Padi Open Water Diver Manual Pdf Free VERIFIED Download 18


Padi Open Water Diver Manual Pdf Free Download 18

a. When underwater, the path a diver is following must be level and straight. Waves can distort the diver’s line of sight and also affect the sound of the diver. When the diver is following a straight path, it prevents him or her from getting cut off by a huge wave. If the diver is following a zig-zag path, he or she can get separated from the group.

b. When being lead by a buddy, the diver should be sure to follow the lead. This is because he or she can always rely on the buddy for direction and protection. This is also very important because if the diver has an emergency or equipment failure, the buddy can save him or her by rescuing him or her if the diver is in trouble.

c. The diver should be able to use his or her air-filled lungs to propel him or herself forward in the water. This is made possible because the diver can expend more energy (reserve) in the form of air for the task of propelling him or herself forward in the water.

d. Some divers carry an air hose with them for the purpose of respiration. The hose is meant for use while the diver is stationary. If the diver needs to move quickly, then the hose will not be of any use to him or her.


The PADI Open Water Diver Manual is more an outline of the theory, and contains a summary of skills that you will need to know before you can successfully complete the 3 major parts of the course. The PADI Open Water Diver Manual covers the majority of the theory part of the course, and here is what you will learn:

Hi there! Im Mary, and I have been a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor and Master Scuba Diving Trainer for over 10 years. This means I have collected a fair amount of experience in teaching and examining Open Water Diver courses, and I want to share some tips with you.

If you have a certification, an Open Water Diver Manual is the first tool you should carry with you to help you complete your open water diver course, review the dive procedures that applied to the dives you took, and study the details of all procedures that apply. Through no fault of your own, most of the gear youll need to complete the course has been damaged. PADI has made the Open Water Diver Manual available to help you complete the course.
You will have your own PADI Open Water Diver Manual in two versions, in English (v1.3). The English (v1.3) version is intended for use with the open water course. In this version, all the procedures for the open water course are referenced, and the information is displayed in a manner easy to digest. This version has been created to allow students to quickly review and understand open water procedures. This version is not intended for detailed review, and may not contain all the information necessary to keep current with open water procedures.
You can request a soft copy of the English (v1.3) version from PADI at . If you are taking the course as a second diver, you should request the soft copy. For both, the Padi Open Water Diver Manual is available in paperback format as well, shown on the left .
PADI has made the Open Water Diver Manual available to help you complete the course, and does not recommend carrying a PADI Open Water Diver Manual. Divers should have a copy of the PADI Open Water Diver Manual available to refer to during their training. In the event that you have an accident, lost your manual, or are missing your manual, you may make a copy of your PADI Open Water Diver Manual available to another diver to help complete the course. Once you have completed the open water course and obtained your PADI certification, you are encouraged to make a copy of your PADI Open Water Diver Manual available to other divers.