NSIS Portable is the no-installation version of the NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). Its purpose is to make full-blown Windows installers, complete with the ability to remove the data added to the system, organizing the settings or extracting files and performing other necessary routines.
This edition does not run you through a proper installation routine but instead guides you through the steps necessary for extracting the files wrapped in the executable.
Straightforward interface, simple functions
Looks are simple and the main application window provides access to additional resources that can be used, such as plug-ins or documentation data.
The compiler offers the possibility to create an installer from NSI scripts which can be easily loaded by dragging and dropping it straight into the MakeNSISW window. There are multiple compressors to pick from, the default being the one defined in the script.
At the end of the process users have the chance to test the installer in order to make sure that the operation concluded without a glitch.
Alternatively, the program can create an installer starting from a ZIP file. Thee aren’t too many options available, but you get to enter the name of the installer, choose between a modern or a classic interface as well as define the default path for extracting the data.
To make things easier there are predefined paths at your disposal. These can be anything from the temporary folder, the start menu, the desktop or the Program Files area. Again, there is the possibility to select a compressor and you can test the output file.
NSIS Portable is a powerful installer creator that is easy to use at a first glance but provides a hefty list of functions and sufficient documentation to allow customization of the resulting installers.







Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System Crack Full Product Key Free [Win/Mac] [Latest] 2022

WOW! I’ve been a windows user for a long time, but this has brought my main system back to life. I even donated a few bucks because this is the first (free) program that will allow me to remove personal data from my OS that came bundled in with the original OS. Thanks!

A feature that I wanted to have, but couldn’t find in any other software, is the ability to have a link to the installation file. For example, you’re on a new PC and you want to install a game, but want to load it from the original CD or DVD so that there is no potential for problems (or you want to give the install disc to someone else). And your installer can check for the existence of the CD, then point to the CD folder where the install files are located, but not copy the files to your HDD.
I might be able to program this in, but I’d appreciate if anyone who has the ability to make this type of program has any ideas.

exclusively for games.
its ok for 95% of the people but for a few people for example me who installs windows based games which comes on a 7grp cd (it contains an auto installer and an exe installer) the games installer wont work on the command line.
(ex. steam)
a full install (batch files (installer.ini and installer.exe))
and more advanced has not a single tool for the task.

There are such things as batch files and a couple of projects on the internet which can make prerequisites and the like (and probably even some GUI options), but they’re a bit too complicated to use for a regular user. And while the use of batch files and the likes is certainly not for the squeamish, it’s probably not really that hard to do it the old fashion way.

Trying to understand the implications of not just running a program from a command line, but a command line with the ability to take in custom arguments has been quite an interesting problem.

At any rate, I’m ready to accept the concept that not everyone is going to want to run things from a command line, because the command line is just too darned complicated. Nevertheless, it’s somewhat awkward to me that they built a program out of nothing more than a GUI that can’t be invoked by a GUI.

I’ll try to answer your question
You could use the parameters for batch scripts. If you need to

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System Crack

☁ Back up
☁ No installation
☁ Configurable
☁ Split into parts
☁ Extract files
☁ Compress files
☁ Share files
☁ Pack files
☁ Unpack files
☁ Remove files
☁ Remove registry keys
☁ Remove folders
☁ Move files
☁ Create shortcuts
☁ Create registry keys
☁ Create shortcuts
☁ Update shortcuts
☁ Show settings
☁ Source code
☁ What’s new
☁ Help
☁ License
☁ English
☁ Français
☁ Téléchargement


NSIS Portable is the no-installation version of the NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). Its purpose is to make full-blown Windows installers, complete with the ability to remove the data added to the system, organizing the settings or extracting files and performing other necessary routines.

This edition does not run you through a proper installation routine but instead guides you through the steps necessary for extracting the files wrapped in the executable.

Straightforward interface, simple functions

Looks are simple and the main application window provides access to additional resources that can be used, such as plug-ins or documentation data.

The compiler offers the possibility to create an installer from NSI scripts which can be easily loaded by dragging and dropping it straight into the MakeNSISW window. There are multiple compressors to pick from, the default being the one defined in the script.

At the end of the process users have the chance to test the installer in order to make sure that the operation concluded without a glitch.

Alternatively, the program can create an installer starting from a ZIP file. Thee aren’t too many options available, but you get to enter the name of the installer, choose between a modern or a classic interface as well as define the default path for extracting the data.

To make things easier there are predefined paths at your disposal. These can be anything from the temporary folder, the start menu, the desktop or the Program Files area. Again, there is the possibility to select a compressor and you can test the output file.


NSIS Portable is a powerful installer creator that is easy to use at a first glance but provides a hefty list of functions and sufficient documentation to allow customization of the resulting installers.

The program can create an installer starting from a ZIP file

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System Crack

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for nmake.exe with or without Windows Vista or Win7

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for MinGW with or without Windows Vista or Win7

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for VMWare with or without Windows Vista or Win7

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for Linux with or without Windows Vista or Win7

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for FreeBSD with or without Windows Vista or Win7

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for FreeBSD with or without Windows Vista or Win7

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for Windows XP with or without Windows Vista or Win7

Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System for Windows XP with or without Windows Vista or Win7Q:

How to ignore in jQuery the previous element?

I’m trying to change the background image of the previous element each time I click the button but I don’t know how to make the previous element change its background image. It only changes the one that follows the next.

$(‘.item’).css(“background-image”, “url(img/btn-down.jpg)”);
$(‘.custome’).css(“background-image”, “url(img/btn-down-2.jpg)”);


your looking for something like this.

var firstImage = $(this).css(‘background-image’);
var secondImage = $(‘.item:not(:first)’).css(‘background-image’);
$(‘.item’).eq(0).css(“background-image”, firstImage);
$(‘.item:not(:nth-of-type(1))’).css(“background-image”, secondImage);
$(this).css(“background-image”, secondImage);

jquery is looking up the background

What’s New in the?

Program that creates installers with the ability to perform all the functions without uninstalling any of them. Its creator, Nullsoft, released the original scriptable installer system called NSIS.

This package allows the user to avoid the software installation by saving its list of functions, making the program installable on demand when required. This is a very simple program and it is an excellent alternative to the complex NSIS installer system.

Useful Links


Excel-based Express Install for 32/64-bit Windows (Download)

Gensym 3

Advanced Install Scripting Made Easy


Create and install a Set of RTC Drivers using Windows Installer!

Functional but only works if the device is not connected to the USB port


Creates a directory with the same name as the executable file and packages the driver into an.inf file in the newly created directory. Can’t be used to create installs if the device is not directly connected to the PC.

The program also doesn’t support the use of a compressed.inf file and the need to use the -uncompress option.

The Package Files and configuration file that is created use a custom structure. This version is not compatible with WIX-based installs, but works with PPI-based installs as well as the ones created with the DTFS. It requires Win2NT.


Advanced Install Scripting Made Easy: R2.0.0.9 (Download)


Very fast and highly optimized installer for Windows.



Minimal Installer for Windows



A quick installer using NSIS but without NSIS GUI


The rule of thumb is that a simple install procedure is the most efficient way to install new software on the computer.

To install a clean copy of the operating system on the computer, use the most efficient way to do it.

The most efficient way to do this is to start with an empty computer, installing new software via your choice of installer.

To uninstall the software, you must to ensure that the uninstaller was installed with the program being removed and not the OS.

You should


System Requirements For Portable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System:

Operating Systems: Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit
Processor: Dual Core 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/AMD Athlon(tm) II Dual Core Processor or equivalent
Video: Nvidia Geforce GTS 450, Radeon HD 2400 Pro
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card
Network: Broadband internet connection
Minimum System Requirements:
Operating Systems: Windows 7 64-bit
