Physical Metallurgy Principles Solutions Manual Reed

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physical metallurgy principles solutions manual reed pdfQ:

From where does the index of a tuple in a list get stored in Python?

I’m trying to understand how Python gets the index when you’re using the iterator of a list.
My guess is that they store it in a pointer, and whenever you read the current index from an iterator it re-reads it in the linked list.
Then, what happens when we have a tuple of tuples with different length?
Does the python interpreter allocate a slot for each tuple and the pointer stores its corresponding index?


It uses a list of nodes, each of which contains a reference to a list and a value, a linked list actually. Then the next() method gives you either the first item of the node, or gives you a new node, in which case you can iterate forward through that. Indexing the iterator simply reads a node (element) from the linked list, and modifies the state of the node to refer to that element.
In short, this is, as you suspected, how a linked list does it.

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