NetLink Crack Download [32|64bit] 2022

NetLink is an instant messaging program that can connect users to the same LAN. Users can chat, talk or play games in groups and private. Group users can also initiate long conversations with emoticons. All users can set and receive audio or video via AVI, JPG, GIF, MP3 or WAV files. You can also use NetLink to use hotmail or other web servers
* Winsock 2.5 (tested under NT4)
*.NET 2.0 (tested under XP, vista and 7)
* NetLink Client –
$25 (with free 30 days trial of NetLink)
0.95 MB
MacMall Quick Specs
* NetLink Description:
* NetLink is an instant messaging program that can connect users to the same LAN. Users can chat, talk or play games in groups and private. Group users can also initiate long conversations with emoticons. All users can set and receive audio or video via AVI, JPG, GIF, MP3 or WAV files. You can also use NetLink to use hotmail or other web servers
* Winsock 2.5 (tested under NT4)
*.NET 2.0 (tested under XP, vista and 7)
* NetLink Client –
$25 (with free 30 days trial of NetLink)
0.95 MB
MacMall Quick Specs
* NetLink Description:
* NetLink is an instant messaging program that can connect users to the same LAN. Users can chat, talk or play games in groups and private. Group users can also initiate long conversations with emoticons. All users can set and receive audio or video via AVI, JPG, GIF, MP3 or WAV files. You can also use NetLink to use hotmail or other web servers
* Winsock 2.5 (tested under NT4)
*.NET 2.0 (tested under XP, vista and 7)
* NetLink Client –
$25 (with free 30 days trial of NetLink)
0.95 MB
MacMall Quick Specs
* NetLink Description:
* NetLink is an instant messaging program that can connect users to the same LAN. Users can chat, talk or play games in groups and private. Group users can also initiate long conversations with emoticons. All users can set and receive

NetLink Crack X64


“NetLink Cracked 2022 Latest Version is an instant messenger which will allow you to communicate with other users connected across the same LAN, similar to WinPopup and Netsend but more powerful and flexible.

Here are some key features of “NetLink For Windows 10 Crack”:

Quick and easy install:

NetLink is pretty easy to install, now you have a GUI the installation is no longer mandatory

Friendly interface (XP styled):

While the basic functions do look similar to the others the interface looks entirely different due to ease of use (XP styled)

Message history:

This function is very useful if you are sending files between users. Since NetLink’s multisend mode allows you to send files to a group of other users for them to download them, you can keep track of who has what and who is still downloading from a previous sent file.

Multisend mode:

“Netlink” allows the transfer of multiples files in one go. This is particularly useful for users with slow internet connection or for those who want to share large files for free.


NetLink uses ‘Autoanswer’ to reply to messages sent to it. If someone sends you a message Netlink will reply to it if a program is not running.

Multilingual interface (2 languages now):

The interface has been translated to Spanish and English.

Hot keys on all functions:

When you need to send a file or something else simply press the hotkey on the menu instead of using the mouse to move the screen around.

“NetLink is an instant messenger which will allow you to communicate with other users connected across the same LAN, similar to WinPopup and Netsend but more powerful and flexible.
Here are some key features of “NetLink”:

Quick and easy install:

NetLink is pretty easy to install, now you have a GUI the installation is no longer mandatory

Friendly interface (XP styled):

While the basic functions do look similar to the others the interface looks entirely different due to ease of use (XP styled)

Message history:

This function is very useful if you are sending files between users. Since NetLink’s multisend mode allows you to send files to a group of other users for them to download them, you can keep track of who has what and who is still downloading from a previous sent file.

Multisend mode:


NetLink Crack+

– Can connect to multiple users (on the same LAN)
– Can send messages to multiple recipients
– Can receive automatic answers (via autoanswer)
– Can do multiple file send from within same conversation (ie 1) send to “Bob” and another 1 to “Jane”
*Note: This program requires the NetPopup v3.0 patch to work correctly.
NetLink can be downloaded at the following link:

Can be downloaded free.
* Note: There is an add-on for NetLink that allows you to change the look of the interface. Note that you will need to install SPB before you can install the add-on.

Winpopup v3.0
Winpopup v3.0 is an instant messenger designed to be an all-in-one replacement for NetPopup. Winpopup was made to be as friendly as NetPopup, and to have features that were never added to NetPopup, such as Pager Up. Winpopup also has a great reputation of being very reliable when used together with the SPB Portable Edition.
Here are some of the main features of Winpopup:
– Supports multiple friends
– File send
– SmartListing mode
– Pager Up mode
– Multisend mode
– WinPopup’s unique LookAndFeel
– Can connect to multiple users (on the same LAN)
– Supports multiple users
– Can send files to multiple users
– Hotkeys and customizable interface
– Supports multiple instances of the program
– AutoAnswer
– Customizable interface
– Easy installation
– Can be downloaded free
* Note: There is an add-on for Winpopup that allows you to change the look of the interface. Note that you will need to install SPB before you can install the add-on.

[Outlook Express OE Link Add-on](
This Add-on will allow you to connect to your inbox directly within Outlook Express.
* Note:
This add-on is very easy to install and doesn’t need any configuration.
This add-on has a bunch of Hotkeys, as well as customizable interface, so you don’t have to look for them all on your own.

How to Install NetLink

1.Download NetLink at

What’s New In NetLink?

■ Allows you to create separate “Talk rooms” or Private chat rooms, messages can be sent to multiple users or only one, there are icons next to each chat room to quickly access the chat room or to close it.
■ Messages can be sent via IM, Netsend, WinPopup, or by Web-based chat, in the same way, messages can be sent “Instant message”, “Netsend”, “Winpopup” or “Web-based” only.
■ Autoanswer a custom function, you can define the “sound file” you want for a specific message, the sound files are common, such as notepad, speaker, analog, dial-up, etc, you can also define a specific sound for each chat room.
The message is sent automatically to the chat room you selected, in fact you do not have to specify the name of the chat room. In addition to the sound file, it is also possible to define a message ID that can be specified in your message, and only the user with that ID will be able to read your message.
■ Multi-user mode (similar to multisend)
■ Multi-language (2 languages now)
■ Create public or private chat room
■ Enhanced HTML/JavaScript support
Many more features are on the way, all available via a simple config file, please go to the download page for more details
“NetLink installation”:



System Requirements:

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Phaser Lockdown (PC, PS4)
Known Issues:
Phaser Lockdown will not currently work on Xbox One, Xbox or PS3.
This is a system limitation that is beyond our control.
If you are experiencing any issues on console, we’d recommend contacting customer support