PATCHED Rosetta Stone TOTALe Fix



PATCHED Rosetta Stone TOTALe

i’ve been using rosetta stone since i first purchased it for the price i was paying then and i have never been disappointed. even if i have been so busy with work, family, etc that i haven’t had time to use it, i will start using it again when i do have the time. the only things i have not liked about it are the fact that it doesn’t allow you to choose the level you want to use and when you complete it, it shows you only your score, and not the level of the test. i actually think you would have a better idea of what you know if you could see what level you were on and i think i would have been slightly less frustrated if i had been able to see what level i was on at the end of the lesson.

i’ve used rosetta stone for a few months now and it has been great! i get the same amount of practice as if i took a class, but it’s all done on my own time, with no class room or teacher. it’s a great way to practice as well, because it’s very interactive and allows you to do drills with other students, giving you feedback on how you’re doing and correcting your mistakes. i just started to use rosetta stone this month, so i haven’t had enough time to really give it a good review. in terms of the different types of lessons, i like them all, except the listening and reading drills. i think they’re great for starting out, but if you’re in the middle of a lesson, it would be nice to get a little more input than just “read the book”.

i have been using rosetta stone for over one year now. i started as a course-mate of a friend from university. because i am a slow learner, he told me to try rosetta stone. i downloaded and became interested. it’s a bit expensive, but it’s a great tool to learn the basics of a language. i like that you can choose the level of the program, and the variety of the lessons is huge. the thing that i like the least is the fact that you cannot share your results with other students. i’m not sure how that works, but i think that other students could get the motivation from what you have done and how they could improve their skills too. it’s a great tool and helps to learn new things.

if you buy the cd or downloadable version, you own it for life. only if they keep supporting the cds!!!i bought the cds many years ago and had them on my mac. my mac crashed and i have a new macbook air. when i emailed support on rosetta stone, they sent this reply:in order to provide the most up-to-date and effective language-learning solutions, we are recommending all learners switch to our online platforms as we no longer support cd-rom and digital download programs. these were built on technology that is not compatible with the latest operating systems. would you like to check out our online experience rosetta stone online has all of the benefits of our traditional program, along with exclusive new features and mobility to take it on the go!
i have learned many many practical phrases and went to china after one years of rs and finished only level 2 at that time (i study several times a week), with a chinese speaking tour group to sight see for 10 days, but couldn’t read much. now, 2 1/2 years later, i’m going back for a month to study mandarin in a private school, 6 hours a day of private lessons and living with a family. i’ve used rosetta stone for speaking, and books and skitter for characters. i think it’s an amazing program. i reviewed the russian level 3, as i speak russian as well, and was impressed with it. my once a week rs teacher often goes off script and we can have conversational chinese. i’ve had her for years but she’ll only do this if i’m the only one in the class, which is most of the time. i’m very confident in my speaking ability, and consider myself an early intermediate (maybe hsk 3 or 4 (but i’m not too familiar with that system).