Picture Instruments Color Cone Pro 2.0.1 Crack !FULL! 🠦


Picture Instruments Color Cone Pro 2.0.1 Crack

Here is an example of a one-point site survey conducted with Color Cone to evaluate a 500-seat auditorium. This survey covered a span of 1,100 feet (334 m) and had 23 points. The spectrum at each point was approximated using the method described above for the 660-db spectrum of an F6D (see Figure 10 ).

Threshold alarm is a tool that causes the noise-measuring instruments to emit a signal of a predetermined strength in order to protect a person working in the area from potential hazard (Figure 16). The signal is typically set to a distance that is less than the noise threshold. The audiometric noise level, which is typically 85 dBA for a short-term exposure at the workface or between the belt conveyors and is the level that causes hearing damage, should be set for the first-order threshold. Second-order thresholds, which are set for longer-term exposure times, or higher noise levels should be set to slightly higher levels in order to compensate for short-term increase in noise and variability in sound pressure. The first- and second-order thresholds should be set to a distance that is less than 1.5 times the required distance.

Quake alarm is a tool that notifies miners by means of an audible signal or visual warning of a measured earthquake of sufficient strength to cause seismic damage in the vicinity of the sensor. Alarms of this type are intended to protect the miners from potentially hazardous conditions, which can exist after a sufficiently strong earthquake. A quake alarm is typically set to a distance that is greater than the sensitivity distance of the instruments but less than 1.5 times greater. The alarm should be set above the level to which the mine worker is exposed at the time that the earthquake alarm is triggered, even if there are no workers in that area. The duration of the alarm should be set to about 1 minute (or less if the mine worker is close to the sensor or in an area not affected by earthquakes). If the distance from the sensor to the miners is less than the distance from the sensors to the area in which an imminent seismic hazard exists, then the alarm should be set to a distance that is at least as great as the distance from the sensors to the area in which the seismic hazard is significant, but less than 1.5 times the distance from the sensors to that area (Figure 17).

