Muse, otherwise known as Measurement Uncertainty Simulation and Evaluation, is a tool specially created to help develop a simulation system.
You can use the Java-based Muse utility to build a system that is able to calculate the measurement uncertainty corresponding to the ‘Guide To The Expression Of Uncertainty In Measurement’.







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– Is the simulation of the measurement uncertainty of the process.
– An operator selects the levels of measurement uncertainty that he/she wants to evaluate using the different input buttons: measurement procedure, process, signal, device, uncertainty evaluation technique.
– In the measurement procedure, the uncertainty analysis can be conducted both on the technique and on the uncertainty distribution.
– In the process, the analysis can be carried out on the accuracy of the process, the process time, the measured items, and the measured outputs.
– In the signal, it is possible to define the signal as the input of the simulation.
– In the device, it is possible to simulate the device as the input of the simulation.
– In the uncertainty evaluation technique, the method for obtaining the measurement uncertainty can be:
– Bias uncertainty evaluation technique: single or multi-point evaluation.
– Interdependence uncertainty evaluation technique: single or multi-point evaluation.
– Analysis uncertainty evaluation technique: single or multi-point evaluation.
– No recommended uncertainty evaluation technique.
– The simulation can be carried out in three steps: simulation, measurement and uncertainty analysis.
– After the simulation, the measurement data can be displayed or output to other formats, e.g. MS Excel.
– If it is required to carry out a verification study, the simulation model and simulation data can be exported to Excel.
– If the simulation is executed as a simulation and not as a measurement, it can be exported to Excel as ‘Raw Simulation Data’.
– After the simulation is executed and the measurement data is obtained, the user can export the data to other formats (e.g. MS Excel) to carry out analysis.
– If the simulation is executed as a measurement and it is not possible to export the data to other formats, it can be exported to MS Excel as a ‘Raw Simulation Data’.
– If it is required to carry out a verification study, the model, data and analysis can be exported to Excel.
– At the end of the simulation, the user can evaluate the uncertainty of the measurement by using the ‘Guide To The Expression Of Uncertainty In Measurement’ (URL:

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All the methods and classes in the KERMC class must be used.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
You must be familiar with Java.


The exe is a tool specially created to help develop a simulation system.
You can use the Java-based exe utility to build a system that is able to calculate the kinetic energy for a problem.
KEYMACRO Description:
All the methods and classes in the KERM class must be used.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
You must be familiar with Java.


The KERMCCLASS is an utility specially created to help develop a simulation system.
You can use the Java-based KERMCCLASS utility to build a system that is able to carry out arithmetic operations with lengths in the SI system of units and that calculates the kinetic energy in the SI system of units.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
You must be familiar with Java.


The KERMCT CLASS is an utility specially created to help develop a simulation system.
You can use the Java-based KERMCT utility to build a system that is able to carry out arithmetic operations with times in the SI system of units and that calculates the kinetic energy in the SI system of units.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
You must be familiar with Java.


The MUFE utility is a tool specially created to help develop a simulation system.
You can use the Java-based MUFE utility to build a system that is able to calculate the measurement uncertainty corresponding to the Guide To The Expression Of Uncertainty In Measurement.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
You must be familiar with Java.


The SUT is a utility specially created to help develop a simulation system.
You can use the Java-based SUT utility to build a system that is able to set up the problem and that carries out the simulation.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
You must be familiar with Java.


The XEMS is a utility specially created to help develop a simulation system.
You can use the Java-based XEMS utility to build a system that is able to check the system for solutions to the problems and that carries out the simulation.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
You must be familiar with Java.


The XEMS is a utility specially created to help develop a simulation

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The Guide To The Expression Of Uncertainty In Measurement is used by scientists and engineers to specify the confidence in the results of measurements. The Guide also provides guidance on the proper methodologies to adopt when specifying the confidence of the results of measurement.
A simplified and easier approach to specification of the measurement confidence is the Guide To The Expression Of Uncertainty In Measurement, a simple and practical reference for statistical treatment of measurement results and the associated confidence intervals.
The Guide To The Expression Of Uncertainty In Measurement is also used by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in defining a standard for expressing the confidence interval in a measurement result. The Guide contains guidelines for calculating confidence intervals for measurement results and is widely used around the world.
This application is version 3.01. Using the Muse tool you can:
* Specify a confidence interval for a measurement result,
* Specify confidence interval for a set of measurement results,
* Calculate and print the range of confidence intervals for measurement results
* Calculate and print the range of confidence intervals for set of measurement results

Muse version 3.01 (Fixed: 2012-12-22)

Main features:

* Two types of confidence intervals are calculated for the measurement results:

o Normal (confidence interval for the mean of the sample)
o Asymmetrical (confidence interval for the mean of the sample)

* There are three types of confidence interval for the set of measurement results:

o Upper and lower confidence interval for a single measurement
o Confidence interval for the whole set of measurement results

* Range of confidence intervals for measurement results and for the set of measurement results are printed to console.

* Confidence intervals for measurement results can be easily updated.

* Up-to-date version is downloaded automatically from the internet, so you don’t have to worry about the updating of Muse tool.

* There is a help file which is automatically downloaded from internet for Muse tool.

* Confidence intervals can be easily modified for a measurement result or for a set of measurement results.

* Project file and its source file are generated in standard format (ProjectMaker).

* Confidence interval can be exported to other file formats (MS Excel, XML, HTML, PDF,…)

* Confidence interval can be automatically calculated by Muse tool when ‘Generate’ option is selected for all measurement results.

How to run Muse application:

What’s New In Muse?

Muse is a Java-based application program for doing simulation and evaluation of measurement
uncertainty of various parameters for the process being modeled. The program allows a user to
build a system that can calculate the measurement uncertainty corresponding to the ‘Guide To The
Expression Of Uncertainty In Measurement’. The application provides a simple graphical user
interface which requires users to enter the process model in some specific format and then produce
the data which is required to be used to calculate the uncertainty of the measured parameters.
Following the construction of the system, the uncertainty can be automatically calculated.
There are two main sections in this software:

The Calibration section is used to build the calibration model for the parameters being simulated.
For that we need to enter the measurement for a set of parameters and then see the results. This
section requires no inputs from the user.

The Uncertainty section is used to simulate a set of parameters and produce data which is
required to be used to calculate the uncertainty of the parameters. This section requires the user
inputs such as process model, uncertainty of the parameter, etc.

A system can be constructed by clicking on ‘Create Model’ in the ‘Simulation’ section.
Once the model is built, the system can be saved as ‘My MUSE’. The model can be viewed, modified
and modified again, and saved as ‘My MUSE’. The system can be run for a set of parameters
through the ‘Run’ button at the bottom. When the simulation is complete, the uncertainty can be
calculated for the parameters, and saved in a new file or in the same file which contains the
simulation data. If the file already exists, it is overwritten with the new one.

For more information, please refer to the Muse Manual which can be obtained from the Muse
home page.

Java Platforms : j2sdk1.5.0_07 or j2sdk1.4.2

Muse API : Muse

MUE Converter : Muse_Uncertainty_MUSE.jar

System Requirements For Muse:

Supported OS:
Mac OS X (10.9 and later) and Windows (Vista and later)
Minimum Mac OS X System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.9, 10.8
Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.6
Operating system:
Intel processor with at least 2GB of RAM
1.5 GHz processor or faster
GPU with