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Photoshop itself is frequently used for archiving, which is a bit more than simple image editing. It has the ability to create high-quality documents that are embedded with metadata and other information. Archiving can be very beneficial for keeping your hard work preserved.

All the information in this guide was written based on my own experience as a Photoshop user for over ten years.

Learn Photoshop in 10 Minutes with This Introductory Video:

What are the Best Photoshop Alternatives?

There are several alternatives to Photoshop. Some of them are created by the same company as Photoshop and some are created as derivatives of Photoshop.

The best alternatives are completely different programs. Most of them are very simple to use, more intuitive, and easier to learn.

One of the most popular alternatives to Photoshop is Affinity Photo.

Affinity Photo is a powerful editing and professional photo tool for photographers. It comes with a dynamic library of features that will let you do almost everything you can in Photoshop.

A professional photo editing program that is great for beginners and professionals. Lightroom can be used for processing RAW images and in any camera mode. It can read and write all RAW formats.

Adobe Lightroom is a popular alternative to Photoshop for archiving and editing RAW photos. Most people call it a RAW editor. Lightroom can be used on any device with an operating system that supports the Darktable libraries.

Adobe Lightroom can also be used with RAW editor apps for iOS and Android devices. Lightroom can edit 12-bit RAW images but only some cameras support that format. Lightroom converts and saves the RAW images as JPG and TIFF files.

Lightroom has some competition. The new RAW editing app ACES from RAW Labs is an excellent alternative to Lightroom. It has a lot of the same features as Lightroom except it supports all camera file formats.

Lightroom is great at archiving because it creates high-quality documents. Lightroom can also be a great photo editor, especially for RAW images. However, Lightroom is not designed for advanced image editing and web design.

Adobe Camera Raw is another great RAW editing and archiving app. ACR is a free app for Windows, macOS and Linux. It is a simple RAW editor. However, it is not a professional tool.

ACR can be used for image archiving but it is not good for high-quality image editing. AC

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Pandas resample with user-defined function

I am trying to resample a dataframe with an hourly frequency:
#Set columns into df.hourly
hourly_cols = list(df.columns)
for col in hourly_cols:
df.loc[:, col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col])
#df[col] = df[col].dt.time

#resample dataframe with hourly frequency
df = df.resample(‘1H’, how = ‘count’)

However, I am getting the following error:
ValueError: NaN is not allowed here

I think it has something to do with the time not being formatted as a datetime object, however, I am not sure how to correct this error.


You could use the df.reset_index() or df.set_index(df.index.to_series().dt.normalize()) functions instead of df.loc[:, col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col]) and that should work.


Like this:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({“data” : [“a”, “b”, “c”], “date” : [1, 2, 3]})
df.index = pd.to_datetime(

# convert to datetime =

# adjust date to ensure sorting of hour == 0
df.index.hour = df.index.hour – df.index.hour % 1

# resample to 1H


Your error is in the line where you assign the datetime column:
df.loc[:, col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col])

You are not assigning the original column the new, datetime column, but a new column that is datetime (but still df[col]), so when you continue setting the columns that you have assigned to datetime your error arises.
To make your assignment you can do:
df.loc[:, [‘data’]] =‘ ‘).apply

What’s New in the Photoshop CC 2014?

{{\rm u}}_n\\
{{\rm u}}_n{{\rm c}}_n
{{\rm u}}_n\\
{{\rm u}}_n(\frac{{\rm d}}{{\rm d}r}p_n+\frac{2n+1}{r^2}{{\rm u}}_n+2{{\rm u}}_{n-1})-{{\rm u}}_n\frac{{\rm d}}{{\rm d}r}p_n\\
{{\rm u}}_n\frac{{\rm d}}{{\rm d}r}p_n
\end{split}$$ The general solution of the first equation can be represented as $${{\rm u}}_n=A_n r^n+B_n r^{ -n}$$ with constants $A_n, B_n$. Now the second equation can be integrated from $r=R$ to the boundary $r=1$ with respect to the variable $r$. It will be

\end{split}$$ The unique non-trivial solution of this equation is $$\begin{split}
\phi_n&=\sqrt{r}[A_n r^{ -n-1}+B_n r^{n+1}]\sum_{l=0}^{\infty}(-1)^l\frac{a_l(n)}{r^{l+1}(2n+1)}.
\end{split}$$ In a similar way the general solution of the equation ${\rm d}\phi_n/{\rm d}r=0$

System Requirements:

* Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit), Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or later
* Minimum of 1 GB of free RAM
* Approximately 1 GB of available hard drive space
* Internet connection
* Sound card
* USB keyboard and mouse required
* 12″ or larger screen is recommended
Hundred Suns is a space strategy game by Iffy Games. In this game you play as a commander in a group of 50 spaceship pilots in an attempt to rule the galaxy. The game