Multikey 1803

I am using Apache Commons Collections to create a MultiKeyMap that will store two keys with one corresponding value and then using MapIterator to walk through the map. The problem I’ve got is I need to break the keys returned by the MapIterator back into the individual keys rather than a single composite.

I am using Apache Commons Collections to create a MultiKeyMap that will store two keys with one corresponding value and then using MapIterator to walk through the map. The problem I’ve got is I need to break the keys returned by the MapIterator back into the individual keys.

Our contributions are two-fold: – We show how on-the-fly MPC can be achieved using a new type of encryption scheme that we call multikey FHE, which is capable of operating on inputs encrypted under multiple, unrelated keys. A ciphertext resulting from a multikey evaluation can be jointly decrypted using the secret keys of all the users involved in the computation. – We construct a multikey FHE scheme based on NTRU, a very efficient public-key encryption scheme proposed in the 1990s. It was previously not known how to make NTRU fully homomorphic even for a single party. We view the construction of (multikey) FHE from NTRU encryption as a main contribution of independent interest. Although the transformation to a fully homomorphic system deteriorates the efficiency of NTRU somewhat, we believe that this system is a leading candidate for a practical FHE scheme.

Our contributions are two-fold:- We show how on-the-fly MPC can be achieved using a new type of encryption scheme that we call multikey FHE, which is capable of operating on inputs encrypted under multiple, unrelated keys. A ciphertext resulting from a multikey evaluation can be jointly decrypted using the secret keys of all the users involved in the computation. – We construct a multikey FHE scheme based on NTRU, a very efficient public-key encryption scheme proposed in the 1990s. It was previously not known how to make NTRU fully homomorphic even for a single party. We view the construction of (multikey) FHE from NTRU encryption as a main contribution of independent interest. Although the transformation to a fully homomorphic system deteriorates the efficiency of NTRU somewhat, we believe that this system is a leading candidate for a practical FHE scheme.

Key website:
Mark Casper

Microchip Technology Ltd December 1999
To my knowledge the program is the only development tool that supports FRC, so this is the only program you can use. Download the program and install it on a computer. Make sure the plug-in version is checked during install. Open the program.
Select the scheme of your choice.
Enter your.
To get multikey files to work with FRC, you need to use the “Multikey.frc” file included in the Multikey folder (in the folder you compiled Multikey to) for the FRC loader. You will also need a non-encrypted multikey file (see below) included in the Multikey folder. The FRC loader includes a default encrypted multikey file.
“Toolbox software”
The program also includes two toolbox programs
The interface is really cute. You can select fields or a combination of fields, then choose what the field is called and how many characters it should have. The toolbox software is really cool, my favorite. I have also found that “on the fly code generation” is really useful and makes everything very cool.
You can see the toolbox dialog here.
MyDump is useful for debugging. You can tell what LCPs were used, because they are displayed in a list. You can also call it directly and it will print a dump of the state. This can be very helpful. This should be set to debugging level, but you will know if you are in a wrong state if you get the dump.
To set debugging level, double click on the file and go to the top of the file. Click on the line that says “Debug = 1”. Press enter, then click on the line that says “Debug = 0” then press enter again.
I have not used the “MyDump” tool box program that much.
The following is a list of the different types of channels with myMultikey.txt file:


