Maintaining a smoothly running database environment involves running constant check-ups for its integrity and security. The common practice is to perform auditing assessments, which in turn yield reports which can provide insight into the status and functionality of the database.
Omega DB Security Reporter is a software package that was developed precisely for providing users with the means to perform a thorough assessment for their Oracle database environments. Deployed as an auditing package, it implements several main features, some of which include quick reporting, viewing and documenting of the security details, as well as assessing the overall security.
The assessment process will yield detailed, integrated, and even classified evaluation content for your Oracle database, which can, in turn, increase efficiency and save any security personnel from manually overseeing such complex tasks.
The auditing process will treat all database aspects, providing focus and emphasis also on privileges (system, object, role) and statements. The password resources assigned to each database user credential set will also be addressed in the evaluation process.
Since the application will access the Oracle database in a “read-only” mode, it means that through this agent-free protocol, semi-automatic processing is attained. Furthermore, the assessment and reporting of the security posture for the database are performed beyond classic, browsing methods.










Omega DB Security Reporter Crack+ Download (2022)

• Perform basic assessment and reporting of Oracle database security posture
• Quick and easy access to auditing data
• System-wide audit for DB security, including system objects, statements, grants, and DB users
• Quick and easy access to auditing data
• Content-rated security reports, including alerts, bulletins, and advisories
• One-stop, automated auditing solution for Oracle security databases
• Offers easy, rapid collection of data and analysis for Oracle security posture
• DB audit for:
– DB owners
– SQL users
– SQL applications
– SQL statements
– DB grants
– DB privileges
– DB users
• Seamless integration with other security products
• System-wide audit for DB security, including system objects, statements, grants, and DB users
• Supports one-step input of all audit data to ensure accurate data entry, while still offering time-saving reporting capabilities
• Quick and easy access to auditing data
• Content-rated security reports, including alerts, bulletins, and advisories
• One-stop, automated auditing solution for Oracle security databases
• DB audit for:
– DB owners
– SQL users
– SQL applications
– SQL statements
– DB grants
– DB privileges
– DB users
System Requirements:
• Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/8/8.1/10
• Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (
• Oracle Security Database 12c (ODP.ORA)
• Java 7 or higher
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome or Safari
• Eclipse with required plugins
• Chrome browser with required plugins
• ODAC 11.1
• Notebook and/or a standard Laptop
• Internet Connection
• Support For USB Modems
• Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher
• Microsoft Office 2010 or higher
• Microsoft Access 2010 or higher
• MS SQL Server 2008 or higher
• MS Access 2000 or higher
• MS Word 2003 or higher
• MS PowerPoint 2003 or higher
• MS PowerPoint 2007 or higher
• MS PowerPoint 2010 or higher
• MS Word 2010 or higher
• Microsoft Access 2010 or higher
• MS Access 2000 or higher
• MS SQL Server 2008 or higher
• MS Access 2000 or higher
• MS Excel 2003 or higher
• MS Excel 2010 or higher
• MS PowerPoint 2003 or higher
• MS PowerPoint 2007 or higher
• MS PowerPoint 2010 or higher

Omega DB Security Reporter Registration Code Free [Updated] 2022

When implemented in the database, it will act as an agent that will perform monitoring and recording of authentication and authorization activity. It can then be used to run an automatic assessment process for your Oracle database, assessing its security and provision for auditing requirements. This will include, amongst others, reporting on the privilege and user access rights for all database objects, reports on the passwords used, as well as securing of user accounts and controls, and all privileges for the object.SAN FRANCISCO — Alcatraz Island inmate Joshua Cruz is using art to cope with everything from the odor of other inmates to the isolation of the prison.

The 28-year-old artist, who is serving a life sentence, said some days he will work in a 7-by-7 foot space in the notorious maximum security wing, writing and painting with nothing but a pencil and canvas.

“It’s a little ironic,” Cruz said. “On one hand, there’s a ton of people who are living on the island, and we’re all isolated. But we’re also in such a space, and we can be a tribe in that space.”

Like many artists and creative thinkers, Cruz was not able to grow up surrounded by much of the artistic influence of his life. He learned to paint from his girlfriend, Laura Ferre, who would help him during a three-year stretch he spent in San Francisco’s Metropolitan Detention Center.

After that experience, Cruz, who is Hispanic, decided to make art a part of his life, and eventually he was hired as an inmate arts coordinator at San Quentin State Prison, where he learned how to paint and draw. He spent the next five years on San Quentin’s main yard, teaching art to inmates and mentoring them to learn how to draw.

In San Francisco’s maximum security Green Haven Correctional Facility, Cruz has found the same sort of environment. Inmates work on their art in the morning, and then go out and start their day.

For Cruz, it’s become a way of coping.

“Here, it’s not so much about the isolation, but the way we’re all forced to kind of find ways of overcoming the totality of the situation, or the totality of what we’re enduring,” Cruz said.

For Cruz, art is another way of dealing with the difficulties of prison.

“I don’t feel like I’m a human in prison,” he said. “There are human qualities to what I do, but I

Omega DB Security Reporter Crack + With License Key 2022

Omega DB Security Reporter is a software package that was developed precisely for providing users with the means to perform a thorough assessment for their Oracle database environments. Deployed as an auditing package, it implements several main features, some of which include quick reporting, viewing and documenting of the security details, as well as assessing the overall security.

Omega DB Security Reporter Overview

When a user is looking to upgrade from an earlier version to the latest Oracle database release, there is a need for validating the data stored on the DBMS. When the user goes ahead to test the upgraded version, the validation occurs only after this process of upgrading is done successfully. That way, the upgraded database is in a functioning state before it is tested. However, it is always better to go ahead and test the database before you upgrade. That is why, the developers of the latest version of Omega DB Security Reporter are making sure that it is compatible with any other version of the Oracle database.

The Omega DB Security Reporter package is designed to help users to test the upgraded Oracle database. When an upgraded Oracle database is tested, it is important to verify the data that is being stored within the tables. This process involves checking the security of the data stored in the tables of the Oracle database. In other words, the upgraded version of the Oracle database is validated before it is released.

The benefits of the Omega DB Security Reporter package include:

• Quick reporting – using the Omega DB Security Reporter package, a user can generate the reports quickly, within the specified timeframe.

• Viewing and documenting of the security details – using the Omega DB Security Reporter, the users can view and document the security details.

• Assessing the overall security – the Omega DB Security Reporter package is designed to assess the overall security.

• Viewing the passwords associated with the database user credentials – using the Omega DB Security Reporter, the user can view the passwords associated with the database user credentials.

• Assessing the password resources assigned to the database user credentials – using the Omega DB Security Reporter, the user can assess the password resources assigned to the database user credentials.

• Viewing the user roles assigned to the database user credentials – using the Omega DB Security Reporter, the user can view the roles that are assigned to the database user credentials.

• Checking privileges (system, object, role) – using the Omega DB Security Reporter, the user can check the privileges that are assigned to the database user credentials.

What’s New In Omega DB Security Reporter?



Shobhit Das





Omega DB Security Reporter® will provide users with an unmatched solution for the comprehensive assessment of Oracle database security. This software package assists users in running reports on the security of their Oracle database environments, providing a wealth of information, including threat evaluation, audit tracking, and report consolidation.  The package is developed as an extension of the existing Omega DB tool, which was first released in 2013, and is compatible with the Oracle database.  It should be noted that this agent-free package is designed to run within the database, thus, bypassing the need for any agent installations.
With Omega DB Security Reporter, users can evaluate the security status of their Oracle database, determine whether the most recent changes have been made, and identify potential threats. The data processed by this application can be viewed in the user-friendly reports format, which will show pertinent information and highlight the areas of interest for better user-focused analysis. The ability to consolidate and process data in several formats will also be utilized in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the security and its impact.








Installing the Software

Oracle recommends that the software be installed in accordance with the Oracle Universal Installer.

User’s Guide

1. Download and Install the Omega DB Security Reporter Agent (

Omega DB Security Reporter Agent ( is a ZIP-archive of the Omega DB Security Reporter (ODSR) application.

The zip-file contains a single installer. The installer packages all the necessary application files together, and provides the means for the user to execute the package.

2. Install Omega DB Security Reporter Agent (

If your system has a firewall that allows connections to port TCP 25 (Oracle Net Configuration Utility), then you can open the zip-file, click on the Readme.txt file inside the zip-file, and then follow the instructions.

If your system is running as an administrator, you can execute the zip-file directly from a command prompt. To do so, type the following command at the command prompt:

cd "C:\"


System Requirements For Omega DB Security Reporter:

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