Mirrors (2008) Dual Audio By Ars.rar

We return after a month’s absence to provide audio feedback from listeners including Jim Maley, who tracks down our location in the woods and tries to destroy us, and Andy Artherton, who suggests that we start providing financial support to our Listener Feedback listeners. We also find out how Audible can be used to compensate our listeners, and why our comment section has changed.

This episode we continue to provide some audio feedback to listeners, including Mathew Doyle, who writes in to say that he likes the new design, and announces that he’s leaving the podcast. Also, we continue the topic of DRM in audio, and what it means for open source audio software like Audacity. And, we provide an audio tip and two solutions for Dennis Peters’ “Crack”, along with an email submission about a rumor we heard from last week. Check out the show notes for more information.

We continue to provide audio feedback to listeners, including Symmetricus, who writes to say that Audacity is wonderful for what it does, but he needs a mic. We also provide audio feedback in the form of a solution to Dennis Peters’ “Crack”.

This is a special episode where Tom and Larry do the local media market research. They are out and about in our town gathering more information about local media outlets, including radio stations, and what they have to say about podcasts. We also include listener feedback in the form of a question about iPod editing, along with some audio tips.

Our first live show of the new year! In this episode we continue to provide audio feedback to listeners. A lot of feedback comes in concerning Tuxmachines, the G3, and the LMDE Linux Media Center. We talk about RSS, Open SUSE, KDE, Emacs, and much more.

We return after a month’s absence to provide audio feedback from listeners including Jim Maley, who tracks down our location in the woods and tries to destroy us, and Andy Artherton, who suggests that we start providing financial support to our Listener Feedback listeners. We also find out how Audible can be used to compensate our listeners, and why our comment section has changed.
This episode we continue to provide some audio feedback to listeners, including Mathew Doyle, who writes in to say that he likes the new design, and announces that he’s leaving the podcast. Also, we continue the topic of DRM in audio, and what it means for open source audio software like Audacity. And, we provide an audio tip and two solutions for Dennis Peters’ “Crack”, along with an email submission about a rumor we heard from last week. Check out the show notes for more information.
We continue to provide audio feedback to listeners, including Symmetricus, who writes to say that Audacity is wonderful for what it does, but he needs a mic. We also provide audio feedback in the form of a solution to Dennis Peters’ “Crack”.
This is a special episode where Tom and Larry do the local media market research. They are out and about in our town gathering more information about local media outlets, including radio stations, and what they have to say about podcasts. We also include listener feedback in the form of a question about iPod editing, along with some audio tips.
Our first live show of the new year! In this episode we continue to provide audio feedback to listeners. A lot of feedback comes in concerning Tuxmachines, the G3, and the LMDE Linux Media Center. We talk about RSS, Open SUSE, KDE, Emacs, and much more.