Cliqr is a great online solution to increase the exposure of your marketing campaigns. The platform helps you to collect email addresses and build better relationships with your target audience. With Cliqr, you can easily collect emails through your websites, social media sites, landing pages or just about any other page. Furthermore, you can communicate with the members through different ways such as chat, forums, email and much more. Cliqr offers you the ability to create email collection forms and promotions for your customers.
With over 1 million emails collected, you will be guaranteed to have a large database of email addresses.
The built-in CRM module allows you to handle customer communication in a better way. You can also create effective email campaigns to increase your sales.
Users can upload their images and insert them into their collected emails. You can also keep a record of every message sent, as well as attach files.

Advanced text to speech (TTS) is a system which allows you to speak or read aloud text in a variety of ways. The TTS command is sent to a TTS engine, which then interprets the command and outputs an audio file. The audio files can be played in a screen reader or read to people who are blind or otherwise visually impaired.

Word Counter is a user-friendly program for Windows that will count and record the number of words in files, files on a hard disk, files on a floppy disk, file on an optical disc or Internet sites. You can use Word Counter as a word count assistant, as a word count of a document is the number of words in the document minus the number of blank pages and header and footer.

You can use this module to count the number of words in a text or an essay, and you can choose whether to count words, lines, paragraphs, or lines or paragraphs. Word Counter will search for specific words and count them if it finds them. The module will also count words by content such as heading, lists and bullets.

Word Counter will tell you how many times each word is repeated in a text or an essay, and Word Counter will search for specific words and count them if it finds them. The module will also count words by content such as heading, lists and bullets. Word Counter will count words, lines, paragraphs, or lines or paragraphs. You can choose whether to count words, lines, paragraphs, or lines or paragraphs.

You can use this module to count the number of words in a text eea19f52d2

– No longer requires an account to redirect domains.
– No longer requires an account to redirect links.
– Whitelist Reddit links to make the redirection work.
– New Reddit icon.
– Automatically activates when you open a Reddit link.
– No more updating!
Old Reddit Redirect Help & Support:
– Bugs, if you find one, please don’t be shy. You can send us an issue to
– If you have any other questions or need help with the extension, you can reach us at

Eliminating Greasemonkey for JS/CSS, this extension lets you selectively disable or enable your extensions in Firefox. Also includes a “block site” feature.


Unzip the contents of the.xpi file.
Drag the installed extension from the browser to the “Add-Ons” section of the Firefox Extension Manager.

You can add and remove extensions from the Firefox Extension Manager by clicking on the icon in the upper right hand corner of Firefox.

The Firefox Extension Manager lets you manage installed extensions, including their permissions.


When using this extension, you can restrict access to each extension by clicking on the extension name in the upper right hand corner of Firefox. You can also block specific sites, by clicking on the “Block Sites” button in the upper right hand corner of Firefox.

The “Misc” tab lets you control the compatibility mode, for example. The “Preferences” tab lets you control some basic settings.

You can find more information on each tab in the About:config page for the extension.

Find more information on the extension in the Firefox Extension Manager.


You can find additional information on this extension in the Help:about:config page.


If you are not interested in all the stuff the new Reddit adds, but just want to browse the website in its original way, the Old Reddit Redirect extension might be what you are looking for.
The extension works with the comments too. Just in case you can’t get the “Old Reddit Redirect extension for Chrome”.

You must install this add-on in order to view the video!

The Old Reddit Redirect extension does work with the new layout, but it does cause the bad scroll behavior that you seem to have. I am trying to figure out a wayвђ-full-version/