The SDK comes with a library file containing components that users can use in developing applications. Components are listed in “Syntax_Editor.dpr” form.
Another SDK component is a demo application that can be used to test the components.

CPlusPlusWeb is a complete programming solution for web application development in C++. It contains a C++ compiler and a C++ interpreter and can be used for both the frontend and the backend of a web application. The C++ compiler provides a class-based programming language with an object-oriented programming interface. The C++ interpreter is a complete online web-based programming environment for C++ application development. It contains a text editor, a debugger, a debugger API, a file manager, an editor interface for source code, a history and a debugger, a small but complete set of classes for server-side programming, a file system API, and a HTTP-REST API and additional classes for database access, file and database access, and additional libraries.

The OpenCine is a C++/CLI programming tool to develop applications for cameras, projectors and other devices that use the Cinema DNG D-Control protocol. It is intended to be used for building devices that support D-Control as well as to develop applications that use D-Control or communicate with D-Control.

The Goal of the OpenCine project is to create a fully Open Source C/C++ based Cine D-Control protocol library and development framework for application development and hardware devices development.
The OpenCine project is for the Cine D-Control protocol and not a library for communicating with Cine D-Control devices.

Visual C++ Team is the official Microsoft development partner for OpenCine. They provide the development services for our library and framework.

To read more about the OpenCine project you can see our presentation on the Microsoft Virtual Conference 2010.

The Goal of the MyPluginC++ project is to provide a simple yet efficient plug-in architecture for C++ application development. The library and its API are designed to encapsulate the plug-in architecture and make it more transparent and easier to use.
The plugin library consists of a set of header and source files, libraries, and a dll. The C++ API exposes the plugin objects through typed interfaces and also provide wrappers for various C++ functions and classes. Using these interfaces, developers can access the features of the plug-in from other application programming interfaces eea19f52d2

Z Planner Agenda is a project management tool. Users can create their own agendas and manage them with ease.
Z Planner Agenda Features:
Basic: Basic tasks can be set up with basic information. Advanced: Users can add more details and set up more complex tasks. This planner is ideal for a business which is working on its own schedule.
With this project management software you can set the following agendas:
Meetings – Scheduled meetings on a day-by-day basis
To-Do Lists – Planning for to-do list activities
Reminders – Reminders set to remind you of tasks.
It also has a calendar with reminder features and automatic synchronization with Google Calendar.
This is a great planning software to complete challenging projects. It’s great for teaching fundamentals of project management and workflow.
Z Planner Agenda is available on Google Play and on Amazon.Q:

Cannot find start command in open instance

I have one open instance and its configuration is:
Custom HTTP Server 1.0 :8089
In the instance, I am running two shells, I want to copy one file from shell1 to shell2. But I can’t find start command in the instance.
How can I start the command inside the instance?


Based on your tags, I am guessing you are using Ec2-like AMIs.
Amazon has an instruction on how to get around that here:
You just need to add something like this to your /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
Match User ec2-user
ChrootDirectory %h
AllowAgentForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp

Then restart the sshd service.

WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 09: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, poses for a portrait in the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill March 9, 2014 in Washington, DC. Today, Ms. Warren released a plan to hold financial institutions accountable for their conduct, proposing new legislation to break up large Wall Street banks and forcing them to pay for their wrongdoing. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., discussed on Tuesday the new legislation she will introduce that will force financial institutions to pay for their past and future