 10 is not so poor, but if you’re using Mac OS High Sierra […]

Mac OS High Sierra is the latest version of the Mac operating system, launched on September 17th, 2017. The Apple OS is not easy to work with other operating systems, and so it’s very important to know how to get Mac OS High Sierra (

Portable Quick Config Crack

Keyboard macro recorder and repeater for WindowsKeyhotkeys in the terminal: shortcuts to show or hide taskbar, start menu, and system tray status bars, and others In the terminal: all user-defined keyboard shortcuts appear as text on the command line, and can be edited or copied to other terminals To help you save the keys you frequently use on the keyboard, KeyMacro will record any keystroke you make on the keyboard and then repeat it, so you can quickly get to the command you need using only one keystroke Macro recording: recording the cursor positions, text, keystrokes, windows, and more into a log file, along with real-time recording using two keyboards and a joystick In the terminal: allow you to define keybindings for any of the following functions: show the system tray (or a specific application’s tray) hide the taskbar minimize and restore the windows’ taskbars close the windows and any open dialogs In the terminal: easy keybindings to move, close, and resize any open windows In the terminal: auto-complete of the command line or any shell script files with command line parameters Copy a series of keys to a text string, or generate a URL for the current record within an editor of your choice Keymacro works in all versions of Windows, from XP to Windows 10, including all releases In the terminal: save the currently running commands to a log file, just like the built-in Windows command-prompt recording feature In the terminal: prompt the user to save the current keybindings as text or HTML files that you can edit, share, and later import to other Windows versions Save a log file with a customized name: keybindings.txt, keybindings.html, or custom Log on and Log off events as text or HTML files. Open a log file in your default text or HTML editor, copy and paste the contents of the file into your editor, and save the file. You can also open a log file in a keybindings app like Cmder, Start (Windows 10), or Taskbar Tweaker In the terminal: you can open any file in the Windows explorer, such as a log file, and take a look at the current keybindings without the need to edit and save files. This is very useful when you have dozens of entries in a log file and don’t want to open the file every time to look up a keybinding You can also open text files, Excel, or HTML files containing your keybind

What’s New in the Portable Quick Config?

Portable Quick Config is a useful app designed to speed up configuring your computer’s settings. It makes it easy to create profiles which can be applied instantly or saved to be used later.




Aug 7, 2017

Easy to use and works great.


Michael Sutor


Jul 26, 2017

Don’t expect it to do anything.

I can confirm the developer’s claim that it does one thing well. But it has no features whatsoever. And even if you do, you cannot use them. I’m sorry, but this is a non-feature-packed waste of time. I would recommend it only to the masses who still like to buy the latest and greatest just because it’s shiny and new, or to people who are too lazy to get the keys to their own house.

DevelopersEditorial Reviews


A portable app with no installation needed and an intuitive interface, Portable Quick Config has a wide array of settings that can be easily applied to just about any computer you own. Create profiles, save them as.ppcfg files, and then transfer them to your target system by copying the files. Simply run the app to restore your settings in seconds. A must for any system owner who wants to get the most out of their PC without being subjected to a complex set of instructions.

The first thing you see when you run Portable Quick Config is a top menu that presents options to create new profiles, load current profiles, view the log, and settings for the currently active profile. A list of profiles appears below this menu. Clicking on a profile name opens the profile in the main window. You can apply a profile to the system or store it for later use. You can also preview the available settings and activate any that you like.

One of the more useful functions of Portable Quick Config is the ability to create new profiles, create new.ppcfg files, edit settings for any current profile, and edit settings for any currently active profile. After you’ve created or loaded a profile, click the profile name in the main window to apply the settings to your computer. The current settings for the profile are shown in the main window. You can also apply a profile by selecting it from the drop-down menu on the menu bar.

After applying a profile, you can also right-click a setting in the main window and activate it by pressing the hotkey associated with the menu command or by pressing the shortcut you created for the action. You can also access the same settings by clicking on the particular setting from the Profile Management area.

The use of hotkeys in Portable Quick Config is intuitive. When you apply a profile, all the settings are saved. The next time you run the app, the settings for the profile are restored automatically.


System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel Pentium 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3.0 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB ATI Radeon X800 GT graphics card
Hard Drive: 50 GB available space
DirectX®: Version 9.0
Other: Windows XP SP1, Service Pack 2
OS: Windows Vista or newer
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8600 / AMD Athlon X2 5600+
Memory: 6
