[PDF] Trading Nifty Futures For A Living: By ‘Chartless Trader’ (Vol Book 1)


[PDF] Trading Nifty Futures For A Living: By ‘Chartless Trader’ (Vol Book 1)

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Cuomo’s Cyber Security Is a Losing Battle Two months ago, I was stunned to see headlines. If you would like to read my full review of how to trade the £25 .Helmets are made for cyclists and drivers, but what if you happen to be a bit of both?

This Barcelona-based company wants you to combine your cycling with driving and they have a bike that’s just about perfect for that.

Its F2R design allows you to easily mount a bike in a car without worrying about being stuck with one bike or the other.

It also means you can drive on streets in towns and cities and when out and about on the backroads with your bike, it becomes a sort of sidecar.

The company, driven by tech entrepreneur Aurélien Hamon, based in Barcelona, made headlines this summer when it introduced F2R, the first product of its kind.

But the company’s founder isn’t afraid to try something new or look at ways of improving on existing designs.

He told BBC News: “We’re not trying to sell this as a bike for everybody that might want to combine cycling with driving.

“We thought about all the people that like to ride, like to try this driving-cycling. Some like it a lot, others do it every now and then, the idea is to make it practical for everybody.”

He adds: “This is a first concept for us, it’s not the same design as the F1 and F2 models of the previous years.”

image caption The F2R is not the bike you would buy a car with

This is different to the former F1 and F2 models, which were more like a car conversion.

The F2R is a two-seater electric moped.

The idea is for it to go on a battery, which you charge using a home connector that has a quick charging option.

There is a centre console and there are three modes: cycling, electric only, and hybrid.

“We put a lot of effort in designing the interior of the car so you don’t feel trapped in the vehicle,” said Mr Hamon.

“The dashboard is kept at a distance from you, so you don’t feel like you’re inside the car.”

You can push the button to activate pedalling or just push it to start the bike.

