Politics 4th Edition By Andrew Heywood Pdf 378


Politics 4th Edition By Andrew Heywood Pdf 378

In the later sixteenth century, a number of dramatists began to mount formidable challenges to the dominance of Italianate theater, and when, in 1604, Shakespeare and his company of actors began playing in London, their fellow countrymen took notice. Thus began a long struggle, permanent in some areas and fleeting in others, as various popular plays and plays by Coventry men introduced innovations, translated foreign plays, and rebaptized English plays already written. Both sides had active supporters, and the conflict was not only religious; politics entered into it, too. The government, especially James I, would tolerate nothing that took the attention of citizens from what he considered to be more important matters, such as the translation of the Bible into English, which James thought he was doing for the benefit of the English people. (It would take another quarter-century before King`s College in New York, founded by James I, changed its first motto to the simpler one that it still bears today: in hac scientia, in hac voluntate, in hac via.) The Protestants were keen to defend divinely ordained authority from the dramatists, whose secular and irreligious comedies they regarded as having an irreparable effect on their own children.

Shakespeare and his contemporaries also saw the fight for religious liberty as a just retribution for the misery inflicted on the English people by the Tudor, onetime King Henry VIII, who had broken with the Roman Catholic Church in order to wed the Protestant Catherine. The dramatists and their supporters, especially the Puritans, argued that the monarchs who followed and later reigned, Elizabeth and her successor, James I, had not actually deprived the English people of their religion; instead, they had simply deemed that the violent break with the Church and loss of English lands held directly from Rome had been an appropriate and necessary act of rebellion by England against its spiritual father, Rome. More was transpiring, the Puritans believed, and was ultimately for the best: Henry VIII and his successors were acquiring illegitimate sons to strengthen the Protestant cause and, more importantly, were gaining souls to the “true” Church by converting those people who had been seduced into Roman Catholicism via their attempts to purify Christianity according to the dictates of their own consciences rather than those of the ancient fathers and mothers of the Church as understood in the Bible.


